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2 Police Security Service head Marie Bjørnland at a Swedish security conf :
Immigration from Muslim countries will lead to societal conflicts and the rise of far-right groups. She warned of the “unfortunate” consequences that come with large numbers of refugees and migrants from Muslim countries.  “A strong increase in immigration, particularly from Muslim countries, can cause other long-term challenges. When a large number of asylum seekers come to a local community, it can have unfortunate consequences. One cannot take for granted that new population groups will automatically adapt the norms and rules of the Norwegian society.” 

3 BACKGROUND Debate on Immigration and Integration in Europe and West Muslim integration -most contentious issues in the debate in Europe. Some policies popular; Some criticized Other policies have sought to smooth tensions Islamic-Western tensions have shaped world news since 9/11 Muslims are a highly visible community in Europe Fears about Muslim minorities as a security threat, unwillingness to integrate, and their socioeconomic exclusion Governments invest in mosque-state relations, and seek to cultivate a “national” Islam through religious education in schools/ training for imams. STILL public anxieties—and their root causes— a perennial challenge.


5 BACKGROUND Significant migration in Europe since late 2014;
More than 1 million refugees and migrants in EU in 2015, Crisis continues to have significant repercussions for Europe: severely strained Schengen system especially as fear of terrorists in garb of migrants Renewed questions about the ability of Europe to integrate minorities Debate also on economic impact of the migration and refugee flows. Economic benefits & help offset demographic developments eg. aging population and shrinking workforces Worry that take jobs away or reduce wages, especially in the short term. Such fears have helped to further increase support in many EU countries for far-right, anti- immigrant, euroskeptic political parties

6 European Security Concerns
Since 2014 apart from Ukraine and militarily assertive Russia; terrorism in Europe linked to the rise of the Daesh Since 2014, increased number of terrorist incidents—Paris and Brussels attacks 2015, First to be suspected are migrants. Although EU leaders warn against equating refugees with terrorists, they also acknowledge that terrorists could make use of the same migration routes to gain entrance into Europe.

7 Possible scenarios Muddling Through. EU would largely continue to function as it currently does, without any significant treaty changes or decision making reforms. Establishing Two Speeds. A strongly integrated group of “core” countries and a group of “periphery” countries. Could undermine solidarity and create frictions between “core” and “periphery” member states. Looser, More Intergovernmental Configuration: Further EU integration would be on hold, and possibly reversed in some areas, with sovereignty on certain issues reclaimed by national capitals. A Tighter, More Integrated Configuration. The EU would emerge from its current challenges more united and integrated. Possible after Brexit and others leaving resulting in a smaller EU

8 Hege Storhaug Fiery Norwegian writer and human rights activist who has been warning for years that attempting to integrate so many Muslim immigrants is a danger to her country’s harmonious way of life and democratic traditions. For the last decade or so, she has been investigating the problems faced by women and children of immigrant ethnic communities– mainly Muslim women and children – and pointing out that many are still being forced into marriages, female genital mutilation and subject to honour killings. Storhaug regarded by most of the Norwegian liberal political elite as an extremist, criticised for exaggeration and whipping up anti-Islamic sentiment.

9 Integration in Norway 2015 more than 31,000 refugees, the biggest number in one year. UDI expected 60,000 refugees more Norwegians compassionate to newcomers, more inclusive and tolerant than judgmental.  May 2016 white paper on integration policy ensures that immigrants enter the labour market or start an education and connection to the labour market. The aim is that everyone finds work or undertakes studies, and becomes a tax payer and contributing citizen. A committee to examine the long-term social consequences of high immigration. The committee's findings will form an important basis on which to make those decisions necessary in order to secure the Norwegian welfare model. The committee will also provide input for the government's perspective report, which will be presented in 2017.



12 Importance of Integration
Integration takes time before people who are granted permission to stay in Norway become productive members of society. Pakistani diaspora has been here since 70s and well established. Largest migrant community followed by Iraqis and Somalians Well integrated; earned good name; due to hard work and dedication Pakistanis are largest group, immigrants and descendants taken together, though immigration from Iraq and Somalia during the decade show larger numbers of immigrants from these two countries.  The growth for these two groups with a short history in Norway is much faster than for the other, more mature groups.  

13 Importance of Integration
Education is the basis for a successful integration. The level of participation is generally much higher for descendants than for immigrants Naturally, new immigrants are not as frequently represented in the educational system as those who have stayed longer in the country and acquired linguistic and other skills necessary for successful participation in education Beneficial for Pakistani community who have lived longer

INTER-MARRIAGES: Clear tendency to marry someone of their own background. Descendants are still too young to make it possible to conclude how their marital pattern will be.  Leads to forced marriages and child marriages Direct conflict with laws of Norway but also laws of Pakistan and Islam Leading to genetic issues: diseases and social issues

EMPLOYMENT: Focus on full labour market participation is the aim for many integrational efforts  Employment prospects for immigrants and descendants have been quite positive. BUT participation rates especially immigrant women much lower. Migrants are shy of sending women in labour market so young immigrants, and descendants, do better than the older immigrants. Gender gap for Pakistanis a sign that efforts to employ immigrant adult women have not be quite successful.


SOCIAL EXCLUSION: Generational gap; conflictual society alienate migrants from descendents Family tensions leading to societal tensions Inculcate strong family values based on religion and cultural values BUT also need to adapt to new environment and RESPECT of local culture, religion and laws CHANGE in mindset OVERCOME fear of being swamped and undermined

18 ANSWERS No quick solution or answer
Time will bring change as descendents will gradually take over Cut Apron Strings EDUCATION KNOWLEDGE

Mosque has become too constrictive and dogmatic Mosque was historically a community centre Reach out to all faiths and accept all faiths and cultures Hold cultural events and religious festivals Inter-faith is the WAY FORWARD


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