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Peer to Peer PD Accreditation Process

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Presentation on theme: "Peer to Peer PD Accreditation Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer to Peer PD Accreditation Process
Program Directors 101 Peer to Peer PD Accreditation Process Sandra Banas Jeanie McHugo

2 Objectives 1. Discuss the elements of a self assessment process 2. Discuss strategies to track program defined outcomes 3. Review and refine rubrics to assess program-defined outcomes 4. Describe methods to analyze data of program-defined outcomes

3 Goal Building off attendees experience in the physician assistant accreditation process, experienced faculty will discuss their approach in monitoring continuous self-study process

4 Disclaimer Facilitators opinions and remarks, shared during this workshop represent the facilitators own views and not those of the ARC-PA


6 The Value of Vagueness Based on region, type of institution,
Allows for program to define expectations Provides some flexibility for program variation Based on region, type of institution, program and mission


8 Communicating with the ARC-PA
When? Why? Who? With Whom? How? How - ?? Phone, , Letter PAEA Copyright 2016

9 ARC-PA Standards Section A - Administration
Section B - Curriculum and Instruction Section C - Evaluation Section D - Provisional Accreditation Section E - Accreditation Maintenance

10 ARC-PA Standards Section A - Administration A1: Sponsorship
Institutional Responsibilities Institution Resources A2: Program Personnel Program Faculty Medical Director Instructional Faculty Administrative Support Staff PAEA Copyright 2016

11 ARC-PA Standards Section A - Administration A3: Policies
Fair Practices and Admissions Faculty Records PAEA Copyright 2016


13 Administration A.11: The sponsoring institution must support the program in securing clinical sites and preceptors in sufficient numbers for program-required practice experiences

14 Activity Questions to facilitate sharing and discussion:
How does your institution support the program obtaining (or recruiting) sites and preceptors? How does your institution support maintaining existing sites and preceptors and collaborate with the program to forecast potential site shortage? How do you document the institution’s support for your SSR and site visit?


16 Administration A3.14b: The program must document the success of the program in achieving its goals

17 Activity Questions to facilitate sharing and discussion: •What are program goals have been defined for your program (beyond PANCE)? •How do you measure success of these goals? •How do you document these activities?

18 ARC-PA Standards Section B: Curriculum and Instruction B1 Curriculum
B2 Clinical Preparatory Instruction B3 Supervised Clinical Practice


20 Supervised Clinical Practice
B3.03 – B3.07: SCPE’s must meet program expectations and acquire the competencies need for clinical PA Practice SCPE’s must provide sufficient patient exposure SCPE’s must occur in specific patent settings SCPE’s must occur with preceptors in specific settings

21 Activity Questions to facilitate sharing and discussion:
How does the program determine expectations/learning outcomes for student clinical experience sufficient to attain needed competencies for clinical PA Practice? How does the program measure these competencies? How does the program document these competencies?


23 ARC-PA Standards Section C: Evaluation
C1 Ongoing Program Self-Assessment C2 Self-Study Report C3 Student Evaluation C4 Clinical Site Evaluation

24 On-Going Self Assessment
C1.01: The program must implement an ongoing program self- assessment process that is designed to document program effectiveness and foster program improvement

25 Activity Questions to facilitate sharing and discussion:
What are the defined expectations you are assessing in your program? What are the sources of quantitative and qualitative data to assess these expectations in your program? Describe the self-assessment process in your program to meet these expectations?

26 On-Going Self Assessment
C1.02: The program must apply the results of ongoing program self-assessment to the curriculum and other dimensions of the program.

27 Activity Questions to facilitate sharing and discussion:
How does the program critically analyze their data? What are examples of modifications to the curriculum or other components of the program that shows how data was collected and critically analyzed to improve the program?

28 ARC-PA Standards Section C: Evaluation
C1 Ongoing Program Self-Assessment C2 Self-Study Report C3 Student Evaluation C4 Clinical Site Evaluation

29 Self-Study Report C2.01: The program must prepare a SSR that accurately and succinctly documents the process and results on on-going self- assessment Process of ongoing self-assessment Result of critical analysis Faculty evaluations of program Modifications occurred as a result of self-assessment Self-identified strengths and areas of improvements Plans for addressing areas in need of improvements

30 Activity Questions to facilitate sharing and discussion:
How does the program document their SS process using data tables and analysis defined by the ARC-PA? How does the data and analysis support the program’s conclusion? What are the modifications made as a result of the data analysis? PAEA Copyright 2016

31 ARC-PA Standards Section E: Accreditation Maintenance
E1 Program and Sponsoring Institution Responsibilities

32 Site Visit Tips Realistic expectations of site visitors regarding behavior Evaluative rather than “friendly” Formal, not “informal” Putting the site visitors at ease Arranging the schedule Arranging “materials” Suggestions for student interviews Managing your anxiety PAEA Copyright 2016

33 Acknowledgements Special thanks to the following colleagues for their contributions to this presentation: Ruth Balweg PA-C Pat Auth PA-C PAEA Copyright 2016

34 ARC-PA Resources (not inclusive of all resources; however all are available on
Standards of Accreditation, 4th edition: Accreditation Manual (suggested evidence of compliance and performance indicators): Provisional Accreditation Process Flow Sheet: Continuing Accreditation Process Flow Sheet: Site Visit Protocol for Program Directors: Information Summary Sheet: Organizing Materials for Continuing Site Visits:

35 ARC-PA Resources (not inclusive of all resources; however all are available on
Site Visit Templates for Provisional Applicant, Provisional Monitoring and Final Provisional Visits: Organizing Materials for Provisional Accreditation Site Visits: Preparing for Your Site Visit: Rationale for Site Visit Schedule for Provisional Applicant, Provisional Monitoring and Final Provisional Visits: Site Visit Template Schedule for Continuing Visits after SSR review: Rationale for Site Visit Schedule for Continuing Programs: Data Analysis Resource:

36 ARC-PA Resources (not inclusive of all resources; however all are available on
Entering Data into the SCPE tab of the Portal: Program Expectations Syllabi and Objectives Manual Conducting and Writing a Feasibility Study Sample Materials: Sample Provisional Applicant, Provisional Monitoring and Final Provisional Applications; Sample Continuing Application; Sample Application for multi-campus programs; Sample SSR 2-3 yrs out for single and multiple campus programs and Sample Expansion to a Distant Campus: Notes and Portal Updates

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