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Old Kingdom Egypt By: Elena Orban

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Presentation on theme: "Old Kingdom Egypt By: Elena Orban"— Presentation transcript:

1 Old Kingdom Egypt By: Elena Orban

2 King Djoser (Netjerikhet)

3 During What Dynasty did King Djoser Rule and What Was He Well Known For?
King Djoser ruled during the 3rd Dynasty.

4 What Was He Well Known For?
King Djoser was known best for the birth of the Step Pyramid. -A Step Pyramid is a structure that came before the genuine pyramid but after the mastaba. -The Step Pyramid was the first structure to be constructed completely of stone. -It was a tomb for pharaohs.

5 What was King Djoser’s Other Name?
Netjerikhet was King Djoser’s other name.

6 Where Did He Move The Royal Capitol and Necropolis to During His Reign?
He moved the royal capitol city to Memphis. He moved the necropolis to Saqqara.

7 Western Desert Eastern Desert Sinai Peninsula Why was Djoser able to complete a lot of projects in the time of his ruling? He was given the opportunity because there were no worries of attacks to Egypt. Natural barriers surrounded Egypt.

8 In What Other Ways Did Egypt Progress during Djoser’s Rule?
The Step Pyramid was developed. The Complex in Saqqara (necropolis) was established.

9 Who Was Mostly Responsible For Helping Djoser build the Pyramids at Saqqara?
Imhotep was mostly responsible for the mind blowing monuments.

10 Imhotep

11 What Was Imhotep’s Job Under King Djoser?
Imhotep was all of the following under Djoser: Vizier (High Assistant) High Priest Architect

12 Was Imhotep Born Into a Common or Royal Family?
He was born into a common family.

13 What Were the Skills That Imhotep Possessed?
He was a talented: Poet Architect Priest-Physician

14 What Was Imhotep Most Remembered For?
He was most remembered for his designing of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara for King Djoser.

15 King Djoser’s Step Pyramid!
Group of temples, pavilions, halls, chapels, and storerooms. Columns that connected to limestone walls

16 Thanks For Watching!

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