Introducing the Unrivaled G 200 and G 310

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Unrivaled G 200 and G 310"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Unrivaled G 200 and G 310
Extremely LOW-Energy-Use, Money-Saving Technology Superior Indoor Air Purification to 1 NANO Using NO Filters or UV AUSTIN PURE AIR North American Distributor of GENANO® Technology AIR PURIFIERS Introducing the Unrivaled PORTABLES G 200 and G 310 For Homes And Small Offices (719) Orders Processed and Delivered Direct from Finland within 4-5 weeks The Most Powerful Solutions To Airborne Causes Of ASTHMA, ALLERGIES, and SICK BUILDING SYNDROME in HOMES AND SMALL OFFICES

Superior Indoor Air Purification to 1 NANO Using NO Filters or UV GENANO® TECHNOLOGY FILTERLESS ULTRAPURE AIR SYSTEMS The Unrivaled The G200 with GENANO® Technology For 500-1,500 Square Feet For Homes And Small Offices For 1,000-3,000 Square Feet Austin Pure Air Presents GENANO / 310 The G310 with GENANO® Technology Outdoors in clean, fresh, high-country air! If you’ve been there and breathed it in, you know the experience leaves you feeling wonderfully invigorated, refreshed, and healthful! We’d all love to feel that way all the time! Information ahead for ASTHMA sufferers, and those with FLOOD/MOLD problems or FIRE/SMOKE concerns

3 What a contrast… Outdoors in clean, fresh, high-country air!
to feeling dull-headed, listless, or even ill from the everyday indoor air you must breathe inside your home or office... indoor air that often is actually contaminated— causing hay fever, provoking asthma, bringing on various other allergy symptoms, and sinusitis, and even worse things. NOTE: GENANO Technology destroys and safely removes every kind of particulates—living, dead, or inanimate.

4 Your indoor air – contaminated? Unfortunately, YES...
by various dusts, pollens, ragweed, dust mites, mold spores, and other airborne particles—and even by aerosol spray chemicals, carbon monoxide, *SMOKE, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and formaldehyde. (Indoor cooking produces these last three.) In the form of toxic fine particles and invisible gases, these harmful substances easily find their way into— or are produced in— our homes, offices, and other buildings, where we spend 90% of our time. *From smoking indoors or infiltration of forest fire smoke NOTE: GENANO Technology destroys and safely removes every kind of particulates—living, dead, or inanimate.

5 They Float Your quality of life is obviously at stake!
…floating in the air for days, even weeks, these airborne enemies accumulate. And they join forces with ultrafine particles—like viruses, bacteria, VOC gases, and other health-threatening but invisible contaminants. All these intrude upon us from other people’s bodies, from machines, from animals, from tiny insects like dust mites, and even from furniture—creating a nightmare for asthmatics, and what is accurately called in older homes or buildings SBS, Sick Building Syndrome. Even in a “clean” home, the infestation of floating but invisible ultrafine particles can be health-threatening. 90% of the time, you're indoors. Your quality of life is obviously at stake! Note: Genano technology destroys and safely removes every kind of particulates—living, dead, or inanimate.

6 Particles <0.2 microns??
The High Risks of Indoor Air Pollution Particle Penetrations Into the Human Body Particles >10 microns? No problem: They’re caught in the nose and throat. Particles <1 microns? Problem! They can penetrate deep into the lungs. Particles <0.2 microns?? Big Problem! They go directly into the... blood stream. (Particles <0.05 microns, such as viruses? They can pass through a surgical mask.) *Keep in Mind: Any particles < 2.5 microns are dangerous The Average Retail Air Cleaner CANNOT REMOVE from the air particles smaller than .3 microns. GENANO 200’s and 310’s CAN and DO

AND The Distribution of Ultrafine Particles (<0.1 micron) into the Human Body Upper respiratory tract 5-30 µm sized particles are deposited in this nasopharyngeal region Trachea, Bronchi and Bronchiolar Regions 1-5 µm sized particles deposit themselves here Bronchus Bronchiole Ref: Geiser, M., B. Rothen-Rutishauser, N. Kapp, et. al Ultrafine Particles Cross Cellular Membranes by Nonphagocytic mechanisms in Lungs and in Cultured Cells. Environmental Health Perspectives 113 (11): Image: Modified from Canada’s national Occupational Health & Safety Resource How Do Particulates Enter the Respiratory System?. Weinhold, B Particles in Practice: How Ultrafines Disseminate in the Body. Environews: Science Selections 113 (11): A 758. ULTRAFINE PARTICLES <0.1 µm in size cross cellular membranes and deposit themselves in the liver, heart, nervous system, and in other compartments in the body within hours of exposure. Alveolar Region 1 µm or less sized particles deposit themselves here GENANO Technology DESTROYS AND REMOVES EVERY KIND of particulates—living, dead, or inanimate. 7

8 a GENANO 200 or 310 The BEST relief can be provided by
More About The Harmful Effects of Indoor Air Contaminants The concentration of air pollutants indoors is often 5-10 times greater than outdoors—causing: Headaches, and difficulty concentrating Eye, nose, throat, and respiratory irritation Nausea, and even dizziness Muscle pain and fatigue Insomnia Dermatitis Often, people experiencing these health difficulties will find their symptoms improved or relieved away from the toxic air environment of their home or office. The BEST relief can be provided by a GENANO 200 or 310

9 The Ultimate Solution – Ultrapure Indoor Air
The GENANO 200 or 310 NOTE! Though no indoor air purification system can guarantee prevention of disease, GENANO Technology does the BEST job of purifying your indoor air toward that goal! Bad indoor air can rob you of productive physical energy and mental vitality. Bad indoor air can even lead to serious heart and respiratory illnesses. According to a study by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the EPA, indoor air contaminants are responsible for… half of all illnesses. What can you do? You can make a powerful change – by choosing one of the products that purify indoor air like absolutely none other in the world. You can enjoy the Genano 200 or 310 and have ultraclean, ultrapure air! The Unrivaled The Unrivaled For 500-1,500 Sq Ft What can you do? You can make a powerful change – by choosing one of the products that purify indoor air like absolutely none other in the world. You can enjoy the Genano 200 or 310 and have ultraclean, ultrapure air! The G200 with GENANO® Technology The G310 with GENANO® Technology For 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft And do it LESS EXPENSIVELY than with an Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit that inadequately cleans only 500 sq. ft (max)

10 GENANO® Technology Portable Units
Superior Purification to 1 NANO Using NO Filters or UV GENANO® Technology Portable Units The Unrivaled The 200 and 310: *Both are stand-alone air purifiers. *Both are environmentally friendly. Extremely low energy use No fiber filters or UV lights to store or dispose of *Both are portable—can be moved from room to room. G200 G310 *The 200: Effective range 500 to 1,500 sq ft *The 310: Effective range 1,000 to 3,000 sq ft Enjoy Filterless Free-Flow World-Leading GENANO® Technology Warning MONTHLY ENERGY COST ALONE of an Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit = $ 70.00 (And it only cleans up to 500 Sq. Ft.)

11 in the Amazing 200’s and 310’s GENANO® Technology GENANO® Technology
Ultra- pure air Air moves upward through the cleaning chamber. Negatively charged particles are pushed onto positively charged plates, where they are captured. (Ions are a small part of the push.) The positively charged plates are routinely washed by GENANO® biodegradable cleaning fluid mix, and flushed downward. Flushed particles are collected in a basin at the bottom of the unit. Portable waste collection basins are safely cleaned in any sink. dirty air GENANO® Technology air-cleaning function GENANO® Technology flushes polluted material from collecting surfaces See the videos on this website for animation/ dramatization of amazing GENANO® Technology NOTE! GENANO Technology destroys and safely removes EVERY KIND of particulates—living, dead, or inanimate.

12 The Amazing & Economical G310 VS.
Compare! The Amazing & Economical G310 VS. An Average Retail Air Cleaner (ARACU) GENANO 310 Average Retail Air Cleaner Purifies EVERY kind of particle from indoor air—even toxic ultrafine particles as small as .001 microns. Health benefits are immeasurable, protecting the immune system. Relief for allergy, asthma, and COPD sufferers can be profound. 2. Has an effective range of 1,000-3,000 sq. ft. Covers the range of up to SIX (6) Average Retail Air Cleaners …and purifies the air extraordinarily BETTER than they do. Only purifies from dirty indoor air particles as small as .3 microns, leaving behind millions of fine and ultrafine particles in the air that are much smaller—and much more dangerous. Has an effective range of only up to 500 sq. ft. Six (6) Average Retail Air Cleaners are needed to match a single GENANO 310’s incredible range of 3000 square feet. (continued ) (continued )

13 The Amazing & Economical G310 VS.
An Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit (ARACU) GENANO 310 (cont.) Average Retail Air Cleaner (cont.) 3. Energy-hogs a whopping 800 watts of power, costing its owner an average of $70.00/month in energy costs for EACH average retail air cleaner used. (Most homes need 3 to 6 of these to reach all their square footage—an unbelievable energy expense of $200 to $400 per month.) 4. REQUIRES costly particle filters that become traps for filth and which must be regularly replaced, burdening its owner with SIGNIFICANT EXTRA EXPENSE EACH YEAR. Built to last… only 5-6 years, per EPA. 3. IS A FILTERLESS, FREE-FLOW SYSTEM that runs on ONLY watts of power, averaging ONLY $9.00/month in energy cost 4. Uses NO PARTICLE FILTERS (which would be expensive and quickly become nasty “hazardous material” to be regularly disposed of) and NO UV LIGHTS 5. Is built to last… years

14 The Amazing & Economical G200 VS.
Compare! The Amazing & Economical G200 VS. An Average Retail Air Cleaner (ARACU) GENANO 200 Average Retail Air Cleaner Purifies EVERY kind of particle from indoor air—even toxic ultrafine particles as small as .001 microns. Health benefits are immeasurable, protecting the immune system. Relief for allergy, asthma, and COPD sufferers can be profound. 2. Has an effective range of 500-1,500 sq. ft. Covers the range of up to (3) Three Average Retail Air Cleaner Units …and purifies the air extraordinarily BETTER than they do. Only purifies from dirty indoor air particles as small as .3 microns, leaving behind millions of fine and ultrafine particles in the air that are much smaller—and much more dangerous. Has an effective range of only up to 500 sq. ft. Three (3) Average Retail Air Cleaners are needed to match a single GENANO 200’s incredible range of 1,500 square feet. (continued ) (continued )

15 The Amazing & Economical G200 VS.
An Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit (ARACU) GENANO 200 (cont.) Average Retail Air Cleaner (cont.) 3. Energy-hogs a whopping 800 watts of power, costing its owner an average of $70.00/month in energy costs for EACH average retail air cleaner used. (Most homes need 3 to 6 of these to reach all their square footage—an unbelievable energy expense of $200 to $400 per month.) 4. REQUIRES costly particle filters that become traps for filth and which must be regularly replaced, burdening its owner with SIGNIFICANT EXTRA EXPENSE EACH YEAR. Built to last… only 5-6 years, per EPA. 3. IS A FILTERLESS, FREE-FLOW SYSTEM that runs on ONLY 30 Watts of power, averaging ONLY $3.00/month in energy cost 4. Uses NO PARTICLE FILTERS (which would be expensive and quickly become nasty “hazardous material” to be regularly disposed of)… and NO UV LIGHTS 5. Is built to last… years

16 in the Amazing G200’s and G310’s
Superior Purification to 1 NANO Using NO Filters or UV Summary of Benefits GENANO® Technology in the Amazing G200’s and G310’s VERY LOW energy demand. GENANO’S Filterless, free-flow system draws minimal power – ONLY 30 to 120 watts, costing only about $3.00/month (G200) or about $9.00/month (G310) for energy consumption. Note: The Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit (ARACU) uses 800 watts of power, costing its owner $70.00 per month in energy consumption. Greater Range and Purity: G200’s ultra-purify to 1 Nano over 1,500 sq. ft. (max) G310’s ultra-purify to 1 Nano over 3,000 sq. ft. (max) but the Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit (ARACU) only minimally cleans to .3 microns over only 500 sq. ft. max Consistent operation in humidity up to 95%. Automatic flushing of accumulated dead/inanimate particle masses from collection surfaces. (Wastes are rendered environmentally safe and go down into the rinsable basin.)

17 in the Amazing G200’s and G310’s (cont.)
Extremely LOW-Energy-Use, Money-Saving Green Products Summary of Benefits GENANO® Technology in the Amazing G200’s and G310’s (cont.) *NO dirty fiber-filters (considered hazardous waste due to the nature of the filtrate.) *NO substrate in which microbes grow. Plus...Your home’s ventilation ducts and air conditioner/heating equipment are kept SUPER-CLEAN with are NOT damaged by water or smoke, as are HEPA filters and UV. GENANO® Units. Special Note: GENANO® Technology Units

18 And For Times of Emergency…
Powerful Charcoal Capsule Eliminates Odors ARE NOT damaged by WATER or SMOKE, AS ARE HEPA filters and UV. Portable GENANO® Technology Units G 200’s / G 310’s Powerful Charcoal Capsule Eliminates Odors The G 200 with GENANO® Technology The G 310 with GENANO® Technology Plus: GENANO Units can easily handle the WORST of after-flood AIRBORNE MOLD SPORE PROBLEMS For 1,000 -3,000 Sq Ft For ,500 Sq Ft

19 Before We Go On… GENANO® Technology Units
Let us put your mind at ease about the low overall cost of GENANO® Technology Units (versus ARACU’s, our more expensive and extremely inferior competition) Upcoming, we provide 2 illustrations of a very conservative 15-Year-Service Scenario… even though our machines— with 5-Year Service Maintenances— are built to last longer… What you are about to see is that your Average Retail Air Cleaner Units (ARACU’S) in the long run end up costing 4 to 6 times more than our The G200 with GENANO® Technology GENANO® Technology Units The G310 with GENANO® Technology

20 GENANO® Technology Units
PURCHASE + EXTREMELY LOW ENERGY USE + 5-YEAR MAINTENANCES Purifying 1,000 to 3,000 Sq. Ft. At .001 microns ULTRA-EFFICIENCY VERSUS Average Retail Air Cleaner Units (ARACU’s) TRIPLE-PURCHASE + HIGH ENERGY USE + EXPENSIVE FILTERS Compelling Cost Comparison For Home or Small Office Air Purification Purifying ONLY Up TO 500 Sq. Ft. at .3 microns LOW EFFICIENCY To purify Square feet Requires Four (4) Average Retail Air Cleaner Units Total Costs = $356/month 15-Year Service To purify Square feet Requires Six (6) Average Retail Air Cleaner Units Total Costs = $534/month $89/month $79/month Genano 200 = $59/month Genano 310 = $79/month $59/month Each Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit ARACU’s Only Minimally Clean 500 Sq. Ft. $89 / month total costs for G310 G200 Each ARACU 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft ,500 Sq Ft Only up to 500 Sq Ft Per EPA, Average Retail Air Cleaner Units must be repurchased AT LEAST TWICE for 15 years of service $14, $10, $16,020 YEARS ALL COSTS They only last 5-6 years each

15 Years of Service – G200 / G310 *GENANO UNITS are built to last 15+ years or more… We use a conservative 15-Year scenario for our illustrations ALL GENANO COSTS 1. Purchase 2. Extremely Low Energy Consumption 3. Service a. 32-oz bottles of Biodegradable Cleansing Fluid (One per year) b. Two 5-year maintenances VERSUS ARACU High Energy Consumption or a Hospital Visit AVERAGE RETAIL AIR CLEANER UNITS 15 Years Of Energy Hogging WARNING A Sq Ft Home needs 4+ ARACU’s to even minimally clean its indoor air. One Visit ALL COSTS 15 Years of GENANO Service Energy Costs G200 $3.00/month G310 $9.00/month ARACU $70.00/month Per EPA One Hospitalization Help prevent hospitalizations from asthma attacks and heart/respiratory disease. Enjoy good health with Genano Technology! G200 G 310 $17,000 Average Hospital Visit Energy For One ARACU Energy For Three ARACU’s 500 - 1,500 sq. ft. 1000 - 3,000 sq. ft. for 500 sq. ft. for 1,500 sq. ft.

22 Though it’s true the G200 or G310 Austin Pure Air The G 310 Per EPA
Extremely LOW-Energy-Use, Money-Saving Air Purifiers Austin Pure Air Powerful Charcoal Capsule Eliminates Odors! Though it’s true that nothing can quite recreate indoors exactly what we breathe in high altitudes outdoors, the G200 or G310 will make your home or office indoor air as sweet and pure and healthful and invigorating as it can possibly be! Powerful Charcoal Capsule Eliminates Odors! For 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft For Homes And Small Offices The G 310 with GENANO® Technology The G200 with GENANO® Technology For 500-1,500 Sq Ft 15 years of Service from a Filterless G 310 only costs about $14,220 Total (avg. about $79/month) Per EPA MONTHLY ENERGY COST ALONE of an Average Retail Air Cleaner Unit (ARACU) Servicing only up to 500 Square Feet 15 years of ARACU Energy = $12,600 Total Costs ARACU 15 years = $!6,020 15 years of Service from a Filterless GENANO 200 only costs about $10,640 Total (avg. about $59/month) = $70.00 All Major Credit Cards Accepted Financing available on our website

23 So… Are You Ready to Enjoy Wonderfully Pure Indoor Air?
True, there are a number of portable air cleaners for home or office on the market. And it’s true that initially cheaper Average Retail Air Cleaner Units make a great many claims. But none of them can even come close to matching the superior technology and effectiveness of the world-leading products we’ve introduced to you here— and none can offer the low total cost per month that GENANO does. The Amazing & Economical GENANO 200 and 310 (719) Orders Processed and Delivered Direct from Finland within 4-5 weeks The G200 with GENANO® Technology The G310 with GENANO® Technology Major Credit Cards Accepted Financing available on our website

24 If You’re Ready, Let Us Help You With Your Order
(719) Orders Processed and Delivered Direct from Finland within 4-5 weeks The G310 with GENANO® Technology For 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft The G200 with GENANO® Technology G310 15 Years All Costs Purchase + Energy + Fluid and Two 5-Year Maintenances $14,220 (average $79/month) G200 15 Years All Costs Purchase + Energy + Fluid and Two 5-Year Maintenances $10,640 (average $59/month) For 500-1,500 Sq Ft (There’s further compelling info to come) *Units are easy to unpack, plug in, and start operating (Instructions included) Start breathing healthy, ultrapure air and saving money from day one *OPTIONAL 5-year Maintenance Services for Extended Life $600 (In years 6 and 11) One-Year Supply Cleansing Fluid $60.00 (First bottle comes with Unit) *For every 5-Year Maintenance Service performed, GENANO’s original 5-Year Warrantee is EXTENDED an additional 5 years, up to 15 years.

25 Need more Information? The following slides provide even more
reasons to make the wisest choice possible for your indoor air purification…

G 200’s and G310’s can easily handle The VERY WORST of ODOR and AIRBORNE MOLD SPORE PROBLEMS (even after floods) (Part 1) Consider this from The Center for Disease Control… “Moisture and standing water often leads to the rapid appearance of MOLD on previously flooded surfaces; it may grow on exposed surfaces as well as inside (unseen) surfaces and can form within one to two days after flooding. MOLD developing in indoor environments poses a HEALTH RISK to many people, who…(because of MOLD SPORES in the air)… may experience stuffy nose, eye irritation, skin irritation, or wheezing. Persons with weakened immune systems or chronic lung diseases (such as an obstructive lung disease) may be at increased risk of developing MOLD infections in their lungs.” GENANO TECHNOLOGY PURIFYING AT 1 NANO EFFICIENCY DESTROYS AND SAFELY REMOVES 99.96% OF ALL PARTICULATE MATTER FROM THE AIR, INCLUDING MOLD SPORES. Those At Greatest Risk From Mold Spores: 1. Infants 2. Children 3. The elderly 4. The immune-compromised 5. Pregnant women 6. Those with existing respiratory problems WARNING: UV lights kill only 70% of MOLD SPORES in the air. And after UV light treatment, dead spore particulates remain to irritate and sicken.

27 G 200’s and G310’s can easily handle The VERY WORST of ODOR and
AIRBORNE MOLD SPORE PROBLEMS (even after floods) (Part 2) “One MOLD organism can multiply to trillions in less than three weeks.” GENANO TECHNOLOGY, PURIFYING AT 1 NANO EFFICIENCY, REMOVES 99.96% OF ALL PARTICULATE MATTER FROM THE AIR, INCLUDING MOLD SPORES. “According to the World Health Organization, 60% of Indoor Air Quality problems and allergies may be MOLD-RELATED.” Results from the MICOTOXINS that MOLD produces: asthma, allergies, hypersensitivity, pneumonitis, and even bleeding lung disease. “The interior of your ductwork and air conditioning equipment provides an ideal environment for MOLD GROWTH …the result can be like blowing air over a swamp or through a sewer and then into your home, vehicle, workplace.” WARNING! ARACU’s (Average Retail Air Cleaner Units) only trap and INCUBATE LIVE MOLD SPORES.

28 …and this from The American Lung Association…
Plus this warning from Berkeley Lab Researchers… “…the aggregate health consequences of poor indoor air quality—of which cooking is the major but not sole source— are as significant as those from all traffic accidents or infectious diseases in the United States.” …and this from The American Lung Association… “Most of us spend up to 90 per cent of our time indoors breathing POLLUTED air …The result is that many of us suffer from asthma, allergies, and hypersensitivity.”

29 … this further information from the American Lung Association
“… 39.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with ASTHMA some time in their lives and in 2010 alone, close to 2 million emergency room visits were attributed to ASTHMA.” The average ASTHMA-RELATED visit to an emergency room —with hospitalization— TODAY costs over $17,000. NOTE! Though no indoor air purification system can guarantee prevention of disease, GENANO Technology does the BEST job of purifying your indoor air toward that goal

30 ASTHMA … ASTHMA is characterized by excessive sensitivity of the lungs
to various stimuli. Triggers range from viral infections to allergies, to irritating gases and particles in the air. Each person reacts differently to the factors that may trigger asthma, including: Respiratory infections and colds Cigarette smoke Allergic reactions to such allergens as pollen, mold, animal dander, feathers, dust, food, and cockroaches Indoor and outdoor air pollutants, including ozone and particle pollution Exposure to cold air, or sudden temperature change Excitement/stress, or exercise The annual direct health care cost of asthma (in the U.S) is approximately $50.1 billion; indirect costs (e.g. lost productivity) add another $5.9 billion, for a total of $56.0 billion. A G200 or G310 can be a wonderful solution to asthma caused by indoor air pollutants

31 Further startling information from Berkeley Lab Researchers…
“The indoor pollutant that scientists believe may be most harmful to human health is particles, including fine particles, which are smaller than 1 micrometer (micron). They are produced by both gas and electric burners and by COOKING. They are potentially very harmful because they can enter the lungs and, for the smaller particles, enter the bloodstream or other tissues… Electric burners produce ultrafine particles essentially by volatizing dust…It’s the same process with your toaster, resistance heater or radiator, if you haven’t used it for a while. After you turn it on, you can smell it—it smells terrible. You’re smelling the chemicals that have been volatized. Once they’re in the air, they recondense into these ultrafine particles. This is the chemistry lab in your kitchen.”

32 200 or 310 “What can you do?” The GENANO You can make a
The Ultimate Solution – Ultrapure Indoor Air The GENANO 200 or 310 Powerful Charcoal Capsule Eliminates Odors “What can you do?” The G200 Filterless Free-Flow GENANO® Technology You can make a powerful change in the indoor air you breathe every day The G310 GENANO® Technology For 500-1,500 Square Feet (719) Orders Processed and Delivered Direct from Finland within 4-5 weeks For 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft Major Credit Cards Accepted Financing available on our website

33 Filter Systems OR GENANO
GENANO® Technology Purification Efficiency of DESTROYS AND REMOVES Toxic Particles As Small As Microns 1 Nano G200/ 310 ONLY Filter Systems OR GENANO Efficiency - to .001 Microns Efficiency to 0.3 Microns | | to 10 1 Nano BACTERIA Powerful Charcoal Capsule Eliminates Odors VIRUSES DNA MOLD ALLERGENS SMALLER THAN .3 MICRONS REMOVED ONLY BY GENANO® Technology .3 MICRONS OR LARGER REMOVED BY Filters/HEPA as well as by GENANO® Technology COMMON COLD FLU/PNEUMONIA CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, NANO & OTHER MANUFACTURING PARTICLES TOBACCO SMOKE COOKING SMOKE & GREASE DIESEL ENGINE EXHAUST PAINT PIGMENTS GENANO® Technology destroys & removes ultrafine toxic particles which no other can

34 The portable GENANO 200 or 310 Unrivaled Technology and Effectiveness
makes your indoor air ULTRACLEAN… by removing EVERY KIND OF particle (especially the toxic ones)— even those as small as .001 microns, which far surpasses the ability of ANY Filter system on the market . With a portable GENANO 200 or 310, 99.96% of ALL particles are gone—including all dusts, dust mite excretions, pet danders, pollens, viruses, bacteria, and mold spores… GENANO® Technology The Unrivaled

35 and Effectiveness (cont.)
Unrivaled Technology and Effectiveness (cont.) …This is possible through GENANO'S patented filterless technology, which features specially designed internal showers and an environmentally safe cleansing solution. This unrivaled technology has had its superior effectiveness confirmed by studies in several highly regarded International Research Labs. Plus, servicing the machine is as easy as watering a plant. There's no particle filter or UV light – residue is simply flushed from a removable basin. The G200 with GENANO® Technology The G310 with GENANO® Technology For 500-1,500 Sq Ft For 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft GENANO® Technology The Unrivaled

36 The Simple but Powerful Basics of The GENANO 200 / 310
Airborne TOXIC/HAZARDOUS particles are drawn into the unit’s lower section. Passing upward through the cleaning chamber, they are destroyed and safely removed. GENANO® Technology kills and removes toxic particles as small as…0.001 Microns! 2. The ULTRAPURIFIED air then passes through powerful gas-and-odor-absorbing charcoal , removing ozone and other gases before it is returned to the room. The GENANO 200 or 310 flushes out the dead particles (now NON-toxic) regularly. The G310 with GENANO® Technology For 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft The G200 with GENANO® Technology For 500-1,500 Sq Ft

to the Need for, the Power of, and The Cost-Effectiveness of GENANO® TECHNOLOGY Units “When I first started breathing the incredibly pure air out of my new GENANO 310, I believed I’d found THE answer to my consistent workday mental sluggishness indoors and my allergies. And it has sure turned out that way. I’ve never been more productive and feel great. There’s just no comparison with the before and after.” Gregory A., Marketing Executive Falcon, Colorado “All of my life, I have been subject to colds, flu, and other upper respiratory problems. Since I installed a GENANO 310 in my home 6 years ago, I have had only one recurrence—when I went away from home on a six-week vacation.” Walter G., Retired Professor El Paso, Texas A 7½-month-pregnant wife had suffered with severe asthma in her 50-year-old home where the original carpeting was still installed. She became symptom-free when a GENANO 310 was installed. She remained symptom-free for the rest of her pregnancy and for three months afterward…until they opened her home for several hours to what they supposed was fresh spring air. “…while I do not normally have everyday respiratory difficulties (no asthma, allergies, COPD, etc.), I FEEL THE DIFFERENCE with my GENANO 310 running. What I’ve ALSO noticed is: Fewer upper respiratory tract infections, increased alertness and energy, and very little dust in my office.” Ann F., Ph.D., Biologist Chattanooga, Tennessee

38 and Delivered Direct from Finland
Ready to order? Call or us here at Austin Pure Air: (719) We’re friendly and helpful and we’ll process your order right away for one or more (even a hundred) GENANO 200’s and/or 310’s. You’ll have your machine(s) shipped direct to your home or office. You’ll also receive clear, simple instructions, so that you can start breathing ultrapure air immediately. (719) Orders Processed and Delivered Direct from Finland within 4-5 weeks

39 quite recreate indoors and Delivered Direct from Finland
Austin Pure Air For 1,000-3,000 Sq Ft REMEMBER: Though it’s true that nothing can quite recreate indoors exactly what we breathe in high altitudes outdoors, the G200 or G310 will make your home’s or office’s indoor air as sweet and pure and healthful and invigorating as it can possibly be. THANKS FOR CALLING OR ING US YOUR ORDER REQUEST Superior Purification to 1 NANO Using NO Filters or UV The G200 with GENANO® Technology The G310 with GENANO® Technology (719) Orders Processed and Delivered Direct from Finland within 4-5 weeks For ,500 Sq Ft

40 310 200 Specifications of GENANO® Technology Units MODEL Notes: 99.96%
Dimensions 14.2” X 19.5” X 49” 15” X 18” X 58” Fits easily in any home or office location Weight 77 lb 120 lb Rolls on its own wheels or on a dolly Chassis Galvanized Steel Aluminum, Zinc-coated Steel Extremely solid construction for long life Cleaning Efficiency To 99.96% To 99.96% Removes all kinds of particles down to 1 nano Cleaning Capacity 30 – 75 CubicFt/Min. 60 – CubicFt/Min. Free-flow filterless system maximizes performance Suitable for Space 500 to 1,500 Sq Ft 1,000 to 3,000 Sq Ft Capable of cleaning 3-6 times the area Average Retail Air Cleaners can Energy Consumption Only Watts Only Watts Only $3.00/$9.00 per month (vs. $70.00/month for Average Retail Air Cleaners) Voltage 110 Plugs right into normal outlet Operating Temperature 0°– 140° F Extreme heat or cold not a problem Operating Humidity 0 – 95% Functions effectively at almost all humidity levels Maintenance Add Solution once a month Automatic washing Service as easy as watering a plant

41 AUSTIN PURE AIR Office Fax 719-559-2021
North American Distributor: COO - Walter G. Austin, Ph.D., CPA Office Phone Office Fax Thank you for your order and for passing on the good news about GENANO ultrapure air.

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