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Lions hunting bison, Chauvet cave Horses, Chauvet cave

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4 Lions hunting bison, Chauvet cave

5 Horses, Chauvet cave

6 Aurochs, Lascaux cave

7 Horse, Lascaux cave

8 Woman of Willendorf, limestone, 4 ½ in. high, c
Woman of Willendorf, limestone, 4 ½ in. high, c. 30,000 – 25,000 BCE (Naturhistoriches Museum, Vienna)

9 Lion-man, ivory, 11 ¾ in. high, c
Lion-man, ivory, 11 ¾ in. high, c. 30,000 BCE (Ulmer Museum, Ulm, Germany) Woman of Brassempouy, ivory, 1 1/3 in. high, c. 23,000 BCE (Musée d’Archaeologie Nationale, St. Germain, France)


11 Ziggurat at Ur, Iraq, c. 2100 BCE

12 Standing male worshipper, alabaster, shell, black limestone, 11 5/8 in
Standing male worshipper, alabaster, shell, black limestone, 11 5/8 in. c – 2600 BCE, Sumerian style, excavated at Eshnunna (modern Tell Asmar, Iraq). (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

13 Sumerian worshipping figures, alabaster, c
Sumerian worshipping figures, alabaster, c – BCE, installation view at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago

14 Great Pyramid of Khufu, Giza, Egypt, c. 2550 BCE

15 The Sphinx and the pyramids of Khufu (right) and Khafre (left), Giza, Egypt, c. 2520—2494 BCE

16 http://video. nationalgeographic

17 Statue of Demedji and Hennutsen, c. 2465–2426 B. C. E
Statue of Demedji and Hennutsen, c. 2465–2426 B.C.E.; early 5th Dynasty; Old Kingdom Egyptian Limestone; H. 32 1/8 in., W. 18 7/8 in. , D. 20 1/8 in., (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

18 Overall and detail of the Relief of Akhethotep, limestone, h
Overall and detail of the Relief of Akhethotep, limestone, h. 36 1/8 x w /16 in., c BCE, Old Kingdom, late 3rd – early 4th Dynasty. From Saqqara, Egypt (Brooklyn Museum)

19 Herding animals and fording a river, painted limestone, Tomb of Ti, c
Herding animals and fording a river, painted limestone, Tomb of Ti, c BCE, Dynasty 5, Old Kingdom, Saqqara, Egypt Ti with workers hunting hippopotamus, painted limestone, Tomb of Ti, c BCE, Dynasty 5, Old Kingdom, Saqqara, Egypt

20 Female offering-bearer, wood, gesso, and paint, 44 in. high, c
Female offering-bearer, wood, gesso, and paint, 44 in. high, c BCE, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, from the tomb of Meketre in Thebes, Egypt (Metropolitan Museum)

21 Fowling in the marshes: fragment of wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun, painted plaster, Thebes, Egypt 18th Dynasty, around 1350 BCE (British Museum)

22 Gold funerary mask of Tutankhamen, c
Gold funerary mask of Tutankhamen, c. 1323, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom, Egypt, obsidian, gold, turquoise, glass, carnelian, lapis lazuli (Eygptian Museum, Cairo) Inner coffin, gilded wood

23 Winged guardian spirit, from the palace of Ashurnasirpal II, at Nimrud, near Nineveh, in modern Iraq, gypsym, 92 x 38 in., c. 880 BCE (Williams College Museum of Art)

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