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Starter for 5! To which prophet did God reveal which food Muslims are allowed to eat? Which angel is responsible for sending rain, thunder and lightning?

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for 5! To which prophet did God reveal which food Muslims are allowed to eat? Which angel is responsible for sending rain, thunder and lightning?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for 5! To which prophet did God reveal which food Muslims are allowed to eat? Which angel is responsible for sending rain, thunder and lightning? Name 3 of the 7 qualities of God. Give a Christian quote that could be used against terrorism. Who was sentence to death after he murdered his girlfriend’s parents?

2 Starter for 5! To which prophet did God reveal which food Muslims are allowed to eat? Adam Which angel is responsible for sending rain, thunder and lightning? Mika’il Name 3 of the 7 qualities of God. Immanent, Transcendent, Omnipotent, Beneficent, Merciful, Fairness, Justice Give a Christian quote that could be used against terrorism. E.g. Thou shall not kill, blessed are the peacemakers Who was sentence to death after he murdered his girlfriend’s parents? Shawn Ford

3 Fortune magazine declared which person the world’s greatest female leader…?
Show the website - Taylor Swift - also a video on the website if you want to show it which explains why she is the greatest leader in their eyes.. Play video. Pose the question - why is she considered a great leader? Don’t take feedback at this stage.

4 What attributes make a good leader?
Students write adjectives to describe a good leader on whiteboards. Take feedback and create mind map of ideas on board. Pose the question - which attribute is most important in a leader and why? L - R claudia ranieri (Leicester City) Malala (Campaign to educate girls) Churchill (WWII) Steve Jobs (Apple & new tech) Emmeline Pankhurst (Suffragette movement)

5 Which attribute is most important in a religious leader?
Think, pair, share. Possibel questions - what is might be different if they are leading a religion? why?

6 Muhammad and the Imamate
Learning Objective: To understand the role and significance of leadership in Islam. I can give the important events in Muhammad’s life. I can explain Muhammad’s importance to Muslims. I can understand the role and significance of the Imamate in Shi’a Islam.

7 The Story of Islam’s beginnings...
As you watch, write down key events on your whiteboard

8 Put the key events of the story in the correct order.
Story Chain Put the key events of the story in the correct order. Give 7 students a piece of the story. They have to line up in the correct order. They can ask for help from the rest of the class. The whole class must agree that they are in the right order. Challenge - ask more able students to add other pieces of story in from what they remember and slot into the story chain line.

9 Were you correct? Muhammad is born in Mekkah in approximately 570 CE. He was an orphan by the age of 6. He was brought up first by his grandfather and then his uncle, Abu Talib. He started work as a shepherd and then became a well respected and honest merchant. He married his wofe Khadijah aged 25. The Night of Power: In 610 CE Muhammad was in a cave on Mount Hira when the angel Jibril appeared to him with a message from God. The revelations from God to Muhammad were combined together to form the Qur’an, the Muslims’ most important holy book. Muhammad began preaching to the people of Mekkah. He challenged them to give up cheating, drinking alcohol, gambling and idol worship. They did not want to hear this. They began to hate Muhammad and his new followers - the Muslims. The Night Journey: Jibril took Muhammad on a miraculous journey to Jerusalem on a horse like creature with wings (al-Buraq). Muhammad ascended to heaven and spoke to prophets and saw magnificent signs of God. He was told that people should pray five times a day. Hijrah: In 622 CE, the Mekkans started to fight against Muhammad and his followers. They were forced to flee - most went to Madinah. Destructions of idols: In Madinah, Muhammad gathered an army of 10,000 Muslims. They conquered Makkah. Muhammad destroyed the 360 idols around the Kaaba. Muhammad dies: In 632 CE Muhammad dies and is buried in a simple grave in Madinah.

10 Knowledge Check What is the Night of Power?
Why is the Night of Power important to Muslims? What name is given to the departure of Muslims from Makkah to Medina? What happened on the Night Journey? Why did Muhammad destroy the idols at the Kaaba? Challenge: Does Muhammad fit your criteria of a good leader? Why/why not?

11 Muhammad and the Imamate
Learning Objective: To understand the role and significance of leadership in Islam. I can give the important events in Muhammad’s life. I can explain Muhammad’s importance to Muslims. I can understand the role and significance of the Imamate in Shi’a Islam.

12 What happened next? Muslim leadership crisis following death of Muhammad.

13 Leadership Challenge – Who Would You Vote For?
Abu Bakr Close friend of Muhammad’s He was elected leader in Medina following Muhammad’s death Father in law of Muhammad He accepted his leadership with no doubt or hesitation Led the community in prayer when Muhammad was dying. Ali ibn Abi Talib Muhammad’s cousin He was one of the first converts He had married Muhammad’s daughter They believed he was the divinely appointed successor Muhammad wanted Elected as the 4th caliph Draw out that the main difference is that Ali is believed to be divinely appointed whereas Bakr was simply elected by people. Students will already have come across this information so it is simply a recap to get them ready to move onto the concept of the imamate in Shi’a Islam. Recap that this is the cause of the divide in Islam between Shi’a and Sunnis. Who would you vote for as the rightful person to take over from Muhammad after his death and why?

14 The Imamate – Shi’a Islam
Shi’as believed that Ali was divinely appointed by God to take control and that leadership should follow the family line. The Twelver branch of Shi’a Islam believes that there has been twelve Imams in total. The last of the Imams is Muhammad al-Mahdi, who they believe has been has been kept alive by God and hidden somewhere on earth, and who will return with Jesus to bring justice and equality.

15 The Imamate – Shi’a Islam
Keyword: The Imamate The divine appointment of the Imams. The Imams rule justly They are able to interpret the Qur’an and Shariah law without fault They are there to guide people so are important as people need to know how to live correctly They are divinely appointed authority on all matters of faith and law What is the importance and significance of the Imamate for Shi’a Muslims?

16 Most Wanted Create a wanted poster for the twelfth Imam in Shi’a Islam. In the poster you need to describe the role and qualities of the imamate in Shi’a Islam e.g. divinely appointed. You need also include what will happen when the twelfth imam is found. Be mindful here of images in Islam.

17 Muhammad and the Imamate
Learning Objective: To understand the role and significance of leadership in Islam. I can give the important events in Muhammad’s life. I can explain Muhammad’s importance to Muslims. I can understand the role and significance of the Imamate in Shi’a Islam.

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