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Today Preview of Fieldnotes 2 (due 11/17) Peer review of Fieldnotes1

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1 Today Preview of Fieldnotes 2 (due 11/17) Peer review of Fieldnotes1
Create ethnography presentation groups Overview of past units moving into Unit 4 Go over your feedback on the class Communication in Practice Quiz Discussion of Carbaugh Key terms in Goffman and group/writing activities Recap Preview Eckert and Bucholtz

2 Collaborative Ethnography Presentation
11/17 Ethnography Proposal Fieldnotes 2 Recording, timestamp in the filename or transcript Signed release form Jottings (typed or handwritten and scanned) Transcription (3-5 min.) Fieldnotes (use quotes from transcription & cite source) 1 paragraph comparison with Fieldnotes 1 All uploaded to Assignments on Oncourse Fieldnotes 1 I will grade these over Spring Break and send them to you as I finish them. (We should be all caught up on grading when we get back.) Final Ethnography Proposal Fieldnotes 1 packet Fieldnotes 2 packet 5-7 page ethnography (new, using evidence, citing sources) All uploaded into Assignments on Oncourse Peer’s Final Ethnography Peer’s Final Ethnography Collaborative Ethnography Presentation A common thesis framed by theory and supported with evidence drawn from several final ethnographies.

3 Final Ethnography Groups
Just as we look for patterns in our own fieldwork to make generalizations about identity, power, and values, you’ll look for patterns across your projects to present to the class in your ethnography groups. Final Ethnography Groups

4 Write/share Plan a 1 minute description of:
Your Fieldnotes 1 setting, participants, and the patterns/social business you observed Very briefly your plans for Fieldnotes 2 Listen carefully to these descriptions. Take notes on who might be doing something compatible with your own project. Mill around and find a tentative group!

5 Peer review Fieldnotes 1
Give a 5 min sesh of peer review to the paper you were assigned Focus on this one thing: What’s the social business? How does your evidence show it? GRADE your colleague’s paper. Discuss with class. Return to instructor.

6 Moving Into Unit 4 In other words, the readings are
about to get a little easier

7 Student feedback Likes: Suggestions: In-class discussion of readings
Expert/small groups Media examples Summary & preview at the end of PowerPoints Suggestions: More hands-on activities Explaining the terms more Review past readings more frequently Extra credit (beyond my powers)

8 Communication in Practice Quiz
Books away, take out paper, write name. You know the drill.

9 Communication in Practice Quiz
What is a speech community? What are some speech communities to which you belong? Name at least three. Give one example of a focused gathering.

10 Carbaugh, “Ethnography of Communication”
Page 245 Carbaugh, “Ethnography of Communication”

11 Some Key Terms Communication event Communication act
A social event, constrained by rules and norms, which has parts that happen in a particular order including a beginning and end Communication act Any individual act of communication, different than “speech act” from Wilce Communication situation Specific settings and scenes for communication

12 Speech Communities Speech community:
“A group of people who share rules for using and interpreting at least one communication practice” Give me an example of slang Who uses that slang? What speech communities are you in? What communication practices are specific to that community?

13 Erving Goffman: “Encounters”
Goffman gives us some terms that help us talk about groups of people and their activities: Erving Goffman: “Encounters”

14 Social Group A type of social organization made up of individuals who recognize themselves as members who belong and identify with the organization, receiving moral support from the other members and sustaining a sense of hostility toward outsiders.

15 Small Group Small group: A social group distinguished by its size, members knowing one another well, general agreement on values, and informality of roles.

16 Unfocused interaction
Interpersonal communications that occur just because two or more people are in the same space. Example: strangers checking each other out.

17 Focused Gathering When people effectively agree to focus on the same activity for a time, as in a game or conversation. Applies to most activities Playing a game Any kind of meeting Having a conversation or hanging out

18 Groups and gatherings are different:
Groups vs. Gatherings Groups and gatherings are different: A group still exists when they are not together A gathering can be attended by total strangers

19 Write - Pair - Share Individually, write a list of three focused gatherings you have been to List at least three small groups that you have been in In pairs, discuss some of the differences between the types of communication in these gatherings and groups. What kind of language is common in each one? Without knowing ahead of time, how might someone (either an insider or an outsider) be able to tell that you’re part of the group?

20 Recap Stay in touch with your ethnography group as you work; help each other see patterns and figure out social business Speech communities share communication practices Social groups (large and small) give people support and identity Incidental communications are unfocused; planned gatherings involve focused communication Ethnography helps us understand different communities/groups through their communication practices

21 For Wednesday Eckert “Symbols of Category Membership” Terms to learn: category symbols, symbolic opposition Pay attention to how power and value are related to category symbols. How are these connections constructed? Try to extend the article to think about how it applies to language Bucholtz “Word Up: Social Meanings of Slang” Terms to learn: language ideology What does it mean for slang to be a linguistic resource? What is the social business of slang in this article? What happens when a particular slang term is used by different groups? Think about your own uses of category symbols and slang your social business in using them

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