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Digging Deeper Into God’s Word

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Presentation on theme: "Digging Deeper Into God’s Word"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digging Deeper Into God’s Word

2 Why should we pursue deeper study?
Psalm 119 Romans 15:4 2 Timothy 3:14-17 John 8:31 Matthew 4:4 Deuteronomy 32:47

3 It’s easy to base our relationship with God on
A limited set of facts

4 It’s easy to base our relationship with God on
A limited set of facts Our emotions

5 It’s easy to base our relationship with God on
A limited set of facts Our emotions The real basis for our relationship and understanding of God is His true Word.


7 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study

8 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose Perspective Process

9 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience

10 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience With the content

11 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience
“The Bible does not want to be neatly packaged into three-hundred-and-sixty-five-day increments. It does not want to be reduced to truisms and action points. It wants to introduce dissonance into your thinking, to stretch your understanding. It wants to reveal a mosaic of the majesty of God one passage at a time, one day at a time, across a lifetime. By all means, bring eagerness to your study time. Yes, bring hunger. But certainly bring patience- come ready to study for the long term.” -Jen Wilkin

12 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience With the content With ourselves

13 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience With the content With ourselves
With our circumstances

14 Practice Together - Patience
Answer these questions together. How patient are you with the Word of God? Have you made the assumption that you have to study the Bible in a certain way? Have you given yourself permission to feel lost? Have you had seasons of giving up or using bible study short cuts?

15 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience

16 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer

17 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer
Use PART: Praise, Admit, Request, Thank

18 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer
Use PART: Praise, Admit, Request, Thank Pray the scriptures

19 Practice Together - Prayer
Choose a passage. Write out a prayer. Philippians 4:6 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Psalm 25:5, 119:18, 119:27, 119:103 Isaiah 40:8 John 14:26, 16: 13-15 Ezekiel 36:27 2 Samuel 7:28

20 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer

21 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose

22 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose
Where do the small stories fit into the big story?

23 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose
Where do the small stories fit into the big story? Big Story=Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration

24 Practice Together – Purpose
Answer these questions as a group. Where does the book of James fit into the big story of the bible? What part does the book of James play in telling the sory of creation-fall-redemption-restoration?

25 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose

26 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose Perspective

27 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose Perspective
Understanding historical and cultural context

28 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Five questions that ground our perspective:
Who wrote it?

29 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Five questions that ground our perspective:
Who wrote it? When was it written?

30 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Five questions that ground our perspective:
Who wrote it? When was it written? To whom was it written?

31 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Five questions that ground our perspective:
Who wrote it? When was it written? To whom was it written? In what style was it written?

32 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Five questions that ground our perspective:
Who wrote it? When was it written? To whom was it written? In what style was it written? Why was it written?

33 Practice Together – Perspective
Answer these questions for James as a group. Who wrote it? When was it written? To whom was it written? In what style was it written? Why was it written?

34 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose Perspective

35 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose Perspective Process

36 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose Perspective Process
Reading methodically for comprehension, interpretation and application

37 Process Comprehension asks, “What does it say?”

38 Process Comprehension asks, “What does it say?”
Interpretation asks, “What does it mean?”

39 Process Comprehension asks, “What does it say?”
Interpretation asks, “What does it mean?” Application asks, “How should it change me?”

40 Process
Comprehension asks, “What does it say?” Interpretation asks, “What does it mean?” Application asks, “How should it change me?”

41 Process: Comprehension

42 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools:

43 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text

44 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text Journal (or journaling bible)

45 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text Journal (or journaling bible) Repetitive reading

46 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text Journal (or journaling bible) Repetitive reading Annotation

47 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text Journal (or journaling bible) Repetitive reading Annotation Take note of repeated words/ideas, attributes of God, promises of God, sets of points in a row, words you don’t understand, transition words, questions you have

48 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text Journal (or journaling bible) Repetitive reading Annotation Looking up definitions

49 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text Journal (or journaling bible) Repetitive reading Annotation Looking up definitions Other translations

50 Process: Comprehension
Objective Tools: Printed copy of the text Journal (or journaling bible) Repetitive reading Annotation Looking up definitions Other translations Outlining

51 Process: Comprehension
Example Outline for James 1:1-18: Greetings (1:1) Trials and Temptations (1:2-18) It is good for our faith to be tested (1:2-12) We are not tempted by God, but by our desires (1:13-18)

52 Practice Together – Comprehension
Read through the passage once. Make notes about big ideas, key themes and questions as you go. Think about answering the question “What does it say?” with the original hearers in mind. If time allows, read a different translation or begin summarizing the content with an outline.

53 Process Comprehension asks, “What does it say?”
Interpretation asks, “What does it mean?” Application asks, “How should it change me?”

54 Process: Interpretation

55 Process: Interpretation
Subjective Tools: Cross References

56 Process: Interpretation
Subjective Tools: Cross References Paraphrasing

57 Process: Interpretation
Subjective Tools: Cross References Paraphrasing Commentary

58 Practice Together – Interpretation
Look up the cross references. How do they expand your understanding? Practice paraphrasing. Choose a few verses from your outline to practice with.

59 Process Comprehension asks, “What does it say?”
Interpretation asks, “What does it mean?” Application asks, “How should it change me?”

60 Process: Application Take it from general to personal

61 Process: Application Take it from general to personal
Questions to ask: What does this passage teach about God? How does this change my view of God and self? What should I do in response?

62 Practice Together – Application
Answer these questions individually and then share together. What does this passage teach me about God? How does this new view of God change my view of self? How do I respond?


64 The 5 Ps of Deeper Study Patience Prayer Purpose Perspective Process

65 Summer Bible Study: Daniel
Begins May 25 Every other Wednesday from 9-11AM Childcare provided (registration required) Hosted at Apex Registration link will be available on social media

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