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They say – I say The Counter Argument.

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Presentation on theme: "They say – I say The Counter Argument."— Presentation transcript:

1 They say – I say The Counter Argument

2 Why? Demolish the other side
Increases your credibility Functions as a preemptive strike against opponents Treats readers with respect Demonstrates validity of your claim

3 FORMAT Introduce counter argument Refute, Concede, End on your terms
Evidence from other side Refute, Concede, Refute – explain what the other side ignores or misses Concede – admit there is some truth to what the author says; it is just not as valid as your point of view End on your terms

4 Introduce Counter Argument
Many people [believe/argue/feel/think/suppose/etc.] that…[state the counterargument here]. It is often [thought/imagined/supposed/etc.] that…[state the counterargument here]. [It would be easy to/One could easily] [think/believe/imagine/suppose/etc.] that…[state the counterargument here]. It might [seem/appear/look/etc.] as if…[state the counterargument here]. Opposing views claim…[state the counterargument here]. [Opponents/Naysayers] take the position that…[state the counterargument here]..

5 Opponents to the death penalty believe that capital punishment will lead to a reduction in crime.

6 Refute…with reasons However, what this argument [overlooks/fails to consider/does not take into account] is ...[state refutation here]. This view [seems/looks/sounds/etc.] [convincing/plausible/persuasive/etc.] at first, but ...[state refutation here]. While this position is popular, it is [not supported by the facts/not logical/impractical/etc.]  In actuality...[state refutation here].

7 Concede…but stand your ground
It may be true that…[state the concession here], it does not necessarily follow that… It can not be ignored that…[state the concession here]; however, it is more likely that Proponents of …[state the concession here] are right to object that…, but they exaggerate when they claim… One cannot deny that…[state the concession here]; nevertheless,… Although the core of this claim is valid, it suffers from a flaw in its [reasoning/application/etc.]  Instead...[state refutation here]

8 Opponents to the death penalty believe that capital punishment will lead to a reduction in crime. However, what this argument fails to consider is that many states who have implemented the death penalty have actually recorded an increase in violent crime. After instituting the death penalty in 2010, New York recorded an increase in violent crime of 22 percent.

9 End on your terms Thus, it should… Consequently….
Ultimately what is at stake here… Although _______ may seem to concern a small group of ___________, it should in fact concern anyone who… On closer inspection, one can see that… Clearly…

10 Opponents to the death penalty believe that capital punishment will lead to a reduction in crime. However, what this argument fails to consider is that many states who have implemented the death penalty have actually recorded an increase in violent crime. After instituting the death penalty in 2010, New York recorded an increase in violent crime of 22 percent. Clearly, the threat of the death penalty does not deter criminals from committing violent offenses. In fact, it seems to achieve the opposite and is not a solution to punishing violent offenders.

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