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Presentation on theme: "Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification

2 Taxonomy Taxonomy is the classification and naming of organisms
Each organism is given a universally accepted name Placing similar organisms into similar categories Teacher  Biology teacher, Spanish teacher, History Teacher Classes  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth/Space Grades  Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors

3 Studying Organisms Phylogeny – study of evolutionary relationships among organisms Cladogram – diagram based on derived characteristic

4 What Do You Call This?

5 Binomial Nomenclature
Binomial nomenclature is a two-part scientific naming system uses Latin words two parts are the genus name and species descriptor

6 The art of naming… A genus includes one or more very similar species.
Species within the same genus are thought to be closely related Genus name is always capitalized, italics A species descriptor is the second part of a scientific name. always lowercase, italics always follows genus name Tyto alba



9 Linnaeus’ Classification System
7 Levels Each level is included in the level above it. Levels get increasingly specific from kingdom to species. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

10 Wait, domain? Domain: is the highest taxonomic rank of organisms
Archaea Bacteria Single-celled No nucleus Eukarya Most are multicellular Nucleus

11 Organisms that share more levels of classification in common are more related

12 Genetic similarities more accurately show evolutionary relationships.
Physical similarities are not always the result of close relationships. Genetic similarities more accurately show evolutionary relationships. previously placed in raccoon/bear family Not closely related to giant panda More closely related to weasels

13 Cladistics is classification based on common ancestry.
Phylogeny is the evolutionary history for a group of species. evidence from living species, fossil record, and molecular data shown with branching tree diagrams

14 A cladogram is an evolutionary tree made using cladistics.
A clade is a group of species that shares a common ancestor. Each species in a clade shares some traits with the ancestor. Each species in a clade has traits that have changed.

15 basis of arranging species in cladogram
Derived characters are traits shared in different degrees by clade members. FOUR LIMBS WITH DIGITS Tetrapoda clade 1 Amniota clade 2 Reptilia clade 3 Diapsida clade 4 Archosauria clade 5 EMBRYO PROTECTED BY AMNIOTIC FLUID OPENING IN THE SIDE OF THE SKULL SKULL OPENINGS IN FRONT OF THE EYE & IN THE JAW FEATHERS & TOOTHLESS BEAKS. SKULL OPENINGS BEHIND THE EYE DERIVED CHARACTER basis of arranging species in cladogram more closely related species share more derived characters represented on cladogram as hash marks

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