Insect Collection Due on September 14th, Possible Points

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1 Insect Collection Due on September 14th, 2015 200 Possible Points
Criteria 20 different insect families must be represented. A minimum of 6 different orders to be represented. Must be displayed in a case. Insect must be separated into their correct orders. Each insect must have a identification label (1 square inch).

2 Awarding of Points The total collection. (Total of 36 points)
+2 points for the each order represented with minimum orders of six orders. +3 point for each individual family with a minimum of eight families.

3 Each Individual Label (Total of 8 points for each correct label)
For each label for the insect the following information must be displayed in this order on a square inch labels (4 points, total). The insect placed in the correct order& name.+4 points The correct family identification. +4 points The collector. The location (city & state). The county. The identifier.

4 Points will be taken off of your final grade if more than three of the insects are collected & identified by someone else.

5 Tree Project 40 Different Species 200 Points, 5 points per leaf

6 Each Tree Label Includes
Scientific Name Common Region (most likely South West PA) Habitat (ex. park, yard, street, etc…) Collector (most likely you) No (1-40) Date (20 _ _

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