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Summer Language Camp 2017 “Rainbowland” School of Stepanky Part One.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Language Camp 2017 “Rainbowland” School of Stepanky Part One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Language Camp 2017 “Rainbowland” School of Stepanky Part One

To help students improve their conversational English skills To help students better understand each other To involve students to work in groups To improve listening, reading, speaking skills To create projects, To practice group work To develop such traits of characters as kindness, tact, politeness, tolerance To develop pupils’ quick reaction, memory, logic, creative independence To stimulate imagination

3 Our Emblem

4 “One for all and all for one”
Our Team “Rainbowland” Our logo: “One for all and all for one”

5 God says “Please, take care of these!”
Our Team Rainbowland Chant: God made trees. God made leaves. God says, “Please Take care of these!” Our logo: God made trees, God made leaves, God says “Please, take care of these!”

6 QUICK or it will be too late!
Our son Our Song: We RECYCLE what we use, Separate things and you should too! Glass and paper, plastic, tin, Go in your recycling bin! We must start now, we can wait, QUICK or it will be too late!

7 Summer day camp one – opening day

8 Creating camp rules and

9 Camp Rules RESPECT Your Environment , one another –respect yourself.
Be Positive - Don’t Criticize, Encourage. 3. Be a good example to others 4. Play together as a team. 5.Love and know your native land 6.There is no dad and mom, it’s you to clean it up. 7. Air, sun and grass are our best friends.

10 A solemn oath: To respect our seniors- we promise.
Not to hurt those smaller- we promise. To believe in sincere friendship- we promise. To love work, game and song- we promise.

11 Summer day camp two –the planet earth

12 Summer camp day three My favourite pet

13 Summer camp day four–defense the children

14 Group project “the children’s rights wall”

15 Summer camp day five - Wild animals

16 Excursion to the zoo

17 Summer camp day six – How green you are

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