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HMA Follow-On Task 3 Online Data Access in the frame of ESA's Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) initiative Mid Term – AWG Summary 2010-07-07 1.

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Presentation on theme: "HMA Follow-On Task 3 Online Data Access in the frame of ESA's Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) initiative Mid Term – AWG Summary 2010-07-07 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 HMA Follow-On Task 3 Online Data Access in the frame of ESA's Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility (HMA) initiative Mid Term – AWG Summary 1 1

2 Agenda Management Technical Main Achievements in Past Period
Issues Identified / Mitigation Decisions Update Delivery Plan / Next steps Technical Definitions WCS 2.0 / EO WCS Appl. Profile Demonstrations (MapServer WCS 2.0 implementation) Discussion Slide 2

3 Management Slide 3

4 Achievements WCS 2.0 Core & Extensions had been submitted and OGC voting was initiated Voting period : 2010/04/20 – 2010/06/19 Current status – suspended (may be continued; approx. more 5 weeks to go) WCS Adoption Vote has been suspended (2 NO votes; by CSIRO and US Department of Homeland Security) Comments have been solved, answered and incorporated  "NO-Voters" have been asked to withdraw their "NO" votes to allow continuing of voting procedure Web Coverage Scenario Workshop at DLR - 9. June 2010 results are currently incorporated in RB documents OGC TC Meeting (Silver Spring, MD) ( PB) Slide 4

5 Achievements Documents reviewed & RIDs received Comments have been evaluated and possibly applied Results from WCS workshop are included Requirement Baseline – Technical Note ( HMA-FO_ODA-RB-TN_EOX-1.1) - Update finished Requirement Baseline - Software System Specification ( HMA-FO_ODA-RB-SSS_EOX-1.3) - Currently updated Technical Specification - Software Requirements Specification ( HMA-FO_ODA-TS-SRS_EOX-1.2 ) - Currently updated Slide 5

6 Achievements EO WCS Appl. Profile v.0.0.1 (OGC 10-140)
GeoTIFF Extension v (OGC ) MapServer (extension development to cover WCS 2.0 & EO WCS) Parsing of KVP requests Accept GetCapabilities, DescribeCoverage, and GetCoverage (basic) request Deliver XML-response to requests handling of metadata (domain range, nil values, uom, …) Deliver image (currently: GeoTIFF externaly linked or embedded in GML) Link towards Apache Slide 6

7 Issues / Mitigation Issues: Decisions:
Delay in overall WCS 2.0 standardisation Extension of the Requirements consolidation phase Decisions: Continue Requirements consolidation Incl. all former HMA/GSCDA requirements and Use Cases RB documents shall become sole source for ODA Requirements and Use Cases Start drafting EO WCS AP and needed WCS Extensions now, based on currently existing Documents (not awaiting standardisation) Reduce efforts for the Demonstrator development Slide 7

8 Updated Delivery Plan Requirement Baseline – Technical Note (RB-TN-1.1)  27.May 2010 Requirements Baseline – Software System Specification (RB-SSS-1.3)  23.July 2010 Draft EO WCS Application Profile v0.1  01.Sept (3-week rule prior to TC-Meeting Toulouse) Draft WCS 2.0 Extension (Coverage Encoding Format, GeoTIFF) v0.1  01.Sept.2010 (3-week rule prior to TC-Meeting Toulouse) Technical Specification – Software Requirements Specification (TS-SRS)  10.Sept.2010 Design Definition File – Software Design Document (DDF-SDD)  Design Justification File – Software Verification Plan (DJF-SVerP)  Slide 8

9 Next Steps finish updates of requirements documents (including input from WCS workshop and MTR/AWG) continue with Design documents continue drafting EO WCS 2.0 Application Profile continue drafting WCS 2.0 Extensions Coverage Encoding Format (Manifest), GeoTIFF, [basic CRS (EPSG only), Nil values) ] continue MapServer WCS 2.0 implementation: core architecture and design extension architecture and design continue WebMapViewer upgrade Slide 9

10 Technical Slide 10

11 HMA-FO Task 3 - ODA The Requirements Struggle – a mix of: Approach
WCS 2.0 standard definition EO WCS Appl. Profile definition Demonstrator development Operational System definition Approach Collect requirements from stakeholders (Space Data Provider, div. Organisations, GMES projects, etc.) Generate generic, modularized Use Cases which can be combined to cover more complex needs Deduct additional requirements needed for Use Cases Review and Discuss Slide 11

12 Definitions EO domain users are accustomed to think in:
mainly 2D ( also 3D / 4D ) terms of collection / scenes / products / masks satellite terms (stripes, FOV, look angle, etc.) historic reasons (displays, tapes/storage, human readable structures,…) GIS users work on functional defined, entities which belong together communities, cities, regions, road network, … Online Data Access  Coverage What is it? Is this a contradiction to scene/products/masks Slide 12

13 Coverage - simplified Coverage:
Feature that acts as a function to return values from its range for any direct position within its spatial, temporal, or spatiotemporal domain. Note: In other words, a coverage is a feature that has multiple values for each attribute type, where each direct position within the geometric representation of the feature has a single value for each attribute type. Examples include a digital image, raster map, and digital elevation matrix. a Coverage can be: - a scene / product / mask a region / community a road network very simplified!  every image represents a coverage Slide 13

14 Collection Collection: assemblage of images of the same kind i.e. a set of images from the same platform, same sensor, taken with the same parameters (resolution, etc.) Constraint: for a defined geographic coordinate, and a defined time, there can only be a single image within each collection using simple WCS 2.0 "trim" (spatial) and "slice" (temporal) functions, therefore allows the selection of single scenes Slide 14

15 EO WCS Appl. Profile Slide 15

16 EO WCS AP Slide 16

17 Demonstrations of the current status of the developments of MapServer WCS 2.0 support
Slide 17

18 MapServer – WCS 2.0 implementation
Slide 18

19 Contacts EOX IT Services GmbH, Austria (Prime)
G.I.M. Geographic Information Management nv/sa, Belgium Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH, Germany Spot Image SA, France Slide 19 19

20 Map- vs. GeoServer MapServer developed under OSGeo umbrella
Both implement WCS 1.0 and 1.1 Both support PostgreSQL/PostGIS DB binding MapServer provides scripting language bindings → flexibility MapServer faster handling of raster data → performance see Technical Specification Document (TS) for further arguments Conclusion: Combination of MapServer and PostgreSQL/PostGIS is our first choice. rasdaman candidate for inclusion e.g. advanced concepts Slide 20

21 Map- vs. GeoServer From: Slide 21

22 Template Template Slide 22

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