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A Homemade PowerPoint Game The University of Georgia

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1 A Homemade PowerPoint Game The University of Georgia
By the Light of the Moon! Story Game Directions Game Preparation Game Pieces Play the game Objectives A Homemade PowerPoint Game by Tricia Williams The University of Georgia Credits Copyright Notice

2 By the Light of the Moon Hundreds of years ago, there was an evil wizard who was jealous of all the beautiful stars in the sky. So one day, he cast a spell that turned all of the stars into a dull ugly color. The only way to break the wizard’s spell and make the stars bright and beautiful again is to collect 15 stars by answering 15 of the wizard’s questions correctly. Can you do it? Can you help make all of the stars beautiful again? It is a dangerous task. The evil wizard will try to cast spells on you to slow you down or to stop you, so beware!! You must follow the moonlit path to complete your journey and collect 15 stars to win. Good luck, and remember to stay on the moonlit path! Home Page

3 Game Directions This game is a basic board game, played as follows:
Set up the game board and give each player a marker. Begin the game on the computer by clicking on the “Time to Play” link. The first player rolls the dice and advances the number of spaces indicated. If the player lands on a blank space, it is the next player’s turn. If the player lands on a “Danger,” “Name This Planet,” or “Question” space, the player clicks on the corresponding link on the computer screen and answers the question or accepts the penalty. A star is given to each player who answers a question correctly. The first person to collect 15 stars wins the game. Be careful to click directly on the answer of link, if you click slightly off of it the PowerPoint will take you to the next slide instead of the appropriate link. Return

4 Game Preparation Game Board: Print out slides 9-12, cut off the edges, then tape together. ( Click on links below.) Slide Slide Slide Slide 12 Game Pieces: Print out slide 5 (preferably on heavy stock with a distinct color), then cut into individual game pieces. Dice: Teacher will need to provide. Stars: Teacher will need to print out slide 13 for stars, and cut them out. Home Page

5 Game Pieces Return

6 Credits All teachers and students at non-profit schools can use, revise, or adapt this game at will at no cost on the condition that all prior designers are cited. Originally designed by Tricia Williams, University of Georgia, June 24, 2003, “By the Light of the Moon.” Home Page

7 Educational Objectives
Audience Grade 4, Science, Earth/Space Science 36   Topic: Space: Astronomy Standard: Compares characteristics (size, portion, composition) of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, moons and meteors. Home Page

8 Copyright Copyright 2003 Tricia Williams
Permission to copy this game at no cost is granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools. Permission is also granted to all teachers and students of non-profit schools to make revisions to this game for their own purposes, on the condition that this copyright page and the credits page remain part of the game. Teachers and students who adapt the game should add their names and affiliations to the credits page without deleting any names already there. Home Page

9 Game Board Top Left Portion

10 Game Board Top Right Portion

11 Game Board Bottom Left Portion

12 Game Board Bottom Right Portion

13 Stars

14 Stars

15 Time to play “By the Light of the Moon”! Questions
1 2 3 4 5 8 10 6 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 Home Page Danger Cards Name This Planet Game Directions

16 Danger Card! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

17 Name This Planet Card! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

18 THAT’S RIGHT!!! Super! Click here for the next question.

19 Click here for the next question.
Sorry, Maybe Next Time Click here for the next question.

20 Are the Sun and Moon out at the same time?
Yes No Sometimes

21 What shape is the Moon? Always a sphere Always changing
Crescent (half-circle) shape Triangle

22 What is an asteroid? A space rock A ring around a planet
A constellation A planet

23 A constellation is a group of stars that forms a pattern in the night sky.
True / False

24 A _____ is a huge globe of hot gases that shines by its own light.
Asteroid Planet Moon Star

25 What is a large body in space that orbits a star and does not produce light on its own?
Sun Constellation Planet Black hole

26 How many planets revolve around the Sun?
6 7 9 11

27 What is the Sun? A star A planet A moon An asteroid

28 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
True / False

29 Which planet is farthest from the sun?
Earth Pluto Venus Uranus

30 The planet Mars has rings around it.
True / False

31 What is a nebula? A huge cloud of gases and dust found in space
A planet A solar system

32 What is a supernova? A black hole Another name for the Sun A rocket
The explosion of a star

33 A group of billions of stars that are held together by gravity is a galaxy.
True / False

34 What galaxy is the planet Earth in?
Hershey’s Heaven Starlight Kingdom Moonbeam Drop Milky Way

35 Danger Card 1 The wizard causes a wind storm to slow you down.
Go back 4 spaces. Click here for the next question.

36 The evil wizard has cast a spell on you.
Danger Card 2 The evil wizard has cast a spell on you. Lose a turn. Click here for the next question.

37 Danger Card 3 The wizard tricked you into drinking a secret potent. Lose a star. Click here for the next question.

38 Danger Card 4 You get lost in the woods. Lose a turn.
Click here for the next question.

39 Danger Card 5 You have fallen into a swamp and are sinking in the quicksand! Go back 3 spaces. Click here for the next question.

40 Click here for the next question.
Danger Card 6 You are attacked by thousands of bats that the wizard sent to defeat you, but you fight bravely. Go forward 1 space. Click here for the next question.

41 Danger Card 7 A hail storm occurs and you must take shelter in a cave for 3 days. Go back 2 spaces. Click here for the next question.

42 Click here for the next question.
Danger Card 8 You take a wrong turn and enter a haunted forest. An owl shows you the way out. Go back 2 spaces. Click here for the next question.

43 Click here for the next question.
Danger Card 9 The wizard sees you getting close to his castle and causes you to stumble into a pit. It takes you a day to get out. Lose a turn. Click here for the next question.

44 Danger Card 10 You successfully cross the raging river to get closer to your goal. Go forward 4 spaces. Click here for the next question.

45 Danger Card 11 You are chased by wild hogs. Go back to Start.
Click here for the next question.

46 Danger Card 12 The wizard casts a spell on you and you turn into a frog. Lose 1 turn while the spell wears off. Click here for the next question.

47 Danger Card 13 An asteroid hits the woods and creates a giant hole.
Lose a star. Click here for the next question.

48 Danger Card 14 A tree falls and blocks your path. Lose a turn.
Click here for the next question.

49 Danger Card 15 The wizard turns you into a stone. Lose a turn.
Click here for the next question.

50 Name this Planet a. Venus b. Mars c. Earth d. Jupiter

51 Name This Planet Neptune Uranus Mars Saturn

52 Name This Planet Earth Pluto Jupiter Neptune

53 Name This Planet Mars Jupiter Uranus Saturn

54 Name This Planet Uranus Mars Venus Earth

55 Name This Planet Mercury Venus Pluto Uranus

56 Name This Planet Saturn Uranus Neptune Mars

57 Name This Planet Neptune Mars Saturn Venus

58 Correct!! Receive a Free Star! Click here for the next question.

59 You win another turn. Roll Again
Way To Go!! You win another turn. Roll Again Click here for the next question.

60 Super!! Move forward 2 spaces Click here for the next question.

61 WOW! That’s Right You win a free star! Click here for
the next question.

62 Congratulations!! Move forward 1 space Click here for
the next question.

63 You win a free turn. Roll Again
Good Job!! You win a free turn. Roll Again Click here for the next question.

64 Good Answer!! Move forward 3 spaces Click here for the next question.

65 Game Board Top Right Portion

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