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Practical Stewardship: So what do we do ?

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Stewardship: So what do we do ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Stewardship: So what do we do ?
Beginning tasks to start the Stewardship journey in YOUR parish

2 After starting a new diet I altered my drive to work to avoid passing my favorite bakery.
I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and as I approached, here in the window were a host of goodies. I felt this was no accident, so I prayed ... "Lord, it's up to you, if you want me to have any of those delicious goodies, create a parking place for me directly in front of the bakery.“ And sure enough, on the eighth time around the block, there it was!  God is good!!

3 Stewardship A way of life Understanding our Catholic Faith
“A flash of insight”—Conversion Living life differently Living life/faith out loud

4 How can I repay the Lord for all the good he has done for me? Psalms 116:12

5 Pre-Step One: Pastor Prep work
Pastor must be the shepherd Invitation to couples for leadership Bulletin invitation to the parish Communicate how it will benefit the parish Stewardship 101 Education Session Invitation to Stewardship Study

6 Extensive Study of the Pastoral Letter
Step one: Extensive Study of the Pastoral Letter

7 Step One: Extensive study of the Pastoral
Foundation knowledge on Stewardship Begin to think about your own parish and it’s mission ---stewardship journey Aha’s…. “flash of insight” Team/parish cohesiveness and bonding Planning for the future

8 What do we DO next?

9 Step Two: Ongoing education of the parish
From the Pastor and the pulpit use scripture passages that affirm Stewardship homilies prayers of the faithful

10 2. Ongoing education of the parish
Stewardship Committee mission statement bulletin announcements newsletters education seminars catalog/directory of ministries

11 Step Two: Mission Statement: A short phrase Easily memorized
Could fit on a bumper sticker A very general or broad statement describing your purpose. Why are mission statements important? Give purpose Give focus Give direction Divide into small groups…. Make sure that the following 4 questions are given out… it is okay if there are a few groups with the same question. What is a church/parishes purpose or responsibility? What is the purpose of Sacred Heart parish? Why has God put this group of people at Sacred Heart Parish together? What are some characteristics or things that make this parish different than other parishes in the Lincoln Diocese? How is that good or bad? Collect the papers that the small groups have formulated for the stewardship committee to formulate an actual mission statement for the parish.

12 Stewardship Committee Job Description & Responsibilities
Determine responsibilities and jobs within the parish Who will wear what hats? Assign subcommittees Treasure Time/talent communications

13 Step Three: Assessment of the Parish
5 Areas to Assess and Develop: 1. Hospitality 2. Prayer 3. Formation 4. Service 5. Accountability

14 Hospitality Do parishioners feel a “part of something?”
Time for fellowship coffee & donuts after mass church dinner or picnics How do you thank your volunteers? What do you do to make travelers/visitors feel welcome?

15 Prayer How is individual prayer life taught and reinforced within the church community? Rosary before mass Eucharistic adoration Prayer chain

16 Formation How do you help parishioners to learn more about and deepen their Catholic faith? RCIA CCD Retreats Bible studies Q&A with the priest

17 Service How does your parish care for it’s parishioners and the wider community? Ministries within the church Ministries in the community “God so constructed the body, that there may be no dissension in the body, but that all the members may be concerned for one another. If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members share its joy.”

18 Accountability Is the parish accessing all it’s resources and using them responsibly? Time/Talent Commitment Treasure Commitment Regular reports of budget/expenditures

19 Step Four: Annual Stewardship Commitment Sunday
Preparation events leading up to Commitment Sunday -parish mailings -bulletin announcements -prayer petitions -lay witness talks during mass -Homilies

20 Step five: Follow-up, Feedback & Evaluation
Quarterly statements sent Thank-you notes Celebration gathering Feedback: Parish forum Evaluation: Review results with Parish Council, Finance Committee, School Board, Administrative Council

21 Don’t Be Afraid! It’s a journey…. So just begin.
For help along the way: Lincoln Diocese Stewardship Office Jody Paulsen (402)

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