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A Study in Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians

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1 A Study in Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians
Friends & Fellowship Community Group McLean Bible Church

2 The Ju Tribe Natalia on a Scooter Southern Belle, Miss Rory
Super Elijah! Signing “I Love You”.

3 Study Overview Session Date Session Title Applicable Verses 1
05/14/2017 The Road to Salvation God Did All the Hard Work Our Part is Easy Ephesians 1:3 – 12; Romans 8:28 – 30 Eph. 1:13 – 14; John 11:25 – 26; Romans 10:8 – 13; 1 Cor. 12:3 2 05/21/2017 Our Identity in Christ Ephesians 2 & 3; 1 Peter 3 05/28/2017 Discipleship Empowered by the Holy Spirit Ephesians 4; 1 Corinthians 12 4 06/05/2017 Disciple's Walk with Christ Ephesians 5:1 – 6:9 5 06/11/2017 Disciple's Place in God's Army Ephesians 6:10 – 18; Job 1 & 2; Joshua 5:13 – 6:5; Revelation 19:11 – 21 6 06/18/2017 The Rise and Fall of the Church in Ephesus: A Warning to Make Disciples Acts 18:18 – 19:41; Ephesians 1:15 ; Revelation 2:1 – 7

4 Session 2: Our Identity in Christ

5 Understanding How Salvation Came to Us
From Session 1: God did all the hard work A Non-believer only needed to accept God raised Jesus from the dead (i.e. Jesus is alive, even now.) Acknowledge Jesus is (our) Lord [This can only be done with the assistance of the Holy Spirit.] God puts His seal on us in the person of the Holy Spirit, to mark us as belonging to Him now.

6 Understanding How Salvation Came to Us
What we were before, even though we did not think so. Read Ephesians 2:1 – 3 Discussion (5 min.): What were we like before being saved? Explain whether you recognized that you were, as described in Eph. 2:1 – 3. How did we get changed? Read Ephesians 2:4 – 13 Discussion (5 min.) Why does God offer us salvation? How were we changed?

7 The Grace, Peace & Love of Christ
Jesus is our Peace with God Read Ephesians 2:14 – 18 With whom are we at peace? Hint: Eph. 2: 1 – 3 Digression: 1947 – 1991 US called this period of tension: The Cold War What did the Soviets call this period? When we were non-believers, we were like the Soviets. By not believing in God we were at war with Him There was a (spiritual) wall between God & us. Eph. 2:14 – Jesus broke through that wall John 14:6 – Jesus is the (only) way to get to God John 10:7 – 10 – Jesus is the door into Heaven

8 The Way, The Truth, and the Life
Jesus Breached the Wall for Us GOD's Kingdom of HEAVEN Son of God Jesus Son of Man The World The Way, The Truth, and the Life Man's way Man's way

9 Becoming a Living Temple for God
We are the Temple of Christ Jesus Read Ephesians 2:19 – 22 After becoming believers we are brought together to be the living temple, the living church of Jesus Christ. Read 1 Peter 2:4 – 6 Jesus is the cornerstone of the temple. See also Isaiah 28:16 The fallacy of “I don't need to go to church, I already believe and can just pray to God.” Reasons for this attitude vary Rationalization for not getting up to go to church. Justification for having other commitments Disenchanted with other church members or pastors God sees us as a whole, we see ourselves individually

10 Mystery of God's Purpose
Fallacious viewpoint: God is just the god of the Jews Read Ephesians 3:1 – 7 Discussion (10 mins) What mystery does Paul reveal? How do we know that God has never been just the God of the Jews? So what purpose did the Jews serve? SO WHAT?

11 Mystery of God's Purpose
Fallacious viewpoint: God is just the god of the Jews Read Ephesians 3:1 – 7 Discussion (10 mins) What mystery does Paul reveal? How do we know that God has never been just the God of the Jews? Biblical accounts of non-Jewish high priests (Melchizedek, Jethro) Chinese characters trace to Genesis So what purpose did the Jews serve? Romans 3:1 – 2 “oracles” - λόϒιον – an utterance (of God) SO WHAT?

12 Mystery of God's Purpose
Why has this been such a mystery? Read Ephesians 3:8 – 12 Discussion (5 min.) List the reasons for the mystery found in the passage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

13 Mystery of God's Purpose
Why has this been such a mystery? Read Ephesians 3:8 – 12 Discussion (5 min.) List the reasons for the mystery found in the passage. 1 Reveal the unsearchable riches of Christ 2 Reveal the fellowship (with God) inherent in the mystery 3 Make known the manifold wisdom of God 4 Give the church the ability to make God known to others in this world 5 Use the church to reveal God's manifold wisdom to powers and principalities in heavenly places 6 Reveal the eternal purposes accomplished through Christ 7 Give His church boldness through faith 8 Give His church access (to be with God) with confidence

14 Mystery of God's Purpose – So What!?
What does knowing this mystery mean for us? Read Ephesians 3:14 – 21 Discussion: (10 min) List what knowing this mystery means for us, as identified in this passage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

15 Mystery of God's Purpose – So What!?
What does knowing this mystery mean for us? Read Ephesians 3:14 – 21 Discussion: (10 min) List what knowing this mystery means for us, as identified in this passage. 1 The Holy Spirit strengthens our inner man (new âdâm) to be mighty 2 Grant us the riches of His glory 3 Christ dwells in our hears through faith 4 We are rooted and grounded in love (ăgăpā – unconditional love) 5 Receive comprehension (understanding) [not just knowledge] of the full dimension of God's love 6 Be filled with the fullness of God 7 Receive exceedingly abundantly from God 8 Have the Power (of the Holy Spirit) working in us

16 Conclusion Purpose behind Session 2: Our Identity in Christ
Growth in faith comes from understanding From understanding comes wisdom Theme that we followed God's love and mercy resulted in God providing a means to come to Him. Made us alive in Christ Jesus Gave us a place in Heaven Breached the wall that separated us from God Provided His (one and only) path for us to follow Jesus into Heaven God intent is for us (Jews and Gentiles) to join together to be His temple. Jesus is the corner stone of the living temple of God We are the precious stones used to build the living temple

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