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Presentation on theme: "Syndactyly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syndactyly

2 Dominant or Recessive Syndactyly is an autosomal dominant geneticly transferred disease

3 History of Syndactyly Major symptom of Poland disease
Named for Alfred Poland-1822 Assisted by George Elt who was never recognized as helping Alfred Poland Syndactyly is a very common symptom of this syndrome First reported case of a Holstein with Syndactyly in the US was in 1951

4 Cause of the disease Syndactyly is due to errors in the process of fetal development. Syndactyly is also a possible outcome of a large number of rare inherited and developmental disorders.

5 Cow with syndactyly

6 Symptoms Multi-Symptom Different degrees
Apert Sydrome, Poland Syndrome, Jarcho-Levin Syndrome, Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, and Edwards syndrome

7 Affected, Treatment, Prevention
Any animal Surgery No prevention except to not breed animals with this disease

8 Sites Used

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