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Weather & Climate Biomes Climate Factors Climate Zones Misc. 10 10 10

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Presentation on theme: "Weather & Climate Biomes Climate Factors Climate Zones Misc. 10 10 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather & Climate Biomes Climate Factors Climate Zones Misc. 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

2 Weather & Climate – 10 Points
QUESTION: True or False. Climate can be determined from one particular weather event. ANSWER: False

3 Weather & Climate – 20 Points
QUESTION: Today the temperature is 65 degrees and cloudy. Is this an example of climate or temperature? ANSWER: Weather

4 Weather & Climate – 30 Points
QUESTION: Seattle Washington is generally cool and get a lot of precipitation does that describe its weather or climate ANSWER: Climate

5 Weather & Climate – 40 Points
QUESTION: Explain the difference between weather and climate ANSWER: Climate is weather over time

6 Weather & Climate – 50 Points
QUESTION: What are the two things that scientists use to describe climate ANSWER: Temperature and Precipitation

7 Biomes– 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Tundra
This Biome is cold, gets little precipitation, and rarely has any trees. ANSWER: Tundra

8 Biomes– 20 Points QUESTION:
This biome is sandy, rocky, it receives little precipitation and has hot days and cool nights ANSWER: Desert

9 Biomes– 30 Points QUESTION:
This biome is mostly hot and humid. Near the equator and home to a variety of plants and animals ANSWER: Tropical Rainforest

10 Biomes– 40 Points QUESTION:
This biome has a wet and dry season, is flat and is home to animals such as lions and giraffes. ANSWER: Grasslands

11 Biomes– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Prairie
This is another name for temperate grasslands (found in the United States) ANSWER: Prairie

12 Climate Factors – 10 Points
QUESTION: Describe the climate of a city on the windward side of a mountain. ANSWER: Wet and cool

13 Earth– 20 Points QUESTION:
Describe the climate of a city on the leeward side of a mountain. ANSWER: Warm and dry

14 Climate Factors – 30 Points
QUESTION: Explain how temperature changes as you move away from the equator ANSWER: As you move farther from the equator temperature decreases

15 Climate Factors – 40 Points
QUESTION: Explain how temperature changes as you move up in altitude ANSWER: Temperature decreases

16 Climate Factors – 50 Points
QUESTION: Why do places like San Francisco have such mild temperatures all year round. ANSWER: Near a large body of water

17 Climate Zones – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What climate zone is Ohio located in ANSWER: Temperate

18 Climate Zones – 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Which climate zone receives the most direct sunlight? ANSWER: Tropical Zone

19 Climate Zones – 30 Points QUESTION:
Why are there no seasons in the tropical zone? ANSWER: The equator receives the same amount of direct sunlight all year. (No tilt)

20 Climate Zones – 40 Points QUESTION:
Why do trees in the temperate deciduous forest lose their leaves in the autumn ANSWER: Less sunlight less photosynthesis

21 Climate Zones – 50 Points QUESTION:
Why is the polar zone so much colder than the equator. ANSWER: Less direct sunlight

22 Misc. – 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: What causes wind to form?
Hot air rises and cold air takes its place. High Pressure air moves towards low pressure air.

23 Misc. – 20 Points QUESTION:
Explain why there are trees in Taigas but not Tundras ANSWER: Taigas have a lower latitude and receive more direct sunlight allowing trees to grow

24 Misc. – 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Who won the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament? ANSWER: Villanova

25 Misc. – 40 Points QUESTION:
Explain what greenhouse gasses do to climate ANSWER: Trap heat and warm up climate

26 Misc. – 50 Points QUESTION: When is Mr. Buehler’s birthday ANSWER:
April 20th

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