The Revolutions of 1848.

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1 The Revolutions of 1848

2 Revolutions of 1830’s & of 1848 The Congress of Vienna was criticized for ignoring the liberal & nationalist aspirations of so many peoples. The leading statesmen at Vienna underestimated the new nationalism & liberalism generated by the French Revolution. Leadership also was blind to the new class systems that were being wrought by the industrial revolution.

3 It should not be surprising that Conservatism was supported by
Revolutions of 1830’s & of 1848 Conservatism arose in reaction to liberalism & became a popular alternative for those who were frightened by the violence unleashed by the French Revolution. It should not be surprising that Conservatism was supported by The Traditional Ruling Class (Origin of the movement) The peasant and lower classes (????) BTW, this becomes the Romantic movement in the arts…

4 Revolutions of 1830’s & of 1848 Characteristics of European Conservatism: Conservatives viewed history as a continuum. The basis of society is organic, not contractual. Stability & longevity, not progress and change, mark a good society. The only legitimate sources of political authority were God and history. They rejected the “social contract” theory. Conservatives believed that self-interests do not lead to social harmony, but to social conflict. Denounced individualism and natural rights. To conservatives, society was hierarchical.

5 Areas of 1830s Revolutions:
Revolutions of 1830’s & of 1848 Areas of 1830s Revolutions: Latin American Possessions Spanish, British, Dutch, French, & Portuguese The Balkans Greek Independence The Decembrists is Russia Nicky I & Orthodoxy! Autocracy! & Nationalism! Belgian Independence, 1830 France France, France……

6 France: Revolutions of 1830’s & of 1848
Louis XVIII ( ) The Restoration era Rules as a constitutional (1814 Charter) Monarch Political divide The “Ultras”, The Count of Artois, and the 1815 “White Terror” Charles X & the triumph of reaction 1830 elections & the reaction (July Ordinances) Abdication Louis Philippe, the Citizen (Bourgeoise) King

7 Revolutions of 1830’s & of 1848 Louis Phillippe- The Citizen King
His Program: Property qualifications reduced enough to double eligible voters. Press censorship abolished. The King ruled by the will of the people, not by the will of God. The French Revolution’s tricolor replaced the Bourbon flag. The government was now under the control of the wealthy middle class.

8 The Results of the 1820s-1830 Revolutions?
The Concert of Europe provided for a recovery of Europe after the long years of Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. The conservatives did NOT reverse ALL of the reforms put in place by the French Revolution. Liberalism would challenge the conservative plan for European peace and law and order. These revolutions were successful only in W. Europe: Their success was in their popular support. Middle class lead, aided by the urban lower classes. The successful revolutions had benefited the middle class  the workers, who had done so much of the rioting and fighting, were left with empty hands! Therefore, these revolutions left much unfinished & a seething, unsatisfied working class.

9 Revolutions of 1848 France 1848 Austria (Hapsburg) 1848
FAILURE Austria (Hapsburg) 1848 Hungary (autonomy in 1866) Poland (stirrings of nationalism) REPRESSED Italy (1848) Russia (1825, 1861) BRUTALLY REPRESSED Germany (1848) FAILURE – rejection of a “Crown offered from the gutter”.

10 RESPECTABLE Where is Britain in all of this?? Why no revolution in 1848??

11 RESPECTABLE Reform Act of 1832 (1867, 1884) Chartist Movement
More people are included in to the political arena. The political arena is expanding. Conservatives know it is inevitable /10 a major protest march is planned… Chartist Movement “Moral reformers” Petitioners They ask Respectability means reform and not revolution Englishmen reform English self identity- Who are they not? 1215, parliament, Church of England, increased social mobility

12 RESPECTABLE Where would a revolution come from anyway?
Who is the “dangerous other?” Well, who are the Englishmen not? Who may be motivated to violence in England? “Black ‘47”

13 RESPECTABLE Ireland 1848, public records office documents
Boston & New York The eternal “Paddy”

14 Revolutions of 1848

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