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Focus on Heart Failure (Relates to Chapter 35,

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1 Focus on Heart Failure (Relates to Chapter 35,
“Nursing Management: Heart Failure,” in the textbook)

2 Heart Failure Syndrome involving impaired cardiac pumping
Heart is unable to produce an adequate cardiac output (CO) to meet metabolic needs Characterized by Ventricular dysfunction Reduced exercise tolerance Diminished quality of life Shortened life expectancy

3 Heart Failure (Cont’d)
Associated with long-standing hypertension and coronary artery disease Affects about 5 million people in the United States The most common reason for hospitalization in adults >65 years of age

4 Etiology and Pathophysiology
Primary risk factors Coronary artery disease (CAD) Advancing age Contributing risk factors Hypertension Diabetes Tobacco use Obesity High serum cholesterol African American descent

5 Systolic vs. Diastolic Heart Failure
Systolic failure is the most common cause Hallmark finding: Decrease in the left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) Caused by Impaired contractile function (e.g., MI) Increased afterload (e.g., hypertension) Cardiomyopathy Mechanical abnormalities (e.g., valve disease)

6 Etiology and Pathophysiology (Cont’d)
Diastolic failure Impaired ability of the ventricles to relax and fill during diastole, resulting in decreased stroke volume and CO Diagnosis based on the presence of pulmonary congestion, pulmonary hypertension, ventricular hypertrophy, normal ejection fraction (EF)

7 Etiology and Pathophysiology (Cont’d)
Diastolic failure Caused by Left ventricular hypertrophy from chronic hypertension Aortic stenosis Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Isolated right ventricular diastolic failure from pulmonary hypertension

8 Mixed systolic and diastolic failure
Seen in disease states such as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) Poor EFs (<35%) High pulmonary pressures Biventricular failure (both ventricles may be dilated and have poor filling and emptying capacity)

9 Compensatory Mechanisms
Release of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) Increased heart rate (HR) Increased myocardial contractility Peripheral vasoconstriction These increase myocardial oxygen demand and workload Kidneys release renin RAAS Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted and causes Increased water reabsorption in the renal tubules leading to water retention and increased blood volume

10 Compensatory Mechanisms
Endothelin is stimulated by ADH, catecholamines, and angiotensin II and causes Arterial vasoconstriction Increase in cardiac contractility Hypertrophy Proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor) Released by cardiac myocytes in response to cardiac injury Depress cardiac function by causing cardiac hypertrophy, contractile dysfunction, and myocyte cell death Over time, a systemic inflammatory response is mounted, resulting in Cardiac wasting Muscle myopathy Fatigue

11 Consequences of compensatory mechanisms
Ventricular dilation: Enlargement of the chambers of the heart that occurs when pressure in the left ventricle is elevated Initially an adaptive mechanism Eventually this mechanism becomes inadequate and CO decreases Hypertrophy: Increase in the muscle mass and cardiac wall thickness Has poor contractility Has higher oxygen needs Has poor coronary artery circulation Is prone to ventricular dysrhythmias

12 Counterregulatory processes
Natriuretic peptides: atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and b-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) Released in response to increases in atrial volume and ventricular pressure Promote venous and arterial vasodilation, reducing preload and afterload Prolonged HF leads to a depletion of these factors Natriuretic peptides are endothelin and aldosterone antagonists Enhance diuresis Block effects of the RAAS Natriuretic peptides inhibit the development of cardiac hypertrophy and may have antiinflammatory effects

13 Counterregulatory processes
Nitric oxide (NO) Released from the vascular endothelium in response to the compensatory mechanisms NO relaxes arterial smooth muscle, resulting in vasodilation and decreased afterload

14 Types of Heart Failure Left-sided HF (most common) from left ventricular dysfunction (e.g., MI hypertension, CAD, cardiomyopathy) Backup of blood into the left atrium and pulmonary veins Pulmonary congestion Edema

15 Left-sided Heart Failure
Fig. 35-1

16 Types of Heart Failure Right-sided HF from left-sided HF, cor pulmonale, right ventricular MI Backup of blood into the right atrium and venous systemic circulation Jugular venous distention Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly Ascites Peripheral edema

17 Clinical Manifestations
Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) Pulmonary edema, often life-threatening Early Increase in the respiratory rate Decrease in PaO2 Later Tachypnea Respiratory acidosis

18 Clinical Manifestations (Cont’d)
Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) Physical findings Orthopnea Dyspnea, tachypnea Use of accessory muscles Cyanosis Cool and clammy skin

19 Clinical Manifestations (Cont’d)
Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) Physical findings Cough with frothy, blood-tinged sputum Breath sounds: Crackles, wheezes, rhonchi Tachycardia Hypotension or hypertension

20 Pulmonary Edema Fig. 35-2

21 Clinical Manifestations
Chronic heart failure Fatigue Dyspnea, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Persistent, dry cough, unrelieved with position change or over-the-counter cough suppressants

22 Clinical Manifestations (Cont’d)
Dependent edema Edema may be pitting in nature Sudden weight gain of >3 lb (1.4 kg) in 2 days may indicate an exacerbation of HF Renal failure may contribute to fluid retention Nocturia Skin Dusky, cool, damp to touch Lower extremities: Shiny and swollen, diminished or absent hair growth, pigment changes

23 Clinical Manifestations (Cont’d)
Chronic heart failure Restlessness, confusion, decreased memory Chest pain (angina) Anorexia, nausea

24 Atrial fibrillation (most common dysrhythmia)
Complications Pleural effusion Atrial fibrillation (most common dysrhythmia) Loss of the atrial contraction (kick) can reduce CO by up to 30% Promotes thrombus/embolus formation Treatment may include cardioversion, antidysrhythmics, and/or anticoagulants High risk of fatal dysrhythmias with HF and an EF <35% HF can lead to severe hepatomegaly, especially with RV failure Fibrosis and cirrhosis can develop over time Renal insufficiency or failure

25 Diagnostic Studies Primary goal is to determine underlying cause (work-up will include) History and physical examination Chest x-ray ECG Lab studies (e.g., cardiac enzymes, BNP) Hemodynamic assessment Echocardiogram Stress testing Cardiac catheterization Ejection fraction (EF)

26 Classification Systems
New York Heart Association Functional Classification of HF Classes I to IV ACC/AHA Stages of HF Stages A to D

27 Nursing and Collaborative Management
Overall goals of therapy for ADHF and chronic HF Decrease patient symptoms Improve LV function Reverse ventricular remodeling Improve quality of life Decrease mortality and morbidity

28 Nursing and Collaborative Management ADHF
Decrease intravascular volume Reduces venous return and preload Loop diuretics (e.g., furosemide) Ultrafiltration or aquapheresis Decrease venous return (preload) Reduces the amount of volume returned to the LV during diastole High-Fowler’s position IV nitroglycerin

29 Nursing and Collaborative Management ADHF (Cont’d)
Decrease afterload Improves CO and decreases pulmonary congestion IV sodium nitroprusside (Nipride) Morphine sulfate Nesiritide (Natrecor) Improve gas exchange and oxygenation Supplemental oxygen Noninvasive ventilatory support (BiPAP)

30 Nursing and Collaborative Management ADHF (Cont’d)
Improve cardiac function For patients who do not respond to conventional pharmacotherapy (e.g., diuretics, vasodilators, morphine sulfate) Inotropic therapy Digitalis -Adrenergic agonists (e.g., dopamine) Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (e.g., milrinone) Hemodynamic monitoring

31 Nursing and Collaborative Management ADHF (Cont’d)
Reduce anxiety Distraction, imagery Sedative medications (e.g., morphine sulfate, benzodiazepines)

32 Collaborative Management Chronic HF
Main treatment goals Treat the underlying cause and contributing factors Maximize CO Provide treatment to alleviate symptoms Improve ventricular function Improve quality of life Preserve target organ function Improve mortality and morbidity

33 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Oxygen administration Physical and emotional rest Nonpharmacologic therapies Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or biventricular pacing Cardiac transplantation

34 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Nonpharmacologic therapies (cont’d) Intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) therapy Ventricular assist devices (VADs) Destination therapy—permanent, implantable VAD

35 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Therapeutic objectives for drug therapy Identification of type of HF and causes Correction of sodium and water retention and volume overload Reduction of cardiac workload Improvement of myocardial contractility Control of precipitating and complicating factors

36 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Drug therapy Diuretics Thiazide Loop Spironolactone

37 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Drug therapy (cont’d) Vasodilators ACE inhibitors Angiotensin II receptor blockers Nitrates -Adrenergic blockers Nesiritide

38 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Drug therapy (cont’d) Positive inotropic agents Digitalis Calcium sensitizers BiDil (combination drug containing isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine) approved only for the treatment of HF in African Americans

39 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Nutritional therapy Diet and weight reduction recommendations must be individualized and culturally sensitive Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is recommended Sodium is usually restricted to 2.5 g per day

40 Collaborative Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Nutritional therapy Fluid restriction not generally required Daily weights are important Same time, same clothing each day Weight gain of 3 lb (1.4 kg) over 2 days or a 3- to 5-lb (2.3 kg) gain over a week should be reported to health care provider

41 Nursing Management Chronic HF
Assessment Subjective Data Past health history Functional health patterns Medications Objective Data Physical examination

42 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Nursing Diagnoses Activity intolerance Fluid volume excess Impaired gas exchange Anxiety Deficient knowledge

43 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Planning: Overall Goals Decrease in symptoms (e.g., shortness of breath, fatigue) Decrease in peripheral edema Increase in exercise tolerance Compliance with the medical regimen No complications related to HF

44 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Health Promotion Treatment or control of underlying heart disease key to preventing HF and episodes of ADHF (e.g., valve replacement, control of hypertension) Antidysrhythmic agents or pacemakers for patients with serious dysrhythmias or conduction disturbances Flu and pneumonia vaccinations

45 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Health Promotion Patient teaching: medications, diet, and exercise regimens Exercise training (e.g., cardiac rehabilitation) improves symptoms but often underprescribed Home nursing care for follow-up and to monitor patient’s response to treatment may be required

46 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Acute Intervention HF is a progressive disease; treatment plans are established with quality-of-life goals Symptom management is controlled with self-management tools (e.g., daily weights)

47 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Acute Intervention Salt must be restricted Energy must be conserved Support systems are essential to the success of the entire treatment plan

48 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Ambulatory and Home Care Explain physiologic changes that have occurred to patient Assist patient to adapt to both the physiologic and psychologic changes Integrate patient and patient’s family or support system in the overall care plan

49 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Implementation: Patient education Medications (lifelong) Taking pulse rate Know when drugs (e.g., digitalis, -adrenergic blockers) should be withheld and reported to health care provider

50 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Implementation: Patient Education Home BP monitoring Signs of hypo- and hyperkalemia if taking diuretics that deplete or spare potassium Instruct patient in energy-conserving and energy-efficient behaviors

51 Nursing Management Chronic HF (Cont’d)
Evaluation Respiratory status Fluid balance Activity tolerance Anxiety control Knowledge of disease process

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