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Informational text great file for info.

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Presentation on theme: "Informational text great file for info."— Presentation transcript:

1 Informational text great file for info

2 What major genre would informational text fall under?
Review What major genre would informational text fall under?

3 Author’s purpose for writing
To convey information

4 Reader’s purpose for reading
Because my teacher said so!!! NO!!! To gain information … YES!!!

5 When you open a textbook to read for information, what do you do?
Previewing – any questions, review any questions at the end of the chapter/section – read first so you know what the focus of the chapter Previewing vocab, questions Preview a chapter Tell me what the chapter is about Tell me some of the vocab words Preview a chapter Tell me what the chapter is about Tell me some of the vocab words Questions always about the main idea --- read questions and the focus on those questions while reading

6 When you open a textbook to read for information, what do you do?
Read the chapter Questions always about the main idea --- read questions and the focus on those questions while reading

7 When you open a textbook to read for information, what do you do?
Summarize Whether on paper or in your own mind, summarize what you’ve read Can you answer the questions? Go over it again - review Summarize on paper Questions always about the main idea --- read questions and the focus on those questions while reading

8 When you open a textbook to read for information, what do you do?
Review Do you understand what you have read? Do you need to go back and reread a part, all, etc? Questions always about the main idea --- read questions and the focus on those questions while reading

9 Your turn … Can you list the steps of how to read an informational text? Preview Question Summarize Review

10 Characteristics of informational text
Features – headings, subheadings, realistic photos with labels and captions Navigational tools – indexes, table of contents Various graphical devices – tables, charts, diagrams

11 Would the following be informational text?
Posters Pamphlets

12 What types of books would be considered informational text?
Textbooks Encyclopedias Dictionaries “how-to” books Field guides “all about” books

13 Don’t forget about these ….
Books Magazines Pamphlets Newspapers Posters Web sites

14 Organizational structure
Chronological … SS … history Logical order … think about science / math books Topical … religion … art … building/architecture

15 How does organizational structure help the reader?
Which book would you use if I said find info on … Pyramids A WWII battle Dogs A mathematician

16 Activity … Choose a topic Example … car or panda bear
Write a short intro as if you were writing a story about that topic Now, with the same topic, write a piece of informational text about the topic Discuss What was your purpose? What was the reader’s purpose? … why would readers read one v. the other? What did you do different? Heading Subheading Pictures with captions Etc

17 The end!

18 Quiz time!

19 What are the four steps of being an active reader?
What is the author’s purpose of writing a piece of informational text? What is the reader’s purpose for reading a piece of informational text? What is involved in previewing a chapter? When do you ask questions about the chapter? List 3 examples of informational text. List 2 examples of literature that would not be informational text. What genre would informational text fall under? Give 3 characteristics of a piece of informational text. List 1 type of organizational structure of informational text.

20 Note to me … Talk to la teacher
Practice outlining and webbing Practice what we learned about how to read an informational text Use SS text for practice – write down characteristics of informational text Author’s purpose Reader’s purpose Steps Preview the chapter (write down a couple of questions) Questions (write down questions you have WHILE you are reading) Summarize Review Choose a chapter you have some interest in and outline the chapter.

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