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Segments, Rays, and Distance

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Presentation on theme: "Segments, Rays, and Distance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Segments, Rays, and Distance
Section 1-3 Segments, Rays, and Distance

2 Segment Piece of a line Has two endpoints
X Z Piece of a line Has two endpoints It is named using the two endpoints,

3 Ray X Z Part of a line Extends indefinitely in one direction. It has exactly one endpoint. It is named using the endpoint first,

4 Opposite Rays Formed by three collinear points Share the same endpoint
X Z Y Formed by three collinear points Share the same endpoint For example, Y is between X and Z so and are opposite rays

5 Length Distance between two points Length is denoted for as XZ
Must be a positive number! On a number line: Find the absolute value of the difference of the coordinates

6 SEGMENT addition postulate
If B is between A and C, then AB + BC = AC A C B

7 Congruent: Same size and same shape

8 Lengths are = Segments are

9 Midpoint of a segment Point that divides the segment into two congruent segments 4 4 A B M M is the midpoint of

10 Bisector of a segment Can be a line, segment, ray or plane that intersects the segment at its midpoint

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