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Today, we are going to look at two similar parables of Jesus that illustrate

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2 Today, we are going to look at two similar parables of Jesus that illustrate
the importance of faithful stewardship… and how that mindset can greatly impact our eternity.

3 A Steward’s Life (in the Parables of Jesus)
1.) The Commission of the Steward 2.) The Master Leaves 3.) The Opportunity of the Steward 4.) The Master Returns 5.) The Reward of the Steward

4 Luke 19: 12-13 12 He said: “A man of noble birth
went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return.  13 So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’”

5 A Mina was worth 3 months’ wages.
To average that out for our country, that would be like entrusting someone in America with more than $12,000! Now… let’s look at 3 of the stewards who did varying levels of work and got different responses from their Master.

6 Luke 19: 16-17 16 “The first one came and said,
‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’ 17 “‘Well done, my good servant!’  his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’”

7 Luke 19: 18-19 18 “The second came and said,
‘Sir, your mina has earned five more.’ 19 “His master answered, ‘You take charge of five cities.’ * Notice the change in tone of gratitude, as well as in the level of reward.

8 Luke 19: 20-26 The third servant came and “told a story” of how he was afraid to lose the mina; so he hid it away, not even gaining interest. The Master responds by calling that servant “wicked”, scolding him for his laziness, then giving his mina to the first one who had earned ten more.

9 If you find yourself wanting to stick up
for the third servant a bit, it’s important to remember what the Master’s “marching orders” were when he left: “Put this money to work until I return.” “Do business ‘till I come.” Hiding what he was given and playing it safe was seen as lazy and disobedient.

10 Matthew 25: 14-30 * 3 Servants are given 5, 2, and 1 “talent”
(each worth 20 years of wages) by a Master going on a journey, based on their ability. * The “5” and “2” talent stewards invest well and bring back doubled amounts… earning equal praise, but proportional rewards.

11 4 Important Insights from The Parables of the Minas & the Talents
1.) Assets entrusted to us belong to God, not us 2.) God wants us to take what He’s entrusted to us and greatly multiply it for His Kingdom 3.) Our future roles will be in direct proportion to how faithful we’ve been with our assets 4.) If we don’t invest what God has given us on Earth, we will “suffer loss” in Heaven

12 “You have been commissioned to manage an asset or Your Master
“You have been commissioned to manage an asset or Your Master. Your asset is your life: the sum of your talents, strengths, personality, and interests. Your opportunity is to manage your life in such a way that you greatly increase your Master’s Kingdom.”

13 ‘How will I steward what my Master
“Your Master has not yet returned, and every day you should ask this question: ‘How will I steward what my Master has placed in my care?’” - Bruce Wilkinson

14 “Don’t waste another day living for less.
Your commission for Jesus is as big as the world. Your opportunity is now. Serve Him faithfully on Earth and you will be wonderfully, fully, perfectly prepared to do what you will desperately crave in Heaven.” - Bruce Wilkinson

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