Drug Project: Nicotine

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1 Drug Project: Nicotine
By: Jon Stanley

2 Names for Nicotine Nikki Smokes Cigs Dip Chew Butts Snuff
Nicotiana tabacum 3-[(2S)-1-methylpyrrolidin-2-yl]pyridine

3 What class of drug is Nicotine?
Nicotine is classified as an alkaloid, this essentially means that it’s a type of plant that has physiological effects on the human body. The plant in which nicotine is derived from is called nightshade, more scientifically known as Solanaceae.

4 Equipment associated In reference to Nicotine, common paraphernalia include: Bongs (Hookah) Pipe E-cigs Rolling Paper

5 Legal Stance In all states it is illegal to sell tobacco and/or nicotine based products to minors. The average age requirement being 18, otherwise 19 or 21. Many states in past few decades have raised their age requirements from 15 or 16. Although most states don’t have a minimum smoking requirement.

6 Drug Administration Smoked, through all times of mentioned paraphernalia Less common put still prevalent is chewing tobacco

7 Body Effects of drug Nicotine travels through the body in the bloodstream and heads straight for the brain, arriving in 7 to 15 seconds. In the brain, nicotine boosts the “reward center,” releasing chemicals that cause a pleasant, happy feeling. Adrenaline is then released, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, and making breathing rapid and shallow. As nicotine use continues, these effects can damage your heart, arteries, and lungs, increasing the risk for heart attack, stroke, and chronic lung disease.

8 Body Effects Part 2 Nicotine in Cigarettes can cause: Bags under eyes
Psoriasis Stained Teeth Premature aging and wrinkles Stained Yellow fingers Thinning Hair

9 How can it be identified?
The amount of time nicotine remains in the body varies depending on the amount of usage and the type of nicotine delivery system used; however the average amount of time nicotine remains in the system is only about 2-11 hours after usage. Methods of detection include: Nicotine detection in blood samples Nicotine detection in urine samples Nicotine detection in saliva samples Nicotine detection in hair samples

10 Works Cited "Facts on Drugs: Nicotine." HEALTH - Facts on Drugs: Nicotine. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar "Effects of Nicotine." Effects of Nicotine - UCANQUIT2.ORG - Quit Tobacco. Quit Smoking. Quit Dipping. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar "Regulation of Tobacco by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Mar Web. 23 Mar Nordqvist, Christian. "Nicotine: Facts, Effects, Nicotine Addiction." Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, n.d. Web. 23 Mar "An Overview of Nicotine Testing for Employment | White Cloud." Electronic Cigarette Blog | White Cloud. N.p., 06 July Web. 23 Mar Nikki Video 6y0w- 3SAhVBQyYKHRekB5kQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.psu.edu%2Fstory%2F337639%2F2014%2F12 %2F09%2Fresearch%2Fe-cigarettes-less-addictive- cigarettes&psig=AFQjCNF2ButXOeJO85RYCoNi0kqIURseYQ&ust= Picture

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