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Penn state recommends…

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1 Penn state recommends…

2 Make sure your water well is properly constructed
Fewer than 20% of home and farm wells in PA have this “sanitary” construction 5 “sanitary” well cap 4 12” above ground 1 sloping ground casing to bedrock 2 grout seal 3 bedrock

3 Install a sanitary watertight well cap
Protects well from surface water contamination Protects well from insects and vermin Inexpensive

4 Prevent Surface Water Contamination
Wellhead should be about 12 inches above the ground Slope ground away from the well

5 Proper well location is important!
Don’t make this mistake Make sure it is uphill from any potential source of pollution Construct the well as far away as possible from other potential sources of contamination

6 Example of a Poorly Sealed Spring
Seal spring boxes to prevent contamination by surface water, insects, or animals Example of a Poorly Sealed Spring

7 Protect the area near your well or spring
X 100’ minimum

8 Inspect Your Well, Spring or Cistern Regularly
Keep the area clean and easily accessible Inspect your well casing to detect cracks, holes, or corrosion Have a qualified professional inspect your well at least every 10 years Keep records – don’t rely on anyone else

9 Test Your Water! Use state accredited laboratories Do routine testing
Annually - coliform bacteria Every three years - pH, total dissolved solids, local pollutant Test before new activities Specific test for the activity Remember - water testing gives you legal protection!

10 Understand Your Water Test Results
Drinking water standards are available to tell you the acceptable level of many pollutants Primary standard = health Secondary standard = aesthetics Many online publications and resources DWIT online tool – type in results to online form

11 Explore ALL Options When a Problem is Found
Develop a new source of water Deeper well, develop spring, connect to city water, etc. Control the source of pollution Divert runoff, maintain septic system, etc. Maintenance of the water system Install sanitary well cap, slope ground, etc. Install water treatment devices Match treatment process to pollutant

12 Make an Effort to Conserve Water
Save money Conserve your water supply for future use Reduce load on septic or sewer system

13 Penn State Recommends Properly locate and construct new wells and springs Avoid activities around your wellhead or spring and be aware of local land use activities Inspect your well, spring or cistern regularly Test your water – by a certified lab Compare your test results with drinking water standards Explore all options when a problem is found Make an effort to conserve water

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