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1 Fire Fighter

2 Objectives 2.14.B.1 Locate facts that are clearly stated in a text
2.3.B.5 Locate facts about stories 2.5.A.2 Use suffixes to determine the meaning of words 2.4.A.2 Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with comprehension

3 Spelling Words cheerful visitor slowly weekly teacher helper hardly
graceful yearly quickly fighter sailor beautiful neighbor

4 wash

5 which

6 why

7 wish

8 here

9 try

10 warm

11 often

12 different

13 below

14 Skills & Strategies: Fact & Opinion
Click on Binky for a fact & opinion game. page 194, Fact and Opinion; page 195, My Uncle the Firefighter Fact Opinion A statement that can be proved true or false. Cannot be proved true or false.

15 Brain Break: Hurry, Hurry, Drive the Firetruck

16 Conventions A word that takes the place of a noun or nouns.
Ex: he, she, it, we, you, they Noun: Julie went to the rodeo. Pronoun: She went to the rodeo. Pronouns

17 Coverings for the face Mask

18 A place with walls and a roof

19 On fire zumba Burning

20 In a fast way Quickly

21 A loud, deep noise Roar

22 A building where a service takes place

23 Fitting in a close way Tightly

24 Building Background Discuss as a class
What are some jobs that the firefighters do at the fire station? What kinds of vehicles are kept at the fire station? What kinds of equipment are kept at the fire station?

25 Why should we be responsible for doing a good job?
Look at the picture on pages 198 and How are the firefighters being responsible? Why should we be responsible for doing a good job? I see in the picture that there is a large ladder and thick hose attached to the fire truck. Explain why it is a good idea for firefighters to bring this equipment with them to a fire.

26 Connecting to Social Studies
Tools Before there were fire hydrants and hoses, people brought water to fires by forming lines and passing buckets of water.

27 Remember, good readers recognize the difference between statements of fact and statements of opinion. Locate the opinion statement on page 200 and explain why it is not a fact.

28 ANSWER He is always hungry!

29 Author’s Purpose P.I.E. On pages , what does the author want you to know about the fire station?

30 Fact and Opinion Locate the sentence He might be inside the house in the first paragraph on page Is this a statement of fact or a statement of opinion? Why do you think as you do? What would you do if you heard a siren and saw the fire truck coming down the street where you were playing?

31 Think About It A young boy might be inside the burning house, Why do Dan and Anthony need to get their air tanks ready? P

32 Think About It It takes two firefighters to control the fire hose. Why can you use a garden hose all by yourself? P

33 Why do firefighters touch the door?
P Fact & Opinion Vocabulary Questioning In the first paragraph, what is a fact about each air tank? What does this fact tell you? Why is this piece of fire equipment called a mask? What are some other questions that readers can ask about this page?

34 What are some facts about ladders that are attached to fire trucks?
Locate a fact that supports the idea that the fire is dangerous. Fact & Opinion P

35 What does the photo on page 209 tell you about firefighting?
Inferring – to guess, hint or draw a conclusion

36 Is it a good idea for firefighters to carry different kinds of tools with them when they go into a burning building? Recall a time when you were using a tool and needed to change to another tool because the first tool didn’t get the job done.

37 E.D.I.T.H (Exit Drills In The Home)
E.D.I.T.H. recommends planning at least two ways out of every room. If our regular exit route from our classroom were blocked, what alternate route would get us safely out of the building?


39 At the Fire Hall: Might Machines

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