Eiríkur S. Jóhannsson Gunnar Smári Egilsson Viðar Þorkelsson

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1 Eiríkur S. Jóhannsson Gunnar Smári Egilsson Viðar Þorkelsson
Interim financial statement of Og fjarskipta hf. Second quarter of 2005 Eiríkur S. Jóhannsson Gunnar Smári Egilsson Viðar Þorkelsson

2 Agenda Consolidated financial overview
An interim consolidated financial statement June 30th, 2005 Analysis of each entity of the corporation by sector – telecommunication and media Principal tasks for Og Vodafone - the telecommuncation sector Principal tasks for media the media sector Reorganization – a new organization chart Updated forecast for 2005 and the future

3 Consolidated financial overview – 1H 2005
Profit before income tax ISK 401 mill. Net profit ISK 321 mill. Consolidated EBITDA of ISK mill. or 21,1% of total revenues Sales of ISK mill. Growth in sales of 113% from 1H 2004 By including revenues from the media sector in 1H 2004 then the growth in sales is ISK mill or 18% Cash from operations excluding interest is ISK mill Investments in fixed assets is ISK 563 mill Financial outcome is in accord with budget

4 Consolidated financial statement June 30th, 2005

5 Consolidated Income statement
Growth in Income Revenues increase by 113% between 1H04 and 1H05 18% increase when the media sector is taken into account in H1 2004 Cost of services sold An increase of 130% Contribution margin The contribution margin is 39% the first 6 months of 2005 compared to 44% the first 6 months of 2004. Operating expenses An increase of 97% In thousands ISK 6 months 2005 6 months 2004 Variance Sales Cost of services sold Contribution margin Other operating revenues 48.862 77.524 Operating expenses Operating income (-loss) Financial income (– expense) Share of loss of affiliated companies Profit (-loss) before income tax Income tax Net profit (-loss) 99.492

6 Consolidated Balance Sheet
In thousands ISK Variance Assets Fixed assets Current assets Accounts receivable -805 Non- entered services 89.333 Total assets Fixed assets Decrease slightly due to the depreciation of fixed assets Accounts Receivable No changes between periods

7 Consolidated Balance Sheet
Stockholders´ equity Increases due to increase in retained earnings Current liablities Have decreased since the refinancing was concluded in the beginning of 2005 Interest bearing debt less cash and cash equivalent Amounts to ISK mill. Current Ratio 0,92 and has increased from year-end 2004 when it was 0,66 In thousands ISK Variance Liablilities and Stockholders´ Equity Stockholders´ equity Liabilities Long term liabilities Current liabilities Total Liabilities 75.379 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS´ EQUITY

8 Consolidated Cash Flow
In thousands ISK 6 months 2005 6 months 2004 Net earnings (-loss) according to Income Statement Adjustments for non-cash items Depreciation / amortization Gain on the sale of fixed assets Changes in operating assets and liabilities CASH PROVIDED FROM OPERATION EXCLUDING FINANCIAL ITEMS Received interest revenues 86.028 38.238 Paid interest expense NET CASH PROVIDED FROM OPERATION INVESTING ACTIVITIES FINANCING ACTIVITIES 35.676 Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the period CASH PROVIDED FROM OPERATIONS Amounted to ISK mill or an increase of ISK 557 mill between years INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Investments in fixed assets of ISK 563 mill. Investments in intangibles are ISK 93 mill.of which ISK 68 mill are due to vegna licensing

9 Sales itemized by services H1 2005

10 EBITDA - consolidated Irregular revenues and cost are exempt in this presentation. EBITDA grows by 64% from Q to Q2 2005 528

11 Net profits – devlopment in million ISK

12 Segment reporting – H1 2005 Og Vodafone 365 media Elimination
Consolidated Sales Cost of services sold Contribution margin Other operating revenue 48.489 373 48.862 Operating expenses 60.751 Operating profit before inerests and taxes (EBIT)

13 Og Vodafone Telecommunication sector

14 Overview Telecommunication
Sales are recorded at ISK mill. in H1 2005 A 14,5% increase in sales from H or ISK 464 mill. EBITDA in H is ISK mill. and increases by 19% for the same period last year EBITDA ratio is 27% of total revenues in H compared to 26% in H1 2004 Investments in fixed assets is ISK 382 mill. Sales are recorded at ISK mill. in Q2 2005 A 14,5% increase in sales from Q or ISK 246 mill. EBITDA in Q er 526 mill. and increases by 14,6% from Q2 2004 EBITDA ratio is 26,7% of total revenues in Q compared to 26,9% in Q2 2004

15 Sales itemized by services - H1 2005

16 Quarterly revenues itemized by services – Og Vodafone
Mobile 11% increase Fixed line -0,1% decrease Data transfer 50% increase

17 Cost of services sold – as percentage of sales

18 Contribution margin – as percentage of sales

19 Operating expenses – as percentage of sales

20 Salaries and related expenses* - as a percentage of sales
* Irregular one-time expense is exluded in Q3 2004

21 EBITDA – as a percentage of total revenues
Note Irregular revenues and costs are excluded in this presentation of EBITDA. EBITDA EBITDA decreases slightly between years or from 26,9% in Q to 26,7% in Q 459 m.kr. 526 m.kr. 459 m.kr.

22 365 media The media sector

23 Overview Media Total sales in H1 2005 were ISK 3.308 mill.
Increase in revenues is 25,5% from H to H1 2005 Print 49% Broadcasting 13% EBITDA H is ISK 453 mill. EBITDA ratio in H was 14% Investments in fixed assets is ISK 181 mill in H1 2005 Total sales in Q were ISK mill. and increased by ISK 356 mill. from Q or 27% EBITDA in Q was ISK 226 mill. but was ISK 227 in Q1 EBITDA ratio in Q was 13,7% but was 14,2% in Q1 2005

24 365 broadcasting – sales trendline
Growth in sales An increase of 13% Q and Q2 2004

25 365 print – sales trendline
Growth in sales An increase of 49% Q and Q2 2004

26 Cost of services sold – as a percentage of sales

27 Contribution margin – as a percentage of sales

28 Operating expenses – as a percentage of sales

29 EBITDA – as a percentage of total revenues
Note Irregular revenues and cost are excluded in this presentation of EBITDA. EBITDA EBITDA remains constant between quarters, 1Q05 vs 2Q05

30 Main projects in Q2 – 2005 Media
New financial weekly periodical – “Markaðurinn” (the market) WebTV Sirkus – new “concept” for media Re-organization of the news department in broadcasting New News channel The acquisition of the production company Saga Film

31 Main projects in Q2 – 2005 Og Vodafone
The acquisition of P/F Kall in the Faroe Islands Marketing of a new comprehensive service Og1 New data network – Metro net in cooperation with OR “Mobile Connect Card” from Vodafone Group a data card for laptops Implementation of a new prepaid system Continuous build up of the mobile network GPRS national roaming agreement with Síminn Additional international roaming agreements – f.ex. Camel agreements Upgrading of the ADSL network

32 Organizational changes


34 Dagsbrún hf. Dagsbrún will own and operate entities that compete in the telecommunication, news and entertainment sectors The parent company will put more emphasis on expansion and growth both domestically and abroad Dagsbrún aims to be an international telecommunication and media corporation The company aims to double its operational activities in the next months Finance and financing activities will be carried out in the parent company servicing the subsidiaries The new organizational chart is intended to add value for shareholders, customers and employees

35 Financial forecast and the future

36 Updated forecasted financial outcome 2005 Consolidated
Turnover for 2005 has been updated and is predicted to be ISK – mill. EBITDA for the year 2005 is expected to fall in the range ISK to mill. An additional investment in a new data network (EDGE) is planned ISK 250 mill. The company aims to double its operational activities in the next months

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