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Korean and Vietnam Wars

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1 Korean and Vietnam Wars
Mr. Hardy RMS IB Middle School

2 READ & LEARN Read pages and pages in the History Alive textbook. After reading, carefully examine the map on page 401 and answer the following questions. Based on what you have read, explain the term, “proxy war.” Do not look up the meaning. Do you see a pattern in the places cold war conflicts took place? Defend the argument, that the cold war was in reality a hot war. Be sure to fully explain your answer with details and examples!

3 Korean War Japan controlled the territory throughout World War II- after their defeat Soviet Union controlled Northern areas USA under UN controlled Southern Areas 1950 North Korean troops entered South Korea (with Soviet Union’s help) UN Troops fought back all the way to the Chinese border. China entered the war and pushed the UN troops back 1953- cease fire signed creating the DMZ- demilitarized zone

4 UN Forces in Korea In addition to approximately 600,000 Republic of South Korean (ROK) troops involved, the UN sent approximately 350,000 troops to South Korea. The United States provided about 300,000 of the U.N. troops, with the balance coming from the U.K., The Philippines, Thailand, Canada, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Ethiopia, Greece, France, Colombia, Belgium, South Africa, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

5 New Technologies The Korean war saw for the first time, the extensive use of two new military technologies. Helicopters – Helicopters were used extensively in Korea to fly wounded soldiers out of the combat zone and to rescue air crews that had been shot down. Jet Fighters – Jet aircraft became the standard during the Korean war. For the first time U.S. and Russian built jet fighters fought each other in aerial combat in the skies above Korea.


7 Helicopters U.S. Navy rescue helicopter. U.S. Army Medivac helicopter.

8 Jet Fighter Aircraft U.S. Navy F9F Panther Russian Mig-15




12 Comparison of the Two Koreas
North Korea South Korea Once Communist based Government, now totalitarian (totally controlled by the government) Korean Worker’s Party Dicator- Kim Jong Il Economy- Run by the state Government divided into 3 branches President- 5 year term and head of the govt. Economy- “Production, Exports, and Construction!” Western Influence

13 Kim Jong Il Dictator of North Korea, 1994-2011
Under his regime, North Korea was charged with many human rights violations Starvation Public executions Slave labor Very secretive society Nuclear program against UN policies created before the Korean War Died in December Son, Kim Jong Un took over North Korea

14 USA and North Korean relations
Struggle to keep peace and communication open between the nations. North Korea continues to try to develop an ICBM program capable of delivering nuclear warheads to the U.S. and Japan. North Korea has threatened the U.S. and the U.S. is totally opposed to North Korea developing these weapons. The U.S. believes China should pressure North Korea to stop their nuclear armaments program.

15 Vietnam War Controlled by France during Imperialist Era
Known as French Indo-China 1954- peace agreement between the French and Vietnamese Created 2 countries Communist- North Vietnam Non-Communist- South Vietnam 1957- Vietnam War breaks out Battle between the 2 for control of the nations

16 French Indochina French Indochina war lasts from 1947-1954.
French lose to Communist Viet Minh.

17 Ho Chi Minh Leader of the Viet Minh
Ho Chi Minh and Võ Nguyên Giáp, the general who would eventually defeat both the French and Americans. This photo was taken during their time fighting the Japanese during World War 2. Ho Chi Minh expected President Roosevelt to support the Vietnamese war for independence, because Roosevelt had spoken out publicly against French Imperialism. U.S. support for the Viet Minh ended when Harry Truman became President after Roosevelt’s death. Supporting Vietnamese independence went against the Truman Doctrine and Containment. Ho Chi Minh was born in French Indo-China in He became active in the communist party while living in France in the 1920s. He was the first president of North Vietnam from 1945 until his death in 1969.




21 Vietnam War Cont. United States become involved in the early 1960s.
,300 U.S. military “advisors.” 1965 – 50,000 U.S. Marines enter South Vietnam 1968 – 536,000 U.S. troops in South Vietnam Why did the U.S. go to war in South Vietnam? The U.S. government felt it had a duty to protect all countries from communism. It was part of the cold war policy of containment. The U.S. government believed if one country fell to communism, so would its neighbors, one after the other. This became known as the “Domino Theory.”


23 America’s War

24 U.S. Involvement In Vietnam
U.S. involvement in Vietnam caused massive civil unrest in the United States. Not since the American Civil War, had the country been so divided. There were huge protests and riots around the country in opposition to the war and the draft and the U.S. invasion of Cambodia and the spread of the war into Laos. The draft was forced conscription in to the army.

25 Tet Offensive The Tet Offensive was one of the largest Vietnamese military operations of the war. January 30 and 31, ,000 to 85,000 Viet Cong and NVA soldiers launched well coordinated surprise attacks across all of Vietnam. The most intense fighting took place in Saigon, were the U.S. Embassy was attacked and in the provincial capital of Hue. It took over a month of deadly house to house fighting for U.S. Marines to retake Hue. The Tet Offensive is considered a major turning point in the war. For the first time it became obvious that the U.S. military and government had been lying to the public about the progress of the war. Many Americans realized for the first time, that the U.S. could actually lose the war. The Tet Offensive further convinced the majority of the American public that the war in Vietnam was a mistake.

26 Tet Offensive The Tet Offensive was named after the Lunar New Year, or Tet. The battle for Hue was the most intense urban fighting the U.S. had participated in since World War 2. The Battle of Hue city was so difficult because the Marines were outnumbered, fighting house to house in an urban environment, and had to go on the offensive against well defended enemy positions.

27 My Lai Massacre In March of 1968, U.S. Army soldiers massacred between 350 and 500 South Vietnamese civilians, including women, children, and infants. The incident became known as the My Lai Massacre. The Army tried to cover the crime up, but it became public knowledge in November of The murder of these civilians, further divided the U.S.. Some Americans thought the soldiers were heroes for killing these civilians. Others thought they were murderers and this strengthened public opinion in America, that the war in Vietnam needed to end.

28 Opposition to Vietnam War
U.S. citizens were divided on whether or not to become involved in the war. Many felt it was not “our place” to become involved. Protests against the war were common on most college and university campuses. In 1970, four students were killed by the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University. Music –OHIO by Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young.

29 Fall of Vietnam North Vietnamese tank in Saigon, now
U.S. troops began to turn the defense over to the South Vietnamese military and leave Vietnam. This process of turning over Vietnam to the Vietnamese was called Vietnamization. By 1972, there were only about 24,000 U.S. troops left in Vietnam. 1975- North Vietnam takes full control of the country. Following the Vietnam War, the entire peninsula becomes communist. The Vietnam war had ended in defeat and failure for the United States. Vietnam was a united communist country, and it had cost 58,156 U.S. deaths, and over 400,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong deaths. Approximately 587,000 Vietnamese civilians had been killed. North Vietnamese tank in Saigon, now known as Ho Chi Minh City.

30 Optional Comparison Cartoons
Each person will be assigned 1 topic to depict in their cartoon The cartoon must be composed of 3 slides that depict your assigned topic. Your cartoons must be colored Must include a caption or quote on each slide.

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