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Year 5: Information for Parents

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1 Year 5: Information for Parents

2 Year Five Staff: Teachers: Miss Blyth Mrs Shephard Support Staff:
Miss Millington Mrs Murdoch Mrs Simpkins

3 Year Five Timetable:

4 Autumn Curriculum: Literacy:
Language and literacy Unit 1 – Greek Myths Language and literacy Unit 2 – Dilemma Story/Recounts Numeracy: Number and Place Value Calculation Foundation Curriculum: Volcanoes, Zones and Earthquakes

5 P.E: Day of Week: Friday Kit Needed: Trainers
Shorts/Leggings/Tracksuit Bottoms White Polo Shirt/T-Shirt Sweatshirt for colder days

6 End of Year Expectations: Writing

7 End of Year Expectations: Mathematics

8 End of Year Expectations: Reading

9 Homework Expectations:
Daily: 15 minutes of times tables practise 15 minutes of reading – at least two written adult comments per week – checked on a Friday Homework will be given out on a Monday and needs to be returned to school on a Friday. Weekly homework will either be: Reading/SPaG, Mathematics (sometimes computer based), Literacy or linked to our foundation curriculum theme.

10 Project Homework: When a project is given as homework, we always give the children more than a week to complete it. This is because we want them to explore their chosen project in depth so that they are able to share what they have completed with the rest of the class. A project could take many forms: A model, A presentation, A booklet, Or anything else that your child would like to create.

11 Reading: Guided reading: Groups – activities Reading Diary:
Peer reading opportunities Opportunities to develop comprehension and decoding My Book Blog: Regular session in guided reading each week Can be accessed at home Reading Diary: Adult comments at least twice a week AF prompt questions Modelled comment from class teacher Library: Weekly class slot Can be accessed after school

12 Spelling and Handwriting:
School spelling scheme Unit spellings on website Regular spelling lessons Expectations for dictionary use and editing Daily handwriting practice School font – Nelson Cursive joined script

13 Contact Book: Your child has been given a blue contact book, which can be used for: Parent/teacher communication Completing/sticking homework in

14 How you can support your child:
Encourage a routine for homework completion Encourage regular reading Support reading through the use of AF questions in reading diary Speak to us if you have any concerns - as early as possible

15 Thank You for attending.

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