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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome





6 September 17 Mass Theme “Time”

7 TIME Investing in personal growth and faith.
Using your time to nourish your spiritual life.

8 Don’t worry God is always On time.

9 pray read & Scriptures, God If you don’t have time to
You are busier than God ever intended you to be.







16 September 23 Weekend Theme: TREASURE
Financially investing in the community and parish.  The Church community being transparent with peoples money and using it wisely.

17 October 1 Weekend Theme: TALENTS
Using your gifts to share your talents.  Receiving training to be a leader or use your gifts. 

18 Upcoming Events

19 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar
Every Tuesday

20 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar
The New Testament from a Jewish Perspective September 19, 7:00-9:00pm:  An Orthodox Rabbi reads the New Testament. A response to the presentation will be given by: Rev. Dr. Gordon Taylor: Pastor of the United Church in Meadowood.

21 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar
The New Testament from a Jewish Perspective September 26, 7:00-9:00pm: Between Jerusalem and Athens: Jewish theological concepts in the New Testament. A response will be given by: Rev. Mr. Stephan Bilinsky: Director of Pastoral and Spiritual Care at Misercordia Hospital.

22 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar
High School Youth Ministry Kick Off

23 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar
Garage and Rummage Sale Saturday, Sept. 30th

24 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar
Elementary and Middle Years Youth Ministry Kick Off

25 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar
Prayer Group Monday, October 2 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. MMOC

26 Upcoming Events, mark your calendar

27 C-Talk aka – Church Talk!

28 C-Talk: Question & Answer
What are all Catholics called to do by virtue of our baptism? All Catholics are called: to holiness & mission to the task of witnessing to Christ to evangelizing to being missionary disciples  a

29 C-Talk: Question & Answer
What is Pope Francis’ birth (real) name? Jorge Mario Bergoglio What was Pope Francis’ response to the question “Who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio?” “I am a sinner whom the Lord has looked upon.” a

30 C-Talk: Did You Know? There are over 10,000 saints recognized by the Catholic Church. Michael the Archangel’s name means “Who is like God”. In an emergency, anyone can baptize.

31 C-Talk: Question & Answers!
What is Alpha? Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. What are the 3 key parts of Alpha? Food, Talk, Discussion Who should attend Alpha? Everyone! Especially people who are asking the question, ‘Is there more to life than this? How many people have attended Alpha? Millions! How much does Alpha cost? Nothing – it’s free!

32 Question & Answers! What is Alpha? Evangelization: Alpha is a tool to introduce people to an initial proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ – the kerygma. As Pope Francis says, ‘Nothing is more solid, profound, secure, meaningful and wisdom-filled than that initial proclamation.’ (EG, 165).

33 Question & Answers! Where is Alpha? Encounter: Alpha takes people on a journey often leading to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. It enables people to ask their questions, share ideas, build friendships and experience the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

34 Question & Answers! Who should attend Alpha? Everyone: Alpha is for everyone; all backgrounds, all contexts, all ages. Alpha is particularly attracting many young people who are asking the question, ‘Is there more to life than this?

35 Volunteers

36 Do you have some talents and time to share?
Volunteers Needed! Do you have some talents and time to share?

37 A few minutes before or after Mass?
Hospitality Greeters Ushers Information Center Attendants Refreshment Servers

38 Volunteer Coordinator
Communication Assistance Parishioner Communication Website Monitoring

39 Share your time and talents See our website for more
See our website for more volunteer options and details Share your time and talents See our website for more

40 Social Media: @marymotherwpg
Find MMOC Online! Website: Social

41 Thank You Mass will be starting shortly!

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