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St. Valentine’s Day.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Valentine’s Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Valentine’s Day

2 The history of St.Valentine’s Day

3 The symbols of St.Valentine’s Day
Valentines Day Symbols: There are several symbols attached to the romantic festival of Valentine's Day. The most commonly attached Valentine's Day Symbols include Roses, Hearts, Cupid, Lovebirds and Dove besides Love Knots and Laces. Each of these Valentine's Day Symbols has an interesting story about how they become attached with the festival. Over the years these symbols have become a part of the Valentine's Day Tradition. The present generation may not know the story behind these symbols but they surely recognize the festival with its traditional symbols.  Today, these Valentine's Day symbols adorn Valentine's Day Cards and decorations. Decorative and showpieces for Valentine's Day are also madekeeping in mind these intrinsic symbols of Valentine's Day. 

4 How to make a St.Valentine’s card

5 Poems on St.Valentine’s Day
Roses are Red Roses are Red Violets are Blue Carnations are Sweet And so are you. And so are they That send you this And when we meet We'll have a kiss. Veggie Valentine You may not "carrot" all for me The way I care for you. You may "turnip" your nose When I plead with you But if your "heart" should "beet" with mine Forever "lettuce" hope There is no reason in the world  Why we two "Cantaloupe." Plenty of Love Plenty of love, Tons of kisses, Hope some day, To be your Mrs. To-morrow is St. Valentine's Day To-morrow is Saint Valentine's Day All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your windo To be your Valentine. Love is like a Cabbage My love is like a cabbage Divided into two, The leaves I give to others, The heart I give to you. Going Steady Valentine, O, Valentine, I'll be your love and you'll be mine. We'll care for each other, rain or fine, and in 90 years we'll be 99.


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