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Prepared To Give An Answer

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared To Give An Answer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared To Give An Answer

2 In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord
In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)

3 Seventeen Simple Things 1. Pray. 2. Offer prayer 3
Seventeen Simple Things 1. Pray! 2. Offer prayer 3. A Church Mobile Phone 4. A Church Website 5. A Church Facebook Group 6. A Welcome Leaflet 7. “Guest Service” and Midweek Event 8. A Seasonal Giveaway

4 9. “The Difference Jesus Makes” 10. A Christmas Card to Deliver 11
9. “The Difference Jesus Makes” 10. A Christmas Card to Deliver 11. Invitation Cards/Flyers 12. Posters 13. Use Local Media 14. Refreshments on every occasion 15. Interior Displays 16. An Attractive Modern Exterior Sign 17. Try Something New

5 42 Great Outreach Ideas 3. “Praying for you” 4. “Grill the Vicar” 5
42 Great Outreach Ideas 3. “Praying for you” 4. “Grill the Vicar” 5. A “Prayer Place or “Reflection Point” 6. “Meet Jesus” DVD course 8. Outward-facing church newsletter 15. Church bookstall or lending library 32. Meals with a message see

6 Prayer

7 The Holy Spirit

8 Why we should - verses

9 Talking about Jesus

10 42 Great Outreach Ideas

11 42 Great Outreach Ideas

12 Something to talk about Share with a friend your favourite Bible verse
Something to talk about Share with a friend your favourite Bible verse. Share with a friend your favourite Bible Story Share with a friend an experience of God answering prayer. Tell a friend about an occasion in life where you can say, “God did that!” Tell a friend your favourite story about Jesus (e.g. an event or saying) Tell a friend your answer to “What do you think the point of life is?” Share with a friend what it is which convinces you most that God exists.

13 Questions people are asking What is the point of life
Questions people are asking What is the point of life? What is salvation? Just what is the Good News? How do we know Jesus rose from the dead? What makes you believe that God exists? Just how did God create the world? Can we trust the Bible? Is Jesus the only way to God? How can we believe in God in a world so full of suffering? What happens when we die?

14 42 Great Outreach Ideas

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