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Forensic Computer Techniques

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1 Forensic Computer Techniques
How to Identify Useful Data and Secure a Chain of Custody Frederick S. Lane NASDTEC/Professional Practices Institute Boise, ID 24 October 2013

2 Background and Expertise
Attorney and Author of 7 Books Computer Forensics Expert years Over 100 criminal cases Lecturer on Computer-Related Topics – 20+ years Computer user (midframes, desktops, laptops) – 35+ years 10 yrs on Burlington VT School Board

3 From VT to Brooklyn

4 Current Projects Cybertraps for Educators (2014)
Safe Student and School Employee Relationships (2014) Informational Web Sites:

5 Lecture Overview Pre-Incident Preparation Common Types of Incidents
Electronic Evidence Is Everywhere Response to Civil Litigation Response to Criminal Activity Risks for Administrators and Teachers A Quick Intro to Computer Forensics

6 Pre-Incident Preparation
Policies and Procedures District Decisions re Access, Services, Storage AUPs for Staff and Students Data Handling and Response Protocols Professional Development for Teachers and Staff Typically First Responders Potential Legal Risks Technology Is Continually Changing Student Education Critical Component of K-12 Curricula

7 Common Types of Incidents
Employment Issues Harassment/Hostile Work Environment Disciplinary Issues Student Misconduct Cyberbullying & Cyberharassment Sexting Teacher/Student Misconduct Student Attacks on Teachers Inappropriate Relationships

8 E-Evidence Is Everywhere
Inventory Possible Devices Computers (Desktops, Laptops, Servers) Mobile Devices (Phones, Tablets) Peripherals (USBs, CDs, external drives, etc.) Inventory Possible Types of Data Communication ( , IMs, Texts, etc.) Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Web Activity (URLs, cookies, bookmarks, etc.) Network Logs and Access Data Cloud Storage (Dropbox, Flickr, Boxy, etc.) Deleted Data

9 Whose Data Is It Anyway? Where Did the Incident Occur?
On-Campus vs. Off-Campus Zone of District Responsibility Is Growing Who Owns and Uses the Device? Misconduct Using School-Owned Equipment Misconduct Using Privately-Owned Equipment Who Runs the Service? Evidence Hosted by District Evidence Created by Teachers/Students Evidence Hosted by 3rd Parties

10 Response to Civil Litigation
Preservation of Potentially Relevant Evidence Adherence to Established Policies for Handling Data Notice of Litigation or Reasonable Anticipation of Litigation Discovery Requests Privacy Concerns Burdensomeness of Requests Production of Data Held by 3rd Parties

11 Response to Criminal Activity
Anticipate Prosecution and/or Disciplinary Proceedings Adherence to Policy/Process Is Critical Involve Law Enforcement ASAP Protect and Preserve Data Restrict Access to Potentially Relevant Data Hire a Computer Forensics Expert? Some Evidence Is Radioactive

12 Risks for Admins. & Teachers
Good Intentions, Bad Outcome “Sherlock Holmes” Syndrome Forwarding Content for Advice The Cover-Up Is Always Worse Trying to Protect Colleagues and Friends Desire to Protect District by Handling In- House “Delete” Is a Myth

13 A Cautionary Tale Ting-Yi Oei, now 64
Assistant Principal at Freedom HS in So. Riding, VA (Loudoun County) Told to investigate rumors of sexting at HS “Inappropriate” image was forwarded to Oei’s cellphone, then computer Charged with “failure to report,” then contributing to delinquency of a minor Charges ultimately dismissed

14 Computer Forensics 101 Field Previews Acquisition & Mirror Images
Some Data Are More Fragile Than Others Speed Is Of the Essence Powerful Forensics Tools Data Recovery and Analysis IP Addresses Link to Real World 4th Amendment and Privacy Concerns

15 Forensic Computer Techniques
How to Identify Useful Data and Secure a Chain of Custody Frederick S. Lane NASDTEC/Professional Practices Institute Boise, ID 24 October 2013

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