Strategy Review for the ACT

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy Review for the ACT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy Review for the ACT
Mr. Dreeson

2 English Section Look for clues Eliminate wrong answers
No Change: ¼ of the time DELETE the underlined portion: high probability of being right 36 seconds per question

3 Reading Section Do easy passages first
Correct answers often hidden through phrasing Eliminate wrong answers Often answer questions without reading passage 52.5 seconds per question

4 Reading Strategies Find critical words/phrases in answer choices, then in passage Skim, then Write Brief notes Note special question types (EXCEPT/NOT/LEAST; Vocab in context

5 Traps Deceptive answers Switches Extreme answer choices
Avoid “too nice” responses

6 Math 60 minutes, 60 questions, 1 minute per question
33 Algebra 23 Geometry 4 Trigonometry Do easy questions (few step) first POE on partial answers No penalty for wrong answers!

7 Science Reasoning 7 passages (40 questions total)
3 charts and graph passages 3 experiments passages 1 fighting scientists passage Do hardest passages last No science knowledge necessary 52.5 seconds per question

8 Charts and Graphs Look at variables and units Scan bar graphs
Know four coordinate graphs Linear Curves Scatter Flat Lines

9 Experiments Identify research objective
Follow procedure, identify variables Study the results Identify controls (comparison standard) Identify assumptions

10 Fighting Scientists Make a map of arguments
Do one side at a time, don’t pick a side! Identify differences in viewpoints Save for last: questions on more than one theory Do every question!

11 FIN

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