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Presidential Selection: the Framer’s Plan

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1 Presidential Selection: the Framer’s Plan
Chapter 13 Section 3

2 Key Terms Presidential elector Electoral vote Electoral College

3 Original Provisions The Framer’s gave more time to the matter of choosing a president then any other matter Could not decide if Congress should choose or give the direct vote to the people Congressional selection was eventually chosen

4 Original Provisions Most Framers though a direct vote would lead to disorder President and Vice president were to be chosen by a body of electors Presidential electors were to be chosen by each individual states legislature.

5 Original Provisions Each state would have as many electors as it would have senators and representatives in Congress Each state would cast two electoral votes Each for a different candidate

6 Original Provisions The candidate with the most votes was named President and the next highest vote getter was Vice President Framers intended the electors to be enlightened and respectable citizens

7 The Rise of Parties Electoral college-The group of people (electors) chosen from each State and D.C. charged with formally selecting the President and the VP Early on flaws started to develop

8 The Election of 1800 System broke down during the election of 1800
Two well defined parties emerged the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans Each party nominated a President and Vice President

9 The Election of 1800 Each party also nominated 73 people to serve as electors There was a tie for the Presidency between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson Each elector had two votes and had to vote for two different people They voted for candidates representing their party It took 36 separate ballots but the House of Representatives finally chose Jefferson

10 The Election of 1800 Produced Three New Elements:
1.) Party nominations for President and Vice President 2.) Nomination for candidates for presidential electors in state’s who pledged their votes for their party 3.) Automatic casting of votes in line with the pledges

11 12th Amendment The 12th Amendment was added to Constitution in 1804
It separated the presidential and vice presidential offices during elections One set of ballots would be cast for President One set of ballots was cast for Vice President Same system that exists today

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