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Interprofessional Collaboration How Do We Get There?

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1 Interprofessional Collaboration How Do We Get There?
Todd James Indiana University Geriatrics 2015 IU Geriatrics

2 Goal of Mini-Course As a physician working with other health professionals, the physician will understand, observe and initiate the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be an interprofessional collaborator. The goal for this lecture is that: For purposes of this course, Complexity is the set of person specific factors that interfere with usual care and communication for whatever conditions the patient has. IU Geriatrics 2

3 Outline of Session Ice breaker Introductory material
Interprofessional pocket card Team meeting video observation exercise Clinical observation exercise Debrief Adjournment

4 Questions for the Audience
What does Interdisciplinary mean? Please compare and contrast with Interprofessional. What are you thinking?

5 What Is Interprofessional Practice?
Interprofessional practice occurs when “multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care.” (WHO, 2010)

6 What is Interprofessional Education?
“Interprofessional Education occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care.” Centre For The Advancement Of Interprofessional Education, 2002

7 Aren’t We Already Interprofessional ?
Crossing the Quality Chasm (IOM 2001) PCMH? Acute Care for Elders Teams? 30-day Readmits? Home Health Agencies? Pharmacist on my ward team? Do health professionals learn “about, with and from” each other?

8 Interprofessional “When I entered medical school, it was all about being an individual expert. Now it’s all about applying that expertise to team-based patient care.” Dr. Darrell G. Kirch President and Chief Executive Association of American Medical Colleges Harris, Gardiner, “New for Aspiring Doctors, the People Skills Test.” NYT, July 10, 2011.

9 Teamwork … Essential Interprofessional
“Teamwork has become so essential to medicine that the school not only chooses its students based on their willingness and ability to collaborate effectively, but also requires students to take teamwork classes.” Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute

10 New Paradigm(s) Southwest Airlines vs. Waldorf Astoria Hotel
Starbucks vs. Ruth Chris Steakhouse Checklist Manifesto vs. Hierarchical Health Services Gawande, Atul. The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, Henry Holt and Co. Metropolitan Books. 2009

11 Increase in Older Population
Increase in Complexity Increase in Chronic Disease Current systems are not working. Team based approaches improve outcomes for individual patients and possibly society. Institute of Medicine (IOM). Retooling for an Aging America. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2008.

12 Vulnerable Health Professions
Silos of Education Silos of Practice Silos of Regulation Silos of Licensure Silos of Professional Societies

13 Multidisciplinary: Interprofessional
IP is a new word to describe a new paradigm IP described by competencies, CIHC & IPEC Adopted by numerous professional societies Interprofessional embedded in concept of professionalism Become an Interprofessional Collaborator

14 IPEC Sponsors American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy American Dental Education Association Association of American Medical Colleges Association of Schools of Public Health

15 IPEC / CICH Discussion of pocket card – also find copy at OnCourse IP Collaborator site.

16 Interprofessional Collaborator
A person with the skills, knowledge and attitudes for collaborative, comprehensive care for patients. Collaborative abilities achieved on three levels: 1) the traditional profession specific practice, 2) the individual`s practice within a team and then 3) the total team. Barr, H. (1998). Competent to collaborate: Towards a competency-based model for interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, Volume 12, p

17 IPEC / CICH Competency examples. Make introductions
Identify power gradients Support participation Negotiate what is possible Clarify language Promote collaborative practice environment

18 GITT Video Observation Exercise
Fulmer T, Hyer K, Flaherty E, Mezey M, Whitelaw N, Jacobs MO, Luchi R, Hansen JC, Evans DA, Cassel C, Kotthoff-Burrell E, Kane R, Pfeiffer E. Geriatric interdisciplinary team training program: evaluation results. J Aging Health Aug;17(4): PubMed PMID:

19 Clinical Observation ACE=Acute Care for Elders HC=House Calls
HABC=Healthy Aging Brain Clinic Geri Psych CSH=Center for Senior Health GRACE=Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders

20 Your Interprofessional Collaborator Observations
Observe and report (min. 2x) using the Survey Monkey link in your . When you demonstrate IP Collaborator competencies, report them. Remember, don’t give identifiable patient information.

21 Debrief Materials also on OnCourse. Any questions?
Have we forgotten anything?

22 Adjourn Enjoy your IU Geriatrics Block Rotation!

23 Thank you! IU Geriatrics 23

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