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The Digestive System Structures

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1 The Digestive System Structures
Identify the basic structures of the digestive system

2 Oral Cavity lips teeth tongue hard and soft palate salivary glands

3 Teeth gathers, cuts, grinds food firmly embedded in bone
carnivores - sharper herbivores - flatter deciduous teeth - temporary teeth that are replaced by permanent ones

4 Tooth Anatomy crown - portion of a tooth above the gum line or gingiva
covered in enamel root - portion of a tooth below the gum line; anchors tooth to bone twice as long as the crown

5 Tooth Anatomy incisors - foremost teeth used to bite into food
canines - longest teeth used for tearing at food premolars - teeth used for crushing and grinding food molars - caudal most teeth used for crushing and grinding food

6 Dental Formulas Numbers represent tooth count on ONE side of the mouth
Upper # represents maxillary teeth, lower # represents mandibular teeth Letter represents type of tooth. Canines: {I3/3: C1/1: P4/4: M2/3} = 42

7 Oral Cavity, cont. Saliva - necessary digestive enzyme produced by salivary glands Tongue - skeletal muscle that aids in chewing forms a bolus to be swallowed once food is ground up

8 Esophagus layered tube that extends from the pharynx into the stomach
peristalsis - organized contractions that allow passage of material (food) sphincter - circular muscle at end of esophagus that opens to allow passage of food

9 Stomach cardia - inlet region of stomach associated with esophagus (sphincter) body - storage region fundus - storage region that allows expansion antrum - region leading into small intestine pyloris - controls flow into small intestine (sphincter)

10 Liver lies directly in front of the stomach processes nutrients
secretes bile (secretion that aids in digestion)

11 Small Intestine duodenum - first short section; associated with pancreas jejunum - long middle region ileum - terminal region of small intestine

12 Large Intestine AKA colon main function is absorption of water

13 Rectum termination of the intestinal tract
exits the body at anus (sphincter that controls defecation)

14 Additional Structures
peritoneum - smooth epithelial lining of abdomen mesentery - extension of the peritoneum; carries blood vessels and nerves to small intestine omentum - surrounds abdominal organs; also carries blood vessels

15 Monogastric Digestion

16 Oral Cavity where food enters mechanical breakdown begins
saliva starts digestion

17 Esophagus musculome mbranous tube extends from pharynx to stomach

18 Stomach chamber, adds gastric juices to food
Hydrochloric Acid break food into smaller particles

19 Small Intestine complex tube
takes food particles not absorbed by stomach duodenum, jejunum, ileum

20 Cecum blind pouch at beginning of large intestine little function

21 Large Intestine last major organ of tract
main function = absorption of water reservoir for waste

22 Rectum terminal portion opening = anus undigested food passes as waste

23 Hind-Gut Fermenters

24 guinea pigs, horses, rabbits
one stomach additional need to digest plant fiber from grass/hay microbial fermentation

25 Oral Cavity selects pieces of forage with sensitive prehensile lips
grinds up food before swallowing

26 Esophagus carries food to stomach enters stomach at acute angle
cannot vomit!!!!

27 Stomach small stomachs limits amount of food intake
continuous foraging, picking at food

28 Small Intestine major digestive organ
% all nutrients absorbed from here

29 Cecum hind-gut first part of large intestine
ferments plant fiber using microbes

30 Large Intestine similar to monogastric absorption

31 Rectum terminal portion opening = anus forms fecal balls

32 Ruminant Digestion

33 4 chambered stomach regurgitation rumination

34 Oral Cavity lips are tough long course tongues for grabbing food
chew and grind food LESS swallows course bits

35 Esophagus musculome mbranous tube carries food to stomach peristalsis

36 Stomach 4 chambers Rumen Reticulum Omasum Abomasum

37 Rumen first chamber food enters microbes for digestion fermenting vat

38 Reticulum second chamber collects indigestible particles (metals)

39 Rumination regurgitation of food for re-chewing “chewing cud”

40 Omasum third stomach chamber food enters after rumination

41 Abomasum fourth chamber True stomach gastric juices are secreted

42 Small Intestine complex tube
moves food from stomach to large intestine

43 Cecum blind pouch at beginning of large intestine
little function like monogastric s

44 Large Intestine last major organ function = absorption
reservoir for waste

45 Rectum terminal portion opening = anus removes waste
very runny stool= little wasted

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