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Inheritance Lesson 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Inheritance Lesson 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inheritance Lesson 5

2 Learning Intention To learn how genetic diseases happen
To learn some examples of genetic diseases

3 Genetic disorders Genes are made out of DNA
Contain instructions for making proteins. Change in one or more genes causes vital proteins in the body to be missing or faulty- GENETIC DISORDER

4 Duchene muscular dystrophy A progressive muscle-wasting condition caused by a faulty gene on the x- chromosome. Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Affects the ability of white blood cells to fight off certain bacterial and fungal infections. Huntingtons Disease Affects the central nervous system and causes progressive degeneration of cells in the brain. Cystic Fibrosis Affects the internal organs, especially the lungs and digestive system, causing them to become blocked with sticky mucus. Sickle cell Anaemia Inherited blood disorder which causes unpredictable and intense bouts of pain

5 Genetic disorders- project
In pairs you will research a genetic disorder and create an information booklet about the disorder. The booklet will include: An introduction- what is genetic disorders? What is the disorder called what causes it? What problems are caused by the disorder? What are the survival chances? Is there any treatments? Other relevant information

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