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Bundesnetzagentur 16.04.2018 ITU-T Review Committee (RevCom) Report from first meeting CEPT preparation of future meetings Reiner Liebler, Germany, RevCom.

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Presentation on theme: "Bundesnetzagentur 16.04.2018 ITU-T Review Committee (RevCom) Report from first meeting CEPT preparation of future meetings Reiner Liebler, Germany, RevCom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bundesnetzagentur ITU-T Review Committee (RevCom) Report from first meeting CEPT preparation of future meetings Reiner Liebler, Germany, RevCom Vice-Chair CEPT, ComITU Bucharest, October

2 Background to RevCom WTSA-12 established the Review Committee (RevCom)
Bundesnetzagentur Background to RevCom WTSA-12 established the Review Committee (RevCom) Terms of reference are described in Annex A of Resolution 82 The management team of this RevCom consists of a chairman and six vice-chairmen taking into account equitable geographical distribution [In addition the chair of TSG (Mr. Gracie, Canada) is co-opted on the RevCom Mgt. Team and Mr. Maeda is co-opted on the TSAG Mgt. Team] Review Committee Mr Yoichi MAEDA Japan Chairman Mr Reiner LIEBLER Germany Vice-Chairman Mr Jim MACFIE Canada Mr Fabien MBENG EKOGHA Gabon Mr Albert NALBANDIAN Armenia Mr Musab ABDULLAH Bahrain Mr Ki-Shik PARK Korea Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 2

3 ToR– Resolution 82 1. Examine the adequacy of the current structure of ITU-T to facilitate the Sector’s continued evolution and to deal with the increasing demands for timely and appropriate results to meet market demand, taking account of the current and future standardization environment. 2. Review the current coordination and collaborations mechanisms with other standards bodies and propose improvements. 3. Review existing models for collaboration between ITU-T and other standards bodies, given the accelerated rate of change in the worldwide standardization landscape, and the rapidly evolving needs of consumers/users of global standards. Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 3

4 ToR– Resolution 82 4. Identify and propose new modalities for cooperation and collaboration based on mutual respect and recognition of evolving roles and responsibilities in the standards sphere. 5. Identify ways and means to enhance cooperation with other standards bodies, with a view to minimizing conflict of their standards with ITU-T standards. 6. Develop and propose recommendations for a set of principles for standards development within ITU-T that facilitate interoperability and promote further innovation. Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 4

5 ToR– Resolution 82 7. Develop a work plan by which to conduct the review, and establish the structure of the report. 8. Conduct its initial review in a timely manner so as to provide input to TSAG for preparation of the ITU-T strategic plan in accordance with Article 14A of the Convention. Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 5 5

6 First RevCom Meeting June 3 2013
75 participants from ITU Member States (MS), Recognized Operating Agencies (ROA) and Scientific or Industrial Organizations CEPT Countries: 5 MS (D, FIN, G , I, RUS,), 2 ROA (France Telecom, MTT) Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur

7 Results of first meeting June 3 2013
Relationship with TSAG (pragmatic): RevCom will carry out its work focusing on high level strategic aspects of ITU-T standardization activities while TSAG will continue its work focusing on operational aspects of these activities. The Review Committee will look at the strategic direction, proposing new strategies and propose ways to trial them. It’s more of a think tank or an incubator for new ideas, in contrast to TSAG which manages the crucial job of examining the operational aspects of today’s work. The relation should be complementary. [From minutes of first meeting] Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 7

8 Results of first meeting June 3 2013
Relationship with TSAG (formally): 9. The Review Committee is established by this assembly and shall present its report to WTSA‑16 without changes through TSAG. In addition, the Review Committee shall report its progress to TSAG on a regular basis and take into account the comments made by TSAG on the progress report. 10. Taking into account the role and functions of TSAG, as outlined in Article 14A of the Convention, the Review Committee shall provide reports to TSAG, with a view to, inter alia, identifying any specific actions which could be undertaken or implemented in the near term, and/or those which could be conveyed by means of a report from the Director of TSB for decision by the Plenipotentiary Conference. [From ToR Resolution 82] Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 8

9 Review Committee and TSAG
WTSA-12 World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Complement Review Committee TSAG: Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group WTSA-16 World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 9

10 Agreements at first meeting June 3 2013
RevCom agreed with the proposal made by Germany (on behalf CEPT) on evaluating the pros and cons of organizational tools (JCAs, GSIs, TSRs and FGs) and alternative models of ITU-T study group structure. RevCom agreed to form a correspondence group to develop a questionnaire for the internal ITU membership and groups, as well as external organizations (Chair: Ms Michiko Fukahori, MIC, Japan). RevCom agreed to form a correspondence group on the action plan (Mr Reiner Liebler, RevCom Vice-Chairman). Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 10

11 Agreements at first meeting June 3 2013
RevCom encouraged the six RevCom Vice Chairmen to take advantage of the relevant regional organizations (APT, Arab Group, ATU, CEPT, CITel, and RCC ) to provide input to RevCom. RevCom agreed to establish a Technology Watch Steering Committee including academia, SG Chairmen, and the RevCom Chairman and Vice-Chairmen Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 11 11

12 RevCom Schedule RevCom shall meet immediately prior to TSAG.
RevCom agreed to the need for more than one meeting per year for RevCom to complete its work and agreed to minimize costs by conducting meetings not held prior to TSAG in English only, and with remote participation. The duration of each RevCom meeting shall not exceed three days. The final report of the RevCom shall be translated and made available to the final TSAG meeting before WTSA-16. The RevCom shall end in 2016 unless WTSA-16 decides to renew it. Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 12 12

13 Action Plan 2013/2014 Standards Activity Evaluation: i.e. study the criteria to measure the activities in each SG Cooperation and collaboration : i.e. encourage each chairman of SG to provide the progress reports on the lead study group activities Examining the Annex to the Strategic plan for the Union for (agreed in Guadalajara) Address the issue of inter-Sector coordination and collaboration Arrange promotional activities: CTO Group, joint event on M2M standards coordination Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 13

14 Next Steps in RevCom Initial reports of correspondence groups to RevCom general mailing list and management team by the end of October for comments, final reports to RevCom for agreement at the next RevCom meeting Next meeting Rev Com: Geneva, 16/17 January 2014 Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur 14

15 ComITU process regarding RevCom
It is proposed to establish an Project Team under ComITU to allow efficient and effective CEPT co-ordination before, during and after the RevCom meetings. The Ad Hoc Group should develop, discuss and evaluate options for the strategic review of ITU-T. The group should work by and may meet physically during ComITU meetings or RevCom meetings. Submissions to the to the ITU-T RevCom being developed in the Ad Hoc Group should be marked as “ developed and agreed within the framework of CEPT Com_ITU”, if confirmed by ComITU (either at a ComITU meeting or by correspondence through the ComITU list). Reiner Liebler | ITUT-Review Committe | © Bundesnetzagentur

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