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Entertainment and Friendship

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1 Entertainment and Friendship
Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section C

2 Do you know the names of these TV programs?
CCTV News The Same Song Cartoon City Human and Nature

3 Work alone Match the names of the TV programs with their kinds. Then listen and number the pictures. educational program 4 entertainment show 2 3 news report children’s program 1

4 Listen again and choose the best answers.
( ) 1. What does Mike think of the songs on The Same Song? A. Beautiful. B. Not good C. Not relaxing. ( ) 2. What program is Kate’s favorite? A. Human and Nature B. Cartoon City C. The Same Song. ( ) 3. Who likes Human and Nature? A. Mike B. Kate C. Kate and Mike. ( ) 4. Which program do Mike’s parents watch every evening? A. Cartoon City B. CCTV News. C. Human and Nature. B C B

5 Pair work Talk about TV programs.
I would rather watch Human and Nature than The Same Song. Which TV program do you like better, The Same Song or Human and Nature?

6 Key points = I would rather watch Human and Nature than The same song.
I prefer Human and Nature to The Same Song. = prefer… to… 比起…… 更喜欢……

7 Pair work Talk about TV programs.
I prefer Human and Nature to The Same Song. Which TV program do you like better, The Same Song or Human and Nature?

8 Pair work Make a similar dialog after the example:
A: Which TV program do you like better, … or … ? B: I prefer … to … A: Why? B: Because …

9 Do you like dogs. Do you think dogs are honest. Here are some phrases
Do you like dogs? Do you think dogs are honest? Here are some phrases. Do you know their meanings in Chinese? 丧家犬 a homeless dog a mad dog a running dog a dog catching a mouse a lucky dog Every dog has its day. 疯狗 走狗 狗拿耗子 幸运儿 人人皆有得意日。

10 But in western countries, “dog” has positive meanings.
negative adj. 消极的;负面的 positive adj. 正面的,积极的 But in western countries, “dog” has positive meanings. Most phrases in Chinese about the dog have negative meanings.

11 Read and understand. 1. Do China and western countries have
different cultures? 2. What does “you are a lucky dog” mean? 3. Are roses the symbol of love in China as in western countries? 4. How many phrases about dogs do you know? Yes, they do. It means you are a lucky person. Yes, they are.

12 Key points We can see the differences when we pay attention to the way words are used. 定语从句,修饰先行词way,省略了引导词in which或that。 Example: I don’t like the way you speak to your mother.

13 Key points We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how certain words are used. v. 比较 以某种行动、手段或工具, by doing sth. Example: You can get hold of me by phoning this number.

14 Work alone Item China Western countries Dog Cat Rose …
Complete the table according to 1a. You can also add your own opinions. Then retell the passage. Item China Western countries Dog Cat Rose honest, and good friend of humans; has positive meanings has negative meanings people love it very much used for describing a woman who is cruel stands for the same meanings as in China; the national flower of England, America and many other countries. a symbol of love; stands for love, peace, courage and friendship

15 Task Read again, and sum up the main idea of this passage.
The title of the text: ___________________________________________ 2. The main idea of Paragraph 1: 3. The main idea of Paragraph 3: 4. Draw the conclusion(结论): Different Countries Have Different Cultures Some different meanings of words are used in China and in western countries. Take “rose” as an example to discuss similar meanings used in China and in western countries. The words are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures.

16 Project Design a TV program with your partners according to the form.
(1)节目名称: Different Cultures (2)节目风格(style) (3)表现形式(form) (4)选择收集的信息内容(information) 信息内容: ①交际话题的差异 ②对不同事物的情感态度 ③一些有哲理的谚语 ④不同的风土人情

17 You can design like this:
Program: Different Cultures Style: Talk show Form: Ask some guests to talk about the words about animals in different cultures. Information: …

18 We learn We can We know some proverbs in western countries and China.
TV programs and talking about their characteristics. We can talk about preferences and hobbies. We know the differences between Chinese culture and western culture.

19 Homework Try to grasp the meanings of the following phrases.
Nothing is difficult if you set your mind on it. (2) A friend in need is a friend indeed. (3) All roads lead to Rome. (4) The early bird catches the worm. (5) No pains, no gains. (6) Waste not, want not.

20 Good-bye! Thank you

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