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In Text Citations MLA Style.

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1 In Text Citations MLA Style

2 Parenthetical citations
This is just a fancy way of saying you are to place relevant source information in parentheses after a quote or a paraphrase.

3 In-Text MlA Citations There are different ways to work-in citations. The three main types are: Paraphrasing information (putting it into your own words) and giving credit to the appropriate source for the information at the end of the sentence in a set of parenthesis (known as a parenthetical citation). Example: The Purdue OWL is accessed by millions of users every year. Its MLA Formatting and Style Guide is one of the most popular resources (Stolley). *This is not a direct quote (you’ve restated it in your own words) so you only need name the title of the source.

4 In-Text MlA Citations Using a direct quote from a source to support a point you are trying to make in your paper and supplying a parenthetical citation at the end. Example: One online film critic stated that “Fitzcarraldo is “…a beautiful and terrifying critique of obsession and colonialism” (“Herzog: A Life”).

5 In-Text MlA Citations Using phrases such as “As stated in…”, “According to…”, “The article” _______” found at ________________ says that …” to lead up to the name of the source and the corresponding information. Example: According to the 2010 article “TV’s Top Kid Actor Makes How Much?” on the iVillage Entertainment News website, the highest paid teen boy and girl – both 16 years old – on television are Angus T. Jones and Miranda Cosgove. *No in text citation needed because you are stating the source directly in your sentence.

6 In Text MLA citations Practice!
Using the back page of your handout, practice the three different types of in text citations you just learned. Read the article entitled, “Frog” and the subsequent MLA citation taken from the website that was the source for the article. Note that no author was given so the title “Frog” is listed.

7 MLA In text citation practice
Example #1: paraphrased information with parenthetical citation: Although frogs have lungs, they have a poorly developed breathing system (Frog).

8 MLA In text citation practice
Example #2: your words followed by a direct quote with a parentheitcal citation: We mainly associate frogs with water. “When in wet places, they also absorb much dissolved oxygen through their skins.” (Frog 2008)

9 MLA In text citation practice
Example #3: A phrase that introduces the source of the information, followed by the parphrased or quoted information from the source: In the article, “Frog” the author states that croaking sounds made by frogs come from “true voice boxes.”

10 In text MlA citations in your paper
Now take a look at your paper. If you have quotes or facts/statistics, you must give those source credit for the information. Normally this is done in two places in a persuasive essay, In text citations Work Cited Page

11 In text MLA citations Plagerism
As you work on the second and subsequent paragraphs, be sure to cite all sources properly. Otherwise, this is known as Plagerism Which will result in a zero grade and is considered a serious offense in the Appoquinimink School District. Be sure to cite!!!

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