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Titan Installation Guide

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1 Titan Installation Guide
Ignition Titan Wiring Diagram •The power cable comes three different wires: Black, Red and Yellow. Black: Ground Red: ACC/ignition Yellow: B+/permanent •Titan is compatible with both 12v and 24v power •If you wish to record continuously (24/7) while the car ignition is turned on and off: Eg. Connect Red wire to ACC or cigar jack fuse (something that only has power when ignition is on) Connect Yellow wire to in-cabin lights or emergency lamps fuse (Something that is permanently powered) Connect Black wire to bolt or metal frame of a vehicle (Ground). •If you only wish to record while the car ignition is turned on: Eg. Tie Red and Yellow wires together and connect them to ACC or cigar jack fuse Connect Black wire to bolt or metal frame of a vehicle (Ground). This wiring guide is only our suggestion and we are not liable for any power shortage or damage to your vehicle. Please consult with professional installers for powering up of TITAN cameras. Permanent (+) Ground (-)

2 Titan Input/Output Titan 2 Titan 1 Unused Trigger input
Mounting bracket connector Micro SD card slot Mounting bracket connector Micro SD card slot External GPS Module input (peripheral/not included) External GPS Module input (peripheral/not included) Secondary camera input Unused Power input (12-24v) Trigger input (for use with a tracker) External GPS input (peripheral/not included) Video output (for use with monitor) Power input (12-24v) Trigger input (for use with a tracker) Please note: These are the latest input/output layouts only. Previous versions may vary slightly. Please contact us for details.

3 TITAN Trigger Cable Information
[TITAN I Trigger Cable] [TITAN II Trigger Cable]

4 Important – Patch cable information
Connects to Titan via 2.5mm jack – 4pin aviation White wire is the trigger Red wire – 12v power to the second camera Black wire – Ground IMPORTANT: Secondary cameras connected via patch cable Require the use of a voltage dropper when connected to a 24v Vehicle (as the secondary camera is 12v only). Failure to do this will render the camera useless. Also: Secondary cameras connected via patch cable must be Wired to the ignition to prevent battery drain

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