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2 Introduction Software is another name for the programs that run on a computer. A program contains a series of instructions to the computer. When a program is run or executed, the computer goes through these instructions one by one. And so accomplishes its tasks.

3 Types of software System software Application software

4 System software e.g. operating system software Controls the hardware to give full use of the computer and prepares it to run other software.

5 Application software To actually carry out a task on the computer, we need to use application software e.g. programs that relate to the things we want to do

6 GRAPHICS Graphics software is used to manipulate pictures and drawings. Graphics software enables us to produce original art on the computer. We can open the existing pictures and photographs and change them. We can add, distort or erase parts of a picture and resize it. An example of graphics software are Microsoft paint and fireworks.

7 WORD PROCESSING Word processing is the preparation of typed documents that contain mainly words and some pictures. A word processor enables us to manipulate text. We can move, set the size and shape of a text. The word processor checks spelling and grammar, save and keep a document that we have prepared on the computer. A e.g of word processing software is Microsoft word.

8 DESKTOP PUBLISHING It is like a word processing but text and pictures are managed in columns as in newspaper. An example of desktop publishing software is Microsoft publisher.

9 SPREADSHEET A spreadsheet is a table of numbers arranged in rows and columns with related charts and graphs. In spreadsheet numbers may have been calculated using others in the table, so if we change them, a spreadsheet will automatically redo the calculation. An example of spreadsheet is Microsoft excel.

10 DATABASE Database software is used for managing records. Database software are used to keep records that relate to people. E.g. a supplier of domestic electricity will have at least the name, address and meter reading of all its customers. A database stores the records, and also provides many tools for handling and investigating the data it contains. An example of database software is Microsoft access.

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