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How to draw a Bar Graphs.

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1 How to draw a Bar Graphs

2 Bar Graphs What is a bar graph?
Bar Graphs are good when your data is in categories. It is best to leave gaps between the bars of a Bar Graph, so it doesn't look like a Histogram. Why are bar graphs useful? Bar graphs are useful to compare things between different groups or to track changes over time.

3 Bar Graph rules A good bar graph should have:
A clear and accurate title that explains the purpose of the graph Bars that are either labelled directly or indicated by means of a colour key An X and Y axis that are labelled Bars should not be touching one another. The source of the data.

4 Which Bar Graphs do you think are the best here?

5 Resources used to make electricity
Let’s make a Bar Graph Resources used to make electricity Percentage (%) Coal 42 Oil 5 Natural gas 21 Nuclear 13 Hydro 16 Other 3 Source: Based on data from OECD 2011, Factbook 2011–2012: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics, OECD Publishing

6 Steps: 1. Write a title for your graph
2. Using a ruler draw a line for the X and Y axis 3. Label the X and Y axis with the categories 4. Decide the length of each section on the X and Y axis (Make sure all on your data will fit) 5. Rule small lines on the X and Y axis to show each interval. 6. Label each Category on the X axis and numerical label on the Y axis

7 Steps 6. Using a ruler and a grey lead pencil, mark the value of the first category. Rule two lines from the X axis to this point to create a bar. 7. Colour this bar in carefully. 8. Leave a space between this bar and the next bar. Keep this distance the same across the graph.

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