LESSON 50 THE CRUCIAL JUDGEMENTS MEMORY VERSE :“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”-Hebrews 9: 27. BIBLE PASSAGE:

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1 LESSON 50 THE CRUCIAL JUDGEMENTS MEMORY VERSE :“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”-Hebrews 9: 27. BIBLE PASSAGE: Revelations 20: 11–15

2 INTRODUCTION Judgment is one of the common destinies awaiting all men (Heb. 9: 27). Believers and unbelievers, the young and old, the rich and poor, will all face judgment. The judgment will not be corporate but personal. As there is more than one resurrection, there is more than one judgment. Some of the judgments the Bible speaks about include the believers’ self-judgment at the communion table (1Cor. 11: 29-31), the judgment of the believers at the judgment seat of Christ (2Cor. 5: 10), the judgment of the nations (Matt. 25: 32) and the judgment of the unsaved at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11). In this lesson, our focus is on the judgment of the believers and the judgment of the unsaved.


4 THE JUDGMENT OF THE SAINTS Believers will no longer be judged for sin, as long as they do not go back to sin. The believers’ sins, which have been repented of and forsaken, have been judged in Christ at Calvary (Rom. 8:1). However, there is a judgment the believers must go through. This is the judgment of the believers’ works for the purpose of rewards (Matt. 16: 27). • The focus of the judgment: The quality of work, the motive behind every work and the level of faithfulness (1Cor. 3:13; 2Tim. 2: 20).

5 • The candidates for the judgment: The resurrected “dead in Christ” and the living who remain in Christ when He comes at rapture (1Thess. 4: 16-17). • The place of the judgment: The judgment seat of Christ (2Cor. 5:10). • The time for the judgment: After Christ’s coming at rapture, during the Marriage supper of the Lamb (Matt. 16: 27; Rev. 19:9). • The result of the judgment: (1). Rewards and crowns for the faithful (1Cor. 3: 14; 2Tim. 4: 7-8). (2). Losses for those whose works lack the required divine quality (1Cor. 3: 15).

6 THE JUDGMENT OF THE SINNERS This is the final judgement that will climax the end of this age. Judgment of sinners is certain (Prov. 11: 21). • The candidates for the judgment: Those whose names are not in the Book of life (Rev. 20:15) These include the abominable (homosexuals, lesbians, etc.), all liars, sexually immoral, the friends of the world, idolaters, murderers, thieves etc. (Rev. 21: 8) • The place of the judgment: The great white throne. God, the impartial and all-knowing God sits on the throne (Rev. 20:11). • The time for the judgment: After the millennial (One thousand years), reign of Christ on earth (Rev. 20:5-6). • The result of judgment: Sinners shall be cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 15; Ps. 9: 17).

7 CONCLUSION Earthly judgment can be influenced and compromised, divine judgment cannot. It is judgment in righteousness and truth. The judgment of both the saints and the sinners is certain (Gal. 6: 7-8).

8 QUESTIONS Mention some people who will face the great white throne judgment. 2. Will some be judged righteous at the great white throne judgment?     

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