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The Victorian Era, Oscar Wilde and The Picture of Dorian Gray

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1 The Victorian Era, Oscar Wilde and The Picture of Dorian Gray

2 The Victorian Era Queen Victoria reigned from 1837-1901
Victoria inherited the throne at age 18 Married her mother’s nephew, Albert Bore him 9 children Victoria and Albert ruled in the midst of the potato famine of 1845, in which they continued to permit the export of grain and cattle from Ireland to England while over a million Irish peasants starved to death. Victoria’s obsessive mourning (10 years) influenced what would become the Victorian mentality Her influence was so great that both a political era and a literary epoch was named after her.

3 Contrasts An age of great conflicts
Although Christianity also reigned, this was the first time that institutional Christianity was truly called into question Darwin, Marx, and Freud emerged during this time “Prudish”, “Prim and proper”, “repressed” and “old fashioned” are often used to describe this era Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens Regarded artists as society’s conscience Jack the Ripper; some 8,000 prostitutes were “employed” in London during the mid 1800s

4 Time of Progress and Prosperity
Great strides in science and technology Rapid growth of the middle class Middle class valued: hard work, strict morality, and pragmatism (practicality over idealism) Victoria and Albert fostered moral earnestness and strait laced propriety Distinct social classes. Middle and lower classes could never attain the wealth, luxury, and privilege of the upper class.

5 Victorian Gentlemen Elite status, aristocratic, social class
Debonair, “dandy”/metrosexual, well-groomed Sophisticated- calling cards, tobacco pouches, high tea Inflicted harm on no one, avoided slander and gossip Philosophical, well educated Recognized by virtue of their occupation


7 Oscar Wilde Birth name: Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde
Birth date: October 16, Ireland Mother was a poet/journalist Father was a doctor Mother wanted a girl Death date: November 30, Died penniless and alone of meningitis in Paris Married with two children

8 Style Known For: Sharp wit Outrageous and eccentric clothing
Irreverent attitude Aphorisms/epigrams: A concise expression often satirical with an ingenious turn of thought; sage; witty Cynicism: faultfinding; contemptuous; distrustful view of society Flamboyant lifestyle Loved to “stir the pot”!

9 9

10 Famous Quotes "One should always be in love. That is why one should never marry." “Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing.” “I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.” “ Don't be misled into the paths of virtue.” “Women never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly.” “There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating- people who know absolutely everything and people that know absolutely nothing.”

11 Dorian Gray Wilde’s first and only novel. Written over 100 years ago (1891) Opened to much criticism Ultimately, was very successful So many current themes: sin and redemption hedonism love and marriage friendship youth and beauty gossip influence/manipulation art (then- paintings, opera; now- films, music, etc.) Based on revelations about evil in humanity, pleasures of evil and destructiveness of evil.

12 Basic Synopsis The story of three friends: Basil, Lord Henry, and Dorian Gray The soul is a blank canvas Basil-angel Lord Henry- Devil Dorian Gray- a clean slate Id, ego, superego Semi-autobiographical

13 Major Theme: Hedonism:
The devotion to pleasure as a way of life; one’s sole priority is to seek pleasure/happiness without regard for others.

14 Id, Ego, Superego Freud believed that the id is based on our pleasure principle.  In other words, the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation. The ego is based on the reality principle.  The ego understands that other people have needs and desires and that sometimes being impulsive or selfish can hurt us in the long run The Superego is the moral part of us and develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers.  Many equate the superego with the conscience as it dictates our belief of right and wrong.

15 Hedonism Handbook Top Hedonism Mantras
Live and Let Live Carpe Diem You Can’t Take it With You You Only Live Once Just Do It Never Say Never Look Out for Number One

16 The Perils of Structured Living (according to Hedonists)
You will be unpopular at parties You will become hardened and bitter You will age prematurely You will experience greater stress You will spend your life struggling You will feel cheated You will feel left out You have serious regrets in the end You will not be happy

17 “Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.”
-Mark Twain

18 Look who loves Dorian Gray…
Motley Crue, “New Tattoo” (chorus) I don’t want to see us fade away I don’t want to be without you another day I could be your dorian gray I won’t fade away No, I won’t fade away U2 “The Ocean”  A picture in grey Dorian Gray Just me by the sea And I felt like a star I felt the world could go far If they listened To what I said Washes my feet Washed the feet Splashes the soul of my shoes

19 More Musical References
Styx mentions Dorian Gray in their song Sing for the Day from their Pieces of Eight (1978) album. Dorian Gray is mentioned in Liz Phair's song “H.W.C.” (2003) from her eponymously titled album. James Blunt refers to Dorian Gray in the song, “Tears and Rain” from the album Back to Bedlam (2005) with a line in the chorus "Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray." Dorian Gray is mentioned by British rock group The Libertines in the song Narcissist, playing on the theme of youth and good looks, an idea that is central to the story. It features the line:"Wouldn't it be nice to be Dorian Gray?" 2006- English - garage punk / indie band, The Horrors, list Dorian Grey as one of their heroes on their myspace page 19

20 You know it’s gotta be good... when Family Guy references it!
When Meg asks Stewie how she looks in her new glasses, Stewie replies: "How should I put this, in an attic somewhere there's a picture of you getting prettier." This is a play on the book Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde (frequently referenced). So through an obscure literature reference, Stewie says that Meg got uglier. Then, when Lois shrugs it off, Stewie is disgusted that nobody got the joke.

21 And... In the American sitcom Scrubs, the hospital's chief of medicine, Bob Kelso, is named after Lord Kelso. The sitcom's protagonist is called John Dorian. In Alan Moore and Kevin O' Neill's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Dorian makes several cameo appearances, most notably in volume 2, where it would appear he is alive and well, as his portrait appears in the British Museum, grown more hideous than ever. The character also has a central part in the film of the same name. 21

22 Journal: Discuss the positive and negative aspects of the hedonistic way of life in both personal and public spheres. How might this be an appealing way to live? How might this way of thinking be exemplified in the arts (Hollywood, actors, singers, models, comedians, as well as, sculptors, painters, etc.)? How does society/media perpetuate this idea? Do you believe our society is more hedonistic than others? Why or Why not?

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