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B. Humensky 2/24/2012 CTA-SCT Mtg - SLAC

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1 B. Humensky 2/24/2012 CTA-SCT Mtg - SLAC
Simulations Tasks B. Humensky 2/24/2012 CTA-SCT Mtg - SLAC

2 Goal for Today We’ve seen already what work is done and in progress.
Work out a task list with some prioritization and idea of critical timescales. Start to flesh out the details of what’s needed for some of these tasks (perhaps side discussions). What specific questions need to be addressed? What specifications need to be determined? On what timescale are answers needed to make hardware decisions? What options should be explored? Can draw on the idealized sims & toy models to set the range of what needs to be explored.

3 Tasks Task List: (names are people I'm aware of working on things - corrections/additions welcome - ideal to have ~2/task) Processing Hybrid-1 simulations (Guillaume, Brian, Aurelien, Stefan Ohm) Studies of image cleaning (Jon D, Tobias) Pulse integration strategy (?) Studies of trigger efficiency, optimization (Daniel Nieto, ?) Studies of idealized performance (Matthew W, Jon D, Tobias) SiPM camera simulations (Matthew, Guillaume - timescale tbd) Toleration of cross-talk, toleration of thermal noise NSB rates for very small pixels, very small optical PSF Blue/UV response (and eg first-surface mirrors) Readout studies: impact of sampling rate, pulse shape (FWHM), cross-talk, dynamic range, noise (?) Utility of fast pulse in DAQ Optical studies: impact of mirror misalignments, focal plane distortions, vignetting/shadowing (?) PSF specification Update toy model studies, compare with idealized performance (Slava, Matthew?) Array trigger (?) Gaps in the array – eg, due to deadtime of subarrays Relative timing between telescopes – useful? If so, how well does it need to be known? SCT Prototype Stand-alone performance (?) VERITAS + SCT Prototype performance (?) Data challenges Off-axis performance comparison between DC and SC Field of View optimization / justification Hadronic rejection without angular rejection – best sensitivity for extended and diffuse sources Is data from non-triggering telescopes useful? Effect of gaps, dead spaces in cameras, missing PMTs due to stars Tolerable NSB rate per pixel

4 Specifications Parameter Value Notes Structure Optics [primary]
Mechanical structure holding the mirrors No dynamic alignment needed. Alignment corrections on a seasonal basis is enough Mounting points of the mirror segments 3-point Optics [primary] [secondary] Surface figure error ∼100 μm ∼120 μm Over a scale of ~1 m. Similar to sub-mm radio telescopes. Primary surface roughness, RMS 1.2 nm 2-5 nm On spatial scales ≤ 330 nm. Segment Spot Size Segment-to-Segment Alignment (scatter of normals) 0.1 mrad 0.25 mrad At 330 nm. Assumed Gaussian Vignetting allowed Unvignetted size 3.5 deg Reflectance ≥92% at 330 nm [same] ≥ 85% for nm Camera Number of Pixels 11328 To provide an 8° diameter FoV. Pixel Angular Size 0.067° Set by physical size of available devices. Trigger Pixel Angular Size 0.134° 2x2 analog clipped sum of physical pixels. Readout Speed 1 GSPS Buffer Depth 8 μs Optical Crosstalk Electronic Crosstalk Eigen frequency Size/weight/power consumption? Environment Altitude Humidity Temperature Ice Build-up Wind

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