A Level Computer Science

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1 A Level Computer Science
Non-Exam Assessment A Level Computer Science

2 The Project Worth 20% of your final A Level grade
Requires you to work on a project to either: Identify a real problem that can be solved with a computer-based solution, or Investigate a specific aspect of computer science You will need to work through all the stages of system development to produce a programmed solution This is probably going to be the largest piece of work you’ve ever produced. It should take at least 50 hours (outside of lesson time), and nearly 2/3 of the marks come from your technical solution

3 You will learn: How to select an appropriate problem for your project
How to tackle each section of the project How to interpret the mark scheme What programming skills and techniques you can use How to document your project

4 Agile software development
You need to be aware of the agile approach to software development, the characteristics of which are: Planning is adaptive – it may change during development Developments may evolve as the technical solution is written – for example, after a prototype is created Technical solutions should be completed well ahead of schedule to allow time for changes to be made There should be a culture of continuous development, which may lead to changing aspects of your code

5 Milestones You do not have to complete each stage of development in order, but your final write-up must be presented in order, and there will be milestones for you to meet during the development process Milestone Deadline Analysis Complete Friday 25th May 2017 Designs Complete Friday 14th July 2017 Implementation Complete Friday 15th December 2017 Testing Complete Friday 9th February 2018 Final Deadline Friday 23rd March 2018

6 Breakdown of marks You need to think about areas of computing that interest you and that you are good at so you can show off your programming skill. 42 out of 75 marks come from your programming skill in the technical solution Analysis 9 Documented design 12 Technical solution 42 Testing 8 Evaluation 4 Total 75

7 Choosing a problem or investigation
Choose your problem carefully Not too easy and not too hard – must allow you to show off as much skill as you’re capable of Must have a real end user/client and be able to show evidence of dialogue with them throughout your project, not just at the beginning and end

8 Choosing a project or investigation
Start with family and friends – is there anything they do on which you could base a project? Maybe something to do with their work or a hobby? Past work experience placements Your own hobbies and interests – could you create a system related to gaming, social media, clubs or societies that you’re a part of

9 Example project ideas A simulation of a business or scientific issue, such as modelling share prices or flu epidemics An investigation of a well-known problem such as the game of life, the Towers of Hanoi or the travelling salesman problem A solution to a data processing problem for an organisation, such as membership systems for clubs, booking systems for medical appointments or student timetabling and reporting systems The solution of an optimisation problem, such as production of a rota, shortest-path problems or route planning

10 Example project ideas A computer game
An application of artificial intelligence or investigation into machine learning algorithms A control system using a device such as a Raspberry Pi A website with dynamic content, driven by a database back-end (the creation of a static website is not sufficient for A-level) Rendering a three-dimensional world on screen An app for a mobile phone or tablet of a suitable complexity, perhaps from the list above Exploring large datasets, looking for and visualising corrections

11 Choosing a problem or investigation
The best projects are the most realistic. It is much better to have a real problem rather than a pretend one. Don’t be scared to do something original even if it is very specific in what it will do

12 Analysis Deadline – Friday 25th May

13 Analysis Can be the hardest part of the project
Must identify and interview a real user If your user has a genuine problem that need solving then this section is much easier as they will provide much of the information you need

14 Analysis should include:
Background information on organisation or person system is being created for Description of the problem Analysis of the critical path of the project by identifying the main stages, the sequence they need to be done and any dependencies An outline of how the problem was researched, including transcript of interview and questionnaire results Source documents of current system (if available) Observation of the existing system (where relevant) A list of the user’s requirements and any limitations List of general and specific objectives that are realistic, achievable and measurable Any modelling that helps inform the design stage – may include graph models, entity-relationship models, data flow diagrams for the existing system

15 Analysis Marking Criteria
Analysis is marked on four criteria: How well the problem has been scoped and whether it has been explained in a way that is easy to understand Whether there is a fully documented set of measurable and appropriate specific objectives Whether the requirements were identified through proper research and dialogue with the user Whether the problem has been sufficiently well modelled to be of use in the subsequent stages

16 By next Friday Identify a client and problem for your project (remember to start with your friends and family and work out from there)

17 By Friday 17th March Write the first two sections of your Analysis:
Background information on organisation or person system is being created for Description of the problem If you’re struggling to find a client and/or problem by early next week, come and find me or Mr Swift. Do not wait for the lesson then come in telling me you haven’t got anything

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