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We’ve voted to leave the EU

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Presentation on theme: "We’ve voted to leave the EU"— Presentation transcript:

1 We’ve voted to leave the EU
What now?

2 How do we leave the EU? We need to trigger something called ‘Article 50’ That starts a 2 year negotiating period where everyone can try to get the best deal possible We haven’t started those 2 years yet – and won’t do for another 3 months at least

3 What does a good deal mean?
Things we might want Things we might not want To be able to buy things from 27 EU countries easily To be able to sell things to 27 EU countries easily To be able to travel around EU with no fuss To be able to work in the EU if we’d like to Share security info with EU countries Pay money into the EU To have to allow anyone from the EU into our country on holiday / to live / to work To have to obey EU laws A deal will probably involve some things from both sides!

4 What about our Prime Minister?
David Cameron has stepped down as Prime Minister He will continue for 3 months A new PM will be in place within months Teresa May and Michael Gove want the job

5 Might we have another election?
If there is a new Prime Minister, they may call a general election – when all 650 MPs are selected That would mean that everyone would get the chance to say who we want to run the country It isn’t definite, but might give the new Prime Minister more confidence to do what they want

6 What’s going on in Scotland?
While England and Wales voted to leave the EU, Scotland voted to stay in Because they are smaller, it is possible they will be taken out of the EU against their will There may be a 2nd referendum in Scotland to see if they want to leave the UK and stay in the EU as an independent country

7 What’s going on in Ireland?
Like Scotland, Northern Ireland wanted to stay in the EU There are some that say they should have a vote to leave the UK and join the rest of Ireland That will create a unified Ireland in the EU

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