Everyday mathematics grade 4

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1 Everyday mathematics grade 4
Lesson 4.10 Measuring in Millimeters Objective: to guide students as they measure lengths to the nearest milliemter; and to provide proactice converting measurements between millimeters and centimeters.

2 Math message Complete problems 1-4 on workbook page 101.
When you are done, cut out the cm/mm rulers in your folder. Fold your ruler carefully along the center line. Use a highlighter to mark mm and cm on the ruler so that the units are easy to see. Where do you start measuring from when using a ruler? The end of the ruler, or at 0? Why?

3 converting In your ISN’s, do the following conversions. 1 cm = _____mm
10 mm = _____cm 1mm = ____cm 4 cm = _____mm 130 mm = ______cm 4 mm = ____cm 2.3cm = _____mm 42 mm = ______cm 8 mm = ______cm

4 Measuring invertebrates
In your workbook – pages Begin by reading about measuring land invertebrates on page 101. Examine the images of land invertebrates on page 102. Complete workbook page 103 – you may work with a partner if you’d like.

5 Math boxes Math boxes for lesson 4.10 are on page 104.
Please complete these independently.

6 homework Homework for this lesson is page 133 – decimals and metric units.

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